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Posts posted by MCProductions

  1. Unless it's the other Morgan. Remember that Robin had twin Morgans.

    Only in the Future Past DLC, which operates under different rules and a somewhat different timeline from the main game.

    ie, Grima is much more powerful in Future Past, Falchion can actually kill Grima in stead of merely putting him to sleep, and all the gemstones for the fire emblem are availible for the children.

    It's not to hard to think Robin only had twin Morgans in FP.

  2. I've decided to try out the dead rising series of games, and I was wondering which version of Dead rising 2 to get. Off the Record or Dead Rising 2, from what I know, Off the Record brings Frank West from DR1,which I'm presently downloading on XBox Live, back as the main character of DR2 replacing it's new main character, and OTR has a ten dollar cheaper price tag.

    Are there any other differences I should be aware of, and which one should I get.

    Why I'm asking this on a FE forum even I don't know

    In case your wondering why I'm getting both one and two, I do that when I try a new series. I play every title I can get my hands on

  3. Also if the game's Lunatic is atleast as hard as Awakening's even Hoshido's Lunatic will be a difficult prospect for players. There's the prologue and atleast 5 chapters(and perhaps even the first Hoshido chapter) before you can grind compared to Awakening's 4.

    And even then, the grinding is confirmed to be more the arenas of past installments than Awakening's easy grinds.

    I honestly can't wait for this in game hell

  4. Thracia's final boss? Hahahaha, it's a complete joke. (the chapter itself is interesting, but the boss is hilariously terrible)

    Good to know, I'm presently on chap. 7 in Thracia in my run.

    Back on topic, FE6 had a bunch of dragons in Arcadia who couldn't transform from their human forms for whatever reason.

    Maybe it's a similer situation with Hoshido and Nohr's royal families.

    He better be a Manakete, otherwise my plan to make Kamui Nils to go with Niniqua will be derailed

  5. Let's justify Noire's behavior~!Henry x Tharja

    Honestly, I can't justify pairing Tharja with ANYONE else in my runs

    Gaius x Maribelle has a more serious support than the usual crack pair in this game would, but a theif paired with a noble counts right.

    Chrom and Olivia

    Panne and Donnel, Trust me their support is worth it

    Fredrick and Tharja

  6. Sacred Stones remake would be nice (better than FE7, that's for sure), but if any FE is going to be remade next, I think it'll be FE4.

    I don't get your grief with 7 at all, sides it's already been rereleased.

    8 will get the VC treatment on wii u soon I bet, but I'm hopeing for a localized 6.

    4 will never come to the states however, beyond fan translation due to how the majority of the plot would have to be censored. And I doubt calling Arvis and Deirdre companions will cover that

    I'm not saying that cause FE4 is my least favorite FE game. It is, but I still like it at times. I just feel that Nintendo of America would never release a game like that without destroying it's plot completely during localization.

  7. Blood bonding has never produced a human that can turn into a dragon. (Though, they could have changed it/introduced a new concept for this game, of course.)

    It's a shame that it's never happened the way, compared to the other Final bosses of the series, FE4 and 9's felt highly anticlimatic since ever other FE bar maybe Thracia(still working on it) ended with a dragon or a god as a final boss. It feels much more rewarding slaying FE7's steriod Fire Dragon or Ashera, so I wish Julius could've transformed like a manakete into Loptyr. It would of made the battle more rewarding.

    Course, I also wish Arvis was playable, and I don't like FE4 overall, so my opinion may not mesh with everyone else here.

  8. It depends on how you define what a manakete is. If it's someone who can use a dragon stone to transform, then yes Kamui is one and his siblings are not. If it's a dragon (as in a species) that takes on a human form until they use a dragon stone, then Kamui is simply a human with "dragon blood". I'm not bothered by the distinction. Kamui is a manakete, in practice if not also in name.

    Question: If a Elibe, Magvel or Akaneia Manakete lost their ability to transform and was stuck in their human form, would they still be a manakete?

    I don't think so. Gotoh and Sophia are never referred to as a manakete in their games despite filling this criteria.

    The dragonstone seems to cement your status as manakete

    There are no Magvel examples to draw upon

  9. I personally headcanon that she married Eliwood and that she survives the war with Bern.

    However, she spends said war careing for the ill Eliwood offscreen..

    As for the Caelin problem, I prefer Pherae taking it, but Ostia gets it canon wise regardless as revealed in the ending of 7. I think Pherae can't afford running what is basically 2 countries, so cedeing to Ostia became a necessity.

    I use the same explanation to explain Chrom's acts post-Plegia war

  10. Can't wait for this anymore.

    Can I private beta test this with the new features. #Iwanttobutdon'tdeservetoo #ScrewitI'maskinganyway

    Seriously tho, this hack is amazing, and I'm more hyped for it than FEif. Elibe is my favorite FE world, and Lyn is my favorite FE character, so seeing Elibe get so much love, and Lyn appearing in 5 tales thru MM shenanigans, I highly apporve of

    That's really saying something about my hype fyi

    Just how many times have I complimented on this hack now, I should stop shouldn't I

  11. Uh, what? Begnion was the one with the questionable actions, and Ike knew it. He DID rescue laguz slaves there and bust Oliver during the Mad King's War, after all. Ike knew that Ranulf just wanted to fight against those laguz hating scum and asked his help. He wasn't looking for any glory. Ranulf is a friend and had a good cause, there was no way Ike would refuse.

    And I disagree, Awakening's plot is far worse.

    When it came to what caused the war tho, Begnion only did one questionable thing. There's not any real proof they killed the diplomat too. The Laguz jumped the gun a bit, plain and simple. As far as Ike knew, he solved the Begnion senate's corruption with Oliver.

    If you say so, I find RD's plot worse than Awakening's, but I'm not going to try to change your mind. Thats not what I'm trying above either. You're entitled to your opinion, but I've got the right to voice my thoughts on these matters as much you do

  12. Isn't it funny how people will support ingame incest, but human animal bonding is frowned upon

    I've played Sonic 06, and it's not as bad as people claim.

    That said, I avoid the Final Story like the plauge as its the only part of the game that forces this on you

    Tho, I may now play Hoshido just to kill her. I suppose classic Nohr will do.

  13. Oh come on, Ike isn't Volke you know. :P Yeah, Ike's a mercenary, but he's not going to do just any job that gives him some gold. He clearly will only do jobs that wouldn't have him committing crimes or harming innocent people or stupid stuff like that.

    I don't know about that. He agreed to work for the Laguz alliance without at least suggesting going stright to the apostle. That conflict shows Ike's preference for fighting with glory seeking friends who commit questionable actions during war.

    Granted, this is during RD, and it had a very poorly written plot. Poorer than Awakening's IMO, so take this with a grain of salt

  14. I'm not fully certain that Gaiden's removal of weapon durability was due to balance. For better or worse, Gaiden is a different game from FE 1 and 3, and this is rather typical given the era in which it was made. Much like Zelda, Mario and Metroid, Fire Emblem didn't have a distinct formula so they had experimental sequels. Each sequel in the aforementioned series adds numerous additions through said experimentation, but other aspects were cut by the 3rd installment to marry the traditional popular formula of the first installment, with the successful experiments of the second. If Weapon Durability returned in all installments over the 23 years since Gaiden (and I do count the Jugdral games) I see no reason for it to be removed now, especially when it made an impact on the series's identity.

    This is just for Japan, within North America, no game yet released has lacked Weapon Durability, which makes it's removal all the more jarring for those only familiar with the localized installments.

    I do cede that it will feel weird for those only familiar with the local installments, but in those games it was more an annoyance than a fun mechanic.

    FE 7 threw the best PRF weapon in the series that basically had 90 uses at you, but I never wanted too because I might need it later. That's not fun, that's unneccessacery worry. This way, I can actually enjoy using powerful weapons without having to stuff Armsthrift on everyone.

  15. So you honestly want to risk your viewers screwing you over as much as the RNG

    This sounds like fun to watch, so I'll follow this.

    Watch as you only have Arden, Tiltyu, Claude, and Arden by chapter 5's end

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