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Posts posted by MCProductions

  1. What I think: back to the secret shops for her

    What I hope: that she is a secret unlockable character for completeing all three routes 100% saying "It's a secret to everybody" as she's recruited.

  2. Thanks to outrealms, it can be assumed that everyone played through different versions of the same events.

    For example, in FE7 for me, Lyn x Eliwood is canon, but for you Eliwood x Ninian could be canon.

    Say I don't recuirt Tharja in Awakening, but you do. Different outrealms with similer, but still different overall events

  3. There's a new TRS translation going on, which has lead me to wonder where it and Berwick fit on the FE timeline. I'm not sure how much Kaga has said that connects FE and the Sagas, but I believe that Jugdral is mentioned at some point. I think it's even said that settlers from Jugdral inhabit the continent where TRS takes place in, though it is mentioned as Jugd.

    I'm pretty sure that TRS was originally named Emblem Saga and stared Xane from FE1(of all people) as the protaginist, and in the interest of advoiding lawsuits,(which failed, btw) Kaga changed both the premise and removed all FE related objects from the game,(tho they remain in the games code), so due to lawsuits, there's no official connections.

    That doesn't stop me from placeing it in my headcanons, however

  4. Since RD has no Trial Maps, do you mean Oliver? Because personally I tend to complain about this quite a lot. Like two weeks for example ago:

    Yes, I was referring to Oliver, but you're literally the only person I've ever seen complain about his reappearence whereas Gangrel and Emm, you can't speak their names without it turning it into the spotpas revival hatred thread.

    obvious reference to "Don't Speak Her Name" is obvious

  5. Wait WHAT? The thing was staged are you serious...

    If what I heard was right, yeah.

    I'm pretty certain I heard that it was planned on Fox News the day it happened.

    Even if it wasn't planned tho, it works out as great polictically as it would planned by making Republicans more relatable to the general public.

    I heard this as I walked into my house, so I might be wrong, but I trust my memory

  6. Uhm I dunno why Emmeryns sacrifice was stupid(she would have most certainly been killed by Gangrel anyway even if chrom handed over the fire emblem.And she extremely demoralised the plegian army with this,which basically caused their army to fall apart),but yeah it was still kinda stupid that she survived.

    Spotpass maps are just TRIAL MAPS, there is no reason to think that are canon, except MAYBE Priam's, and even tho, I was joking earier, why is there NO HATE towards RD for doing the SAME THING, except it's actually part of the plot there.

  7. Isn't killing off the characters you sided against one of the main points anyway.

    Besides, FE has proven that it can write a dark plot without appearing to be dark. Sacred Stones anyone

    That said, I've honestly wished that the Ace Attorney writers would write every series I enjoy. AA is literally the only franchise where every game had me hooked till the end. No other series, even ones I have nostalgia bias towards, I can claim that about.

  8. I'm not exactly sure what the problem with a character the player likes dying is. Some of the most poignant moments in the series have come from having the good guys killed off, including by other good guys (I'm thinking specifically of a scene in FE7, as well as some uncertainty when I first played through FE10 P3). And this is where I'll point out that basically all of the "great" anythings ever are tragedies.

    To be fair, that FE7 scene I think you're referring to is completely ruined from a tragedy standpoint 3 CHAPTERS LATER

  9. Weird, when I googled it, it linked me to Gbatemp, where all I got was a tutorial, and FEShrine, which has a broken download link.

    Thanks anyway.

    I try to avoid asking for help when I can, using the ultimate tutorial as a guide to aid me in hacking, but things keep screwing up here and there when I try to find this stuff, so I have to ask.

  10. topic

    I'm trying to insert songs into FE7 for the hack I'm working on, Project Utopia, which doesn't even have enough work done on it yet to justify a hacking concepts thread

    Anyways, I got Sappy working, but never could find Mid2GBA or Mid2AGB outside of the broken download link on FEShrine. So if any knows where to find either of these programs I would greatly apreciate it.

  11. Link uses hammers so axes can still work, but yeah Bow Knight is the obvious choice

    That is true, but hammers in FE suck outside of Knight killing, and due to my OCD tendencies in games, should he be a Hero, he would get a Forged Leif's Blade renamed Master Sword due to its appearance, and be stuck with a hammer.

    so yeah, Bow Knight for the win.

  12. I've done this making Lian Xing from Syphon Filter and Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell

    Both were obviously assassains for obvious reasons if you know their games

    I'm considering making Link a MU. His class would be Bow Knight if I did. Axes would kill the otherwise obvious hero class for Link

  13. I made MUs of Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell and Lian Xing from Syphon Filter in Awakening, and shipped Sam with Tiki, and Lian with Chrom.

    I honestly wish I was kidding

    Lyn and Ike are my favorite FE characters

    I like Lyon better as a character then EVERYONE ELSE in the cast of Sacred Stones

    I headcanon that the Smash Bretheren DLC is actually the war that decided who was in Brawl, Roy or Ike

  14. Oh. I've actually heard of that series, but have never looked into it at all. So I dunno.

    I've seen Crash Bandicoot gameplay, not interested.

    Eh, I was just making suggestions based on my experiences.

    I do admit, with the exception of FF7, nostalgia goggles play a big role in my PS1 preferences, it WAS my childhood afterall.

  15. For the PS1, I seriously recommend Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped if you enjoy platformers.

    Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage is also very enjoyable as a platformer.

    Syphon Filter 2 is my second favorite game on the platform, but if you don't enjoy shooters stay away.

    Finally, Final Fantasy 7 is, in my opinion, the best RPG on the console.

  16. The SNES and N64 can definitely connect to an HD TV. I should know, I was using them with one before the VC became a big thing for me (some of the games I liked weren't available on the VC at the time and a few still aren't, actually). You just have to get a certain cable for them.

    I might get in on this classic game/console sale though, because I'd like to get my hands on a PS1 (yes, I seriously said a non-Nintendo console!) so I can finally replay the one game I ever touched for it. I loved that game so much, but was unable to save because we only had a PS2 and no compatible memory card to save PS1 games. My brothers got me the Stuart Little 2 game (why is it only for PS1 though, that's BS...) and I couldn't stop playing it. I loved the movie, but I loved the game even more.

    Yeah, I need a PS1 or two again, my favorite game of all time ,Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, is PS1 exclusive, and the console we have that can play it, a PS3, is in my brother's room, which ligitimately scares me, so getting a PS1 or 2 for cheap would be very helpful

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