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Posts posted by MCProductions

  1. I have two bugs and a story problem to report Arch.

    bug A: if you pair Sain with Rebecca in Eliwood's tale he starts with a silver sword he can't use(maybe intentional but still worth mentioning])

    bug B: if the theif that steals the Iron Rune backtracks in Eliwood's tale after heading towards the starting room, he will rapidly go back and forth get stopped like he's in Fog of War, then leaves the map.

    story problem: if you pair Lyn with Eliwood, She will only mention him once, then completly diss him for Kent. This honestly seems highly out of character for Lyn to me.

    All in all I'm very impressed so far, and I would like to help out if possible dispite only being a noob hacker.

    which is why I'm bug reporting something I never do.

  2. Leaf doesnt get fatigue, and is pretty important during the prison running chapters. He just needs a few levels/stat boosters to get him going, and he is well worth the investment.

    Do bear in mind that by chapter 4 Fatigue is not yet an issue. There is a reason I mentioned first impressions tho, because I have yet to get far enough in Tharacia to provide anything other than First impressions.

    I always level up the lords above any other character so I do hope he becomes more viable

  3. Coming from a guy who's yet to beat chapter 4(lol, I suck at emulated fire emblem). I will say that based on first impressions alone, Leif is terrible. Even Roy,for all of his flaws, could at least double people after one level up. Do bear in mind that said first impressions gave me an erroness opinion of Lex, so I'm most definatly wrong here. I just felt the need to contribute somehow.

  4. Well people who've played the game before know what I mean. It's a great game, although I'm not sure if there's a good patch out there. (One has no story and the other has the story but garbled menus.) it's very different than genealogy, mostly because map sizes were reduced to the average size of other fire emblem games. I'm sure you would enjoy it if you tried, as there are many familiar characters. If you decide doing it, I will give you one piece of advice. Use all three save slots, and save each chapter in a different spot.

    Good advice, Especially since Chapter 4 will drop one heck of a bomb on you if your playing blind.

  5. I find the Jugdral games when I did play them mostly blind were some of my most hilarious and fun times with blind FE personally, because it made me go "they did what" among other various things.

    I cannot wait for IF because I love playing through FE's totally blind and I've already played all 13 games lol

    I really can't say anything other than I'm in complete agreement with you here. Even tho the Jugdral games are both presently getting on my nerves, its fun when the games throw those FU moments at at you.

    or it angers you so much you ragequit whichever comes first

  6. My logic was that if some Japanese kid in the nineties could handle it blind, so could I. I always go into games blind anyway. Heck I didn't even relize till post game that characters other than Chrom could be shipped in Awakening due to me haveing spotpass Lyn, Ike, Roy, and Marth roflstomp everything Now that I think about it, Me going in blind into FE games has led to many many weird decisions and poor judgements in game on my part.

  7. It's a shame too that all the units you had been training up to this point bar leif and lifiswho is completely useless due to lara existing are taken away with you. at least let us chose one unit to bring along and NOT get stuck with 2 theives. One of which has to have 2 locks picked FOR HIM in order to be usable in this chapter for lockpicking. use thieves for combat, You mad bro

  8. Also, and note that the bullshit isnt limited to the following:- no 0% or 100% hitrates; only 1% to 99%- PCC and all of that weirdness- chapter 4- pitch black fog of war- enemies later on with rewarp as a skill- status staffs of the worst kind

    Isn't limited too, Well I hope Leif enjoys prison food

  9. The stat drops when attempting to capture, a stat drop DOES make sense but not half your stats. This turns capture into more of a chore than the neat morality tester it could of been.

    Also I used Noish because I swore I heard somewhere that he was a good pairing for Ayra.

  10. He's in the 2nd generation because he is the only one who can rally all of the children of the allies of the 1st gen and besides he's your tactician who really ushers in Serlis as emperor.

    And I wouldn't advise trying to finish a whole chapter in one sit down. Treat each individual castle as a single chapter, excluding the prologue. The game is supposed to be hard when played blind, this was made back in the day when Nintendo made difficult games.

    And about Lex, he's very good. Playing the game blind is good, but the secret events are kind of a must have, pursuit ring and brave ax being pretty important.

    Don't let the game frustrate you, it's hard the first time, but it's really worth playing and replaying, it get a ton easier.

    All very good points, and once I finish up with gaiden and maybe Tharacia, I'll give Geneology another semi-blind playthrough attempt,(the only things I'll know about are what I learned here and what happened my first playthrough).Who knows, maybe I'll actually finish it this time.

    Anyways, thanks everyone for explaining the love for this game and convinceing me to give it another shot.

    I apoligize again for my initial rant. It honestly wasn't my intention to rant, I just wanted to state my problems with the game and ask why its loved much. Two goals which were more or less acheived.

  11. Well, he was still there for some reason but yeah he can. You have to skip retaking the castle with Lewyn's mom in it(which I did to save time not knowing forseti was in there). As for why he is in the second gen, that is anyone's guess.

  12. 1 Rounded in a chapter where most enemy units are axe wielders while he has the best defence in 1st gen

    Lex Has paragorn and move he is the only unit who ustilizes the brave axe anyway

    Arden isnt useless he is greatest castle gaurd and gets you the 2nd best ring at chapter 2 anyway

    You probably had subs did not trigger any of the good events and worst of all

    You didnt read half the games dialouge

    Skiped Most if not all convos

    The maps are big for a reason your goal is to sieze all castles in the region seems much more logical

    There is way too much incest in this highly overrated game. And its plot is just as far fatched as Awakenings.

    Better constructed plot via Conversations 2 generations and then thracia to explain even more events and the plot it self is preety good in fire emblem standards if you read half the dialouge

    Incest like what incest the setting looks like medieval times cousins being married was actually common marrying your cousins is also completely optional too

    P.S:Lex is the 2nd best character in the game because he is a mount that always doubles and deals alot of damage

    You probably used Azel Tiltyu and Diadora and thought Dew is a combat character (I STILL THINK HE IS BEST FAVAL FATHER FUCKERS)

    Actually while I did use Azel, the three units I mained(not counting Sigurd) were Ayra, Lewynwho wound up sucking due to me missing Forseti and Noish. Tiltyu and Deirdre were immediately benched, and Azel was used until Lewyn was recuirted. I never skip convos however Chapter 7 did cause me to quit due to my extreme hatred of desert chapters combined with its length.

    Also, I play every FE blind so this game basically kicked me in the nuts without hesitation, and don't get me started on all the rage Tharacia is presently causeing me.chapter 4 can die in a hole for all I care. Its maps seem good in premise but like Tharacia it has too many poorly executed ideas that still sound amazing. (capture literally made me want to play Tharacia)

    Edit: no subs either, Everyone who could be paired was paired.

  13. I probaly should point out that if your like me, You won't settle for anything LESS than clearing a chapter you start in a single sitting. So that is my problem with the games length, and its more of a personal problem on my end.(I got alot going on)My problem stems from chapter length and NOT the overall game's length.

    As for the LTC thing, you can't forget my ships.

  14. thanks for clearing up why its loved so much and I apoligize to anyone I may have offended in the OP. also known as the accidental rant

    As said before, I like the game but it isn't my favorite. It just takes too darn long for me to play.

    Darn high school, why must you get in my way

  15. Breeding, interesting story, unique game play to the Fire emblem series.

    whatever works, I suppose tho the second bit could be said bout most entries in the series.

    Arden is bad, but pretty much like all units in Fire Emblem, if he's given enough babying he can still be used. You just have to be patient. And don't give up on the 2nd generation, it's not as good as the first half, but having all of your children units is kind of cool. The game has its flaws, but I find it quiet fun.

    In terms of the plot, it's a pretty realistic medieval story. A group of nobles wants to coup against their king, but they get double crossed and the last man standing marries the princess and becomes King. Then the rightful heir shows up to attempt to reclaim the throne.

    Lastly, always be careful with your tone, you might start a flame war :p.

    Thats my logic with FE 7 ironically.

    I find it funny that people claim Lyn's tale is unrealistic when this game's (and several other entries) follow a similer plotline.

    and lastly, point taken Aspergers kills my social skills online too aparently

  16. Azel is very useful once promoted, the issue is getting him there . FE4 isn't kind to five move units, as I'm sure you could tell. Arden is useless unless you want to show him a lot of favoritism, in which case he's a beast, but then again the same can be said of any unit. Avoid him entirely outside of ranked runs or if you just feel like using him out of pity. He's probably the only 100% useless character in the first generation (though there definitely is still massive imbalance between other characters.)

    Agreed, I'm planning on forceing myself through both generations soon( and by that I mean that long boring desert chapter). The game is good, don't get me wrong, but I'm just curious as to why so many people see it as the best in the series.

    seriously tho, chapter 7 is the reason I put down this game.

  17. Okay you've sold me on Lex, Next time i play this game, I'll put more effort into him but Azel always seemed to be better faster so I always wound up using him.

    Seriously tho, Is there any use for Arden other than castle defense?

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