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Posts posted by MCProductions

  1. So overall problems I have found.you made it very one sided for the characters you wanted us to use. By RNG abuse you can clear the game with two people, ike and Roy. Lyn doesn't have enough power. The halberd is missing its ranged animation. Oujay doesn't have a new portrait with his new name, and Matthew still has Astor's name. All mercenary animations are the like animation and all of the swordsman animatioms are the Lyn animations, there is also miss pallating, unbalanced paladins, the legendary weapons are over powered, and there's some mixed up descriptions. More to come as I remember them

    Thanks for the bug reports, due to a real life problem I won't be able to fix these effectivly until this weekend, but I'll get on it as soon as I'm able.

    Honestly, this hacks sole purpose was so I could used to working FEditor and Nightmare so these bug reports are very helpful.

    I actually knew about the Mercenary and Myrmidon bugs and am working on a fix, tho the Legendary Weapons are intentionally OP because they are Legendary Weapons.

    Last thing, I recall giving Oujay a new class so there was another fighter before Bartae but I don't recall changeing his name. It might have been a different name in the translation I used so if you don't mind telling me the new name I would apreciate it.

  2. More difficult effect and I'm also trying to have one item from other continents. Archanea is already covered by the Starsphere so I'd rather not go that route again.

    Okay then, I'll just leave various suggestions, one from each contienent - Valentia due to me not going that far in Gaiden yet

    Jugdral- Valflame

    Magvel- Nighogg

    Tellius- either Double Bow or Urvan

    These should be easier to implement than the Geosphere.honestly, I've decided just now that I'll never ask for something in a hack I wouldn't be willing to try doing myself. These all can be used by someone in Pent's tale, I belive.

  3. Been considering changes to Pent's Tale ever since that Renault backstory conversation, lol.38nZZHF.pngChief among them are those items for the Emblemologist achievement. Not only were they really hard to get, but they were all totes useless. Now you'll be able to find the real(ish) Starsphere, with all of its +2 boosting glory (because Archsage!Pent/Dark Druid!Canas weren't OP enough). Planning on adding hold item effects for the other two as well, suggestions are welcome!And also it's a real escape mission now because we have those aaaaah

    Why not the Geo sphere to go with the star sphere.

    inflicting an instant 10 damage to everything makes FOW more bareable, I would think.

  4. Not sure if this is a bug or not but a different sound plays when an enemy halberdier crits than when a playable halberdier crits. The sound I'm referring to is when the lance hits the target.

    Not even sure if it's a bug with the hack or not but worth noting.

  5. Sure, I guess.

    There's not much about it to make open source, lol. Just changed 4 bytes is all.

    Thanks. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to hacking so the less there is for me to screw up the better.

    seriously, don't ask how my first attempt at hacking FE7 went, the image of what happened to the prolouge is SERIOUS creepypasta material

  6. Another problem with Awakening objectives was the lack of secondary objectives. For example, chapter 16 of FE6 is just a seize chapter, but you had to focus on keeping Douglas alive to recruit him and unlock the gaiden. Chapter 19 of FE9 is a defeat the boss mission, but you also had to focus on neutralizing Naesala. Awakening chapters had simple objectives and lacked these secondary objectives (outside of Severa's mission). I hope FE14 not only has varied map objectives, but secondary objectives as well.

    What, are you forgetting Donnel's mission, and never mind three of the spotpass paralouges had secondary objectives.

    Peaceful village also requires you to protect villagers. Some chapters like chapters 6 and 21, are escape and defend without outright telling you that they are escape and defend. Awakening wasn't as diverse as some of its predecessors, but saying it lacked any and all diverseity is a bit out there.

  7. It's ok I'll just list the things I see so you know.

    Deke's R description is "A former arena fighter from Etruria. Leads a band of mercenaries."

    I think Rebecca still has Bors description.

    Slater the chapter 3 boss has a silver lance he can't use

    Thanks, I'll keep these in mind and work on fixing them and maybe make ANOTHER patch tomorrow. Thankfully, since I'm on spring break, I should have plenty of time

    This should fix these problems as well as nerf Rude. As usual apply to a clean ROM

  8. Somethings I noticed

    The R description of lke is Dieck one and the R descriptions for Soren and Mia are swapped.

    The first one is because of me being to lazy to look up Deke's R description and the second one came me constantly getting Wade and Lot confused and therefore getting confused as to who went into which role.

    Seriously, Soren and Mia swapped spots three times when I was making this so next time I have time(I don't like working on Sundays due to religious reasons)I'll fix these bugs and nerf people where nerfing is needed.

    In other words, tomorrows update

  9. Alright, this should fix his alignment issues, but I haven't nerfed him again(tho what would you prefer, a level 7 armor knight, or a more powerful general)yet. What I was going for was making the early bosses more powerful to compensate for how powerful Lyn and Ike are from the gitgo, but Nightmare is behaveing oddly, so my nerfs seem to take little effect which is a poor excuse but its the truth

  10. Why is roud a green unit?

    Okay, I could have sworn when I nerfed him I hit enemy.

    Apparently Nightmare hates me today, 1st it buffs his stats FAR beyond a beatable point at this stage of the game then this. gimme a few to fix and hopefully Nightmare or FEditor won't glitch screw me this this time

  11. It works now thank you man! I was using the translation with Thany and not Shanna if that helps.

    Your welcome.

    Okay, that explains why the original wasn't working then.

    I hacked the translation with Shanna in stead of Thany, so its nice to know the hack dosen't transfer

    Edit: its come to my atention that Ruud is unbeatable without Heavy RNG manipulation

    this patch goes on a clean rom and should fix that problem

  12. I can't patch the rom. I tried with both a japanese and translated patch rom. Help?

    Huh, thats odd I tried downloading and patching it myself. If you can give me till this afternoon so I can make some much needed nerfs, I'll make a new patch with the translation included that will hopefully solve this problem.

    I don't know why the patch isn't working, it worked fine last night, but I'll get right on making a fix

    Edit: are you using the Translation patch on Serenes Forest, ie the one with Shanna in stead of Thany for example, made by Gringe. I'm not sure if other translations work with it or not

    Edit of an Edit:try this on a clean ROM

    FE Binding Blade + translated.zip

    not sure why I said to give me till this afternoon, all well

    I used the patch myself on a clean ROM so this one should work.

  13. Oh, don't worry, I'm not that dramatic about other people using my mugshots. If the description doesn't say they're not available for free use, then it means they can be used (which I usually make sure to specify in the description of my dA... in fact, I'm gonna check my gallery and edit all the descriptions of my mugshots to make it clear)

    So yeah, feel free to use them (those mugs are quite old tbh, but oh well, that is for you to decide)

    Meh, I like them so I think I'll keep using them.

    thanks anyway

  14. It'd probably still be a good idea to ask first, though, just to make sure.If you're too lazy to register an account there though, I could probably ask for you, haha.

    I would apreciate that, God, it's amazing how the littlest things can make you go from feeling like a genius to feeling like a complete idiot.

  15. I'm making a replacement with placeholder mugs now.

    My apoligies to the original creators, give about ten minutes to make the new patch.

    Edit:sorry for double postosting too

    didn't notice I was till I already had

    God, I'm a moron tonight

  16. You won't have any fighters until Batre, and only on his route.I hate the class, but still. Kinda weirdYou... used... them... without... knowing? um...

    Not without checking but yes without knowing, I wasn't planning on actually uploading this hack until earlier today. By that point, I had already used the mugs, altered the classes, and changed the entire script to reflect these changes. Bear in mind that this hacks original intention was nothing more than practice before I move on to a much, MUCH, larger hack. Using them without being absolutely sure may have been a mistake on my part, but if they are, yay me, if thry aren't, I'll fix it next update. I checked all over the crossover hack page to find out if they were open source but there wasn't any indication of yay or nay. As such I took the optimistic route so I could put this up without spending another week undoing a thrid of the hack.

  17. Why are Tellius characters replacing your fighters and Duke...?Hatred of Ike aside (get out of my favorite game, shitlord! FE6 is better off without you!) it makes no sense. Lyn I kinda get though, at least she's Elibian.

    My logic was that in the ending of RD, Ike goes on a journey which eventually leds to Archenea as revealed in Awakening. In their A support ending, Soren joins Ike and Mia dissapears regardless of pairings. So I replaced them with these characters inorder to show them partway thru their journey. If you hate these characters that much and enough people request it, I'll make another version with Deke, Wade, and Lot back in it.

    As the open source question, God I hope so, I couldn't find anything confirming or denying that, so I decided to use them and give credit and advertise his hack in case I couldn't if I eventually find out I can't, I will remove them and give all due apologies

  18. Well, it seems that every hacker has to start somewhere, so for my first released hack I'm giving you Fire Emblem Binding Blade+.

    Incase it wasn't obvious, this an enhancement(sorta) of Binding Blade.

    Present changes include but are not limited to, are:

    Lyn replaces Lance as a character and Merlinius' role in the plot.

    Ike, Soren, and Mia replace Deke, Wade, and Lot in both character and role.

    all weapons have differnt stats because preference

    Rapier and Al's sword are replaced with the Mani and Sol Kattis because preference

    All legendary weapons plus Mani and Sol Kattis have infinite durability

    Zephiel, Jahn, and Idoun are all buffed

    General difficulty is presently lower(won't be in later patches)

    and more

    Future hopeful changes

    Roy promotes sooner

    remove Sacae/Ilia route split

    nerf Ike(trust me, he presently needs it)

    insert new completely optional gaidens


    oracle_of_fire and Khrene Cleaver for Ike's animation

    Mikey Seregon for Ike's, Mia's and Soren's mugs

    Gringe for Translation

    Whitewolf8 for asking for premission to use them due to me being lazy

    Note: patch to a ROM already patched with Gringe's translation patch, the one with Shanna in stead of Thany or go to my post from 8:48 am on Mar 22 for a patch that needs a clean rom

    Disclaimer: this is my first hack so helpful advice is appreciated, pointless hate is not. If a bug report is made I will respond to it as soon as possible, but the main point of this hack is to allow me to get used too Nightmare and FEditor so there.

    Download:Crappy Placeholder mug edition

    Fire Emblem Binding Blade+.zip

    Actual mug edition(Thankfully after browsing that devientart page for a bit, I found they are open source so YAY)

    Fire Emblem Binding Blade+.zip

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