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Posts posted by MCProductions

  1. Put bluntly, Taguels are an inprovement from a gameplay standpoint but a downgrade from a lore standpoint.

    Laguz, unlike Taguels, are often forced, in RD espiecially, and you are often forced to wait around for the transformation gauge to refill.

    They share the same weaknesses too, so while they both suck, if I had to pick... LET THERE BE BUNNIE MEN!!!!

  2. While I can't help you with 1 or 2, I do know that Sacred Stones has a crapton of FE7's weapons dummied out that can still be accessed and edited in Nightmare.

    If memory serves, the Mani Katti, Forblaze, and Auroela are there.

    On the dropdown list, they are found near items like the vulnerary I belive.

    NOTE: Sacred Stones only for these. The Mario Kart Double Dash items work well for custom weapons in Seven and are towards the bottom of the weapon editor I belive. Six, I had to use Al's Sword and Gant's Lance

  3. Disclaimer: I've only gone through RD once on easy mode due to me not enjoying it as much as other FEs, so take my next comment with a grain of salt.

    Rhys is more useful initially due to higher starting stats, and while I personally never used either him or Mist due to Ike and Mia roflstomping everything, I would go with Rhys just for that.

    As for Endgame, Rhys get benched

  4. Seven only had 2 good prepromotes (Jaffar and Pent) and they come so late game that it was sort of a requirement for them to be that way.

    8 is super easy anyway and yes ALL of its prepromotes bar Dozla were amazing.

    9 had few prepromos worth using due to BEXP

    10, see 9

    11, if its prepromoed it sucks

    12, see 11

    13, see 11

    (bare in mind that 13's prepromos can still be top teir, but more effort is needed)

  5. Honestly, I like them storywise, but gameplay wise, I prefer Manaketes and (don't hate me) Taguels.

    That said, I prefer Laguz to Beorc barring Ike and Mia in both games cause so little effort actually has to be put in to use them.

    I prefer Manaketes and Taguels because of their stones, and espicially when their rebuyable.

    People want a balanced FE, I want Jugdral style holy weapons with infinite durability, pair up, and easy access Dragonstones

  6. In just FE the Fire Dragon immediately comes to mind

    However from all videogames, I have to go with the Morgan boss fight from Syphon Filter 2

    You can't kill him until you complete a already difficult escort mission DURING the boss fight, cause if you do so the explosives he's wired to will detonate killing you, and he's equiped with the most powerful weapon in the game.

    This weapon is a grenade launcher, which if it hits anywhere close to the bombs the person you're escorting is trying to disarm, the bombs detonate meaning mission failed.

    Finally, endless groups of competant enemies swarm in to protect Morgan, which while not that big of a concern, can be deadly if your not careful.

    That said, I had a blast with this fight, as it shows how ridiculos the already difficult SF boss fights can get.

    I honestly could have put any boss from SF2 on here cause they are all highly insane in difficulty and original in concept.

  7. No song whatsoever unless I let the intro play out first then I get the old theme song

    anyway, the steps I took were taken stright from the Tutorial in Agro's music resource topic.

    First, I trimmed the song(the Syphon Filter theme) down to seven tracks like the tutorial said too.

    Then I put the brackets in the song to denote where I wanted the song to loop

    I then converted it to a .s file in Mid2Agb

    I then used MS Word (only text editor I have) to change the MVL from 127 to 65

    Used the Assemble Song command in Sappy to insert the song using the offset shown in the tutorial

    After the initial failure, I changed the MVL to every other digit between 60 and 70 INCLUDING 60 and 70

    and even attempted changeing the insert offset during my varing attempts at reinsertion with no results.

    Sorry I wasn't specific enough earier, I'm an idiot at times

  8. Personally, I never use either due to me never actually using healers.(I find vulneraries more convenient)

    If I had to use one however, I'd probaly go with Rhys since I usally stay away from mounts that aren't fliers and preference of light magic to another sword user.

    That and his name references Wrys, My personal favorite healer, and the only one I've ever used

  9. Okay, so I followed the tutorial found in the Music resource topic and got better results from these tools than the ELF method which resulted in me crashing the game. Even tho the game isn't crashing upon booting anymore like the elf method, the song I inserted over the Title theme will not play at all. Did I do something wrong?

  10. Honestly, has no one here played Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow Wars for the 3DS. It's basically FE with guns.

    It litterally starts with a early game bandit chapter

    While death isn't permenant like FE, thats because you Game Over when a character dies, so you have to restart.

    What, you don't reset when a character dies in FE, you monster

  11. PS1,Tho I did part with it due to unfortunate malfunctions, because nostalgia.

    The four game series I enjoyed as a kid all had their best entries on this console from Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Syphon Filter, and Army Men. This console was amazing.

    Its truly a shame that litterally ALL of these game series basically died with this console

  12. Five bucks no ones ever heard of this

    Army Men for the PC.

    Litterally, a game about those little plastic toy soldiers made for children in a full scale war.

    Interestingly enough, the game and its MANY sequels, potrayed death for an army man in a somewhat gross yet highly realistic(by toy standreds) fashion. This game WILL make you fear flamethrowers.

  13. Naesala's ending has him trying to atone for what he did. He doesn't get to be both a badass who gets stuff done with no remorse, and a tragic hero who was being forced to do bad things against his will.

    Considering how many OTHER characters got their personalities screwed up entirely between POR and RD; yes, Naesala can be both. BA who gets stuff done with no remorse in POR, and tragic hero who's being forced to do bad things against his will in RD.

  14. Wait, if anyone one who finishes a hack is 80% more successful than most hackers, then that means I'm a sucessful hacker in high school.

    Binding Blade +, while it does kinda suck, is a finished product, so yay I'm successful.

    I know I'm still a noob with lodes to learn, but hey, this boosts my ego. Thanks Crimson Red

  15. Frey survived dying.

    Let that sink in.

    By that logic, Emmeryn, Gangrel, Walhart, and Aversa are equally amazing

    Wymp,AKA replacement character 26 from SD, because puns are awesome.

    Also fond of Ayra from FE4, AKA the only playable Jugdral character I like.

    Finally, Farina is a character I should of mentioned in my previous post, second best peg sister in FE7 by far.

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