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Posts posted by Jose_Darkeye

  1. 4 hours ago, RiverOfKeys said:

    I'm having trouble with the old version of bluestacks (haven't tried the CN version yet), which I downloaded from filehippo

    It's giving the same error as the newest version of bluestacks? Closes/crashes after I skip through the enable back thing, even though I'm using the old bluestacks

    A little help? @Jose_Darkeye


    Don't know how to help ya because i didn't have that problem for some reason. It went without a problem aside from the usual 803 thing and still does. Weird.


  2. 9 hours ago, Rapier said:

    Sorry for the stupid request, but could you give me a link to that version? I googled for it but it isn't working (FEH just closes when I start it).

    I don't know if it's safe to share emulator links so i sent it to ya via pm. Either way to get the version i did the thing you need to search for in google is this "Download BlueStacks App Player - FileHippo"

  3. 1 hour ago, Kurisumasu said:

    @Jose_Darkeye just download the CN version. disable google stuff and it should work perfectly fine >:

    Actually all i had to do is disable everything google related. It now works like a charm + bluestacks is english. ~3 hours of playtime and no errors after the initial ones. The only possible "tricky" part is using the back trick to avoid the google play services thing.

  4. 2 hours ago, Natsume said:

    @Jose_Darkeye is that english version 

    It is. Do note that the 803-3001 error is still present tho and very frequent.

    21 minutes ago, Ninferno said:

    Interesting. In that case, maybe many builds around that time (2.5.x.x or 2.6.x.x) will all work just fine then. Good to know.

    As i said above, the 803-3001 error is still present and very frequent. Is it the same deal with the chinese bluestacks?

  5. On 9/7/2017 at 6:35 AM, Ninferno said:

    Good news, guys. People are reporting older versions of Bluestacks work just fine with 1.7.



    They are using Bluestacks version, engine version



    In settings -> engine settings ->  engine mode, choose "compatibility" over "performance". These are direct translation from Chinese in the screenshot; the English texts might vary a bit. I will update accordingly once I tried it myself when I get the chance.



    Do post your findings if this helps you; this is looking promising. :)

    Using bluestacks version The game works there as well + you don't have to deal with moonrunes that way.

  6. Hackers, most probably. Some browsers are created especially for hacking, so doing a browser scan is a good defense mechanism.

    It might be temporary (1-2 weeks) or it might be permanent. Who knows.

  7. I did a substitute run recently and in that run i had Lex give Aira the brave sword via the talk event. Adter that, Lex was never seen outside the castle. Later on, in chapter 5, nearing the end of it i find out that Lex and Aira are lovers. So, no. You can't. Their love grows slowly even tho one is in the castle and the other one is outside all the time.

    And then Aira needed to be slaughtered by Reptor

  8. A unit can promote in the home castle once he/she reaches level 20 or above.

    Talk events can give two units love points between each-other or even an item. You can learn about the different talk events here http://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/miscellaneous/events/

    Growth rates in this game work like this : growth rates + holy blood bonus growth rates

    Each holy blood has different growths that affect different stats.

  9. My thoughts on all censorships is : as long as it doesn't take away a key gameplay element, its ok, they can make the girls wear eskimo suits for all i care. I mean, if i really wanted to see "anime boobs and butt" i'd go to a hentai site, not buy a game from a company that tries to be family friendly.

  10. Not my most shameful moment, but it's up there.

    Around the age from 9-12 where i thought my country was a complete garbadge can, and i wanted to go away from it as fast as possible. At the time i didn't know that, all along, i was standing on golden soil... I eventually traveled to another country and felt what it was like to go away from the motherland. Now my opinion has changed 100% about my country and i'm proud to say i'm lovin' my days on it!

  11. Well, as long as puberty doesn't hit you on the back of the head like a rock, u good.

    I personally like to think of puberty/adolescence as a "class tree branch off" if ya know what i mean. Idk where i'm at tho :P

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