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Posts posted by MCProductions

  1. Honestly, removing weapon durability is more "classic" FE than you give it credit for.

    Yes, FE1 had it, but 2 didn't, likely for the same reasons it was removed here. Easier to balance.

    3 put it back in, but likely only because half the game was a remake of 1

    4 and to a lesser extent 5, had it in a fashion that you keep the broken weapon, and it can be repaired later.

    It's not a core gameplay element, and I'm perfectly fine with it.

    As long as the game is fun, I don't care what they add or remove.

  2. I'm just worried that with phoenix mode they invite too many non-strategy people (people who don't want to play strategy games) and that in a few releases the modes will be casual>phoenix>baby

    And is it true that people complained about RD being too hard? I started with that one XD

    Clasic is there to stay, and yes they did, holy crap, they did.

    Big reviewers in perticuler complained about RD's difficulty.

  3. Why are people saying Ike would take Nohr when Nohr seeks glory? Ike doesn't want glory or anything at all. He'd totally go with Hoshido, who just want peace. Ike would be down with that since he wanted to return peace to his own homeland.

    Admit it, you just think Ike would chose Hoshido cause that's your preference.

    The reasoning is that Nohr is the lord's friends, both seek peace in their own fashions so thats a moot point

    Nohr seeks peace thru Walhart's methods, while Hoshido uses Emmeryns.

    Nohr, the country seeks glory, and is the antagoinist regardless. Remember the goal of the Nohr campaign is to reform the country, not destroy Hoshido.

    I'll admit I put Lyn with Nohr cause my preference, just so I don't look the hypocrite

  4. Lyn would probaly be Nohr because her tale followed a VERY similer concept, so she would likely take the same course of action. (internal conflict within a country)

    Eliwood and Roy would be Hoshido for reasons already stated. FAMILY FEUD!!!

    Not sure bout Hector, so I'll say Nohr for lols.

    Eirika would be whoever she spent more time with before making the choice due to naivete.

    Ephraim would be Hoshido, cause it is a more stand up fight.

    Ike has already been covered, and I agree with their reasoning.

    Micaiah would chose Nohr, because look at her part three antics.

    Chrom would chose Hoshido, cause its for casuals cause of Emmeryn.

    Marth I'm also not sure about, so Hoshido for lols.

  5. ^ This.

    To be honest, my OCD hated the weapon uses. I didn't like having multiple copies of the same item loaded on my character.

    I am really happy with this to be honest. Maybe they will have weapon weight come back, so we are less inclined to use a more powerful weapon? If there are weapon shops, perhaps they will only have limited quantities of weapons, like one iron sword and one steel axe available for one chapter? Maybe a character's starting weapon will factor in to their usefulness too.

    Maybe gold will be used to hire units or to replenish that dual guard slot that we saw on the scans?

    Buying horses like in Berwick Saga confirmed

    Actually, thats a pretty darn good idea.

    Both nerfs mounts by making you need to watch 2 health bars, AND gives a need to watch your gold tally.

  6. If what I assume is correct then the whole coloring box behind the weapon icon it will be a indicator for stats that will be buffed and nerfed by the weapons. Similar to how legendary weapons give buffs to stats, but this time all weapons is capable of doing it and with debuffs too. This can be a interesting new mechanic as you not just decided what weapon to use against other weapon but what edge in turn of buff and debuff will have over your enemy. This will resulted in many difference kinds of weapons and the reason why durability is gone.

    I'm preety sure that just denotes the new weapon triangle system.

  7. I have to say I'm actually a bit surprised by the amount of people who are okay with casual mode but bothered by phoenix mode. I would have thought there would have been more consensus, but it looks like this is practically an even larger topic of contention than casual mode was.

    True, I think it's because Phoenix mode seems like mor of an I win button than Casual tho.

    We'll only know if it was a good addition when one attempts Loony Classic Nohr and if they complain about BS difficulty or not. If they do, its useful, if they don't, its useless. Still, I'm indifferent to it existing, and this comes from an Awakening noob.

  8. Well, this topic exploded.

    I won't be using Casual or Phoenix personally, but I don't mind them being there.

    Tho I honestly can't wait to see the heck that awaits us in Loony Classic Nohr.

    Now that I think about it, this game has three different routes of varying difficulty, three different difficulties, three different permadeath alterers, and 3 sets of three save files. Half Life 3 confirmed!!!!

  9. Yay, new artwork.

    Just once, I'd like to go into a series that didn't have people swearing about how the series is losing it's soul and will never be good AFTER ONE GAME THEY DIDN'T LIKE.

    I mean, wow, "Awakening is going to turn the series into an anime waifu simulator". Do people like this not realize FE did have an anime at one point? It was always this way, and I understand even less the people who claim more accessible difficulty is bad for the series.

    Heck, Mass Effect 3 practically had a movie mode, but NO ONE complained about that.

  10. I think it is just too HUGE and ENORMOUS to be a mode itself. It must be with special conditions, but not permanently.

    Goddamn it is LIKE CHEATING urgh, "Lol I rez my unit next turn w8t 2 u think xd"


    Fire Emblem If is acting like a prostitute JUST to attract NEW buyers ! UNACCEPTABLE !

    So why was it acceptable when Awakening did it, or for that matter 7 what with its 11 CHAPTER FORCED TUTORIAL.

    Sacred Stones and POR were made painfully easy to cater to us stupid Americans, and RD was the FE sold stateside that wasn't made easier barring Awakening(cause caaual mode existed). Guess what, reviewers and people reviled RD cause it was too hard. We reap what we sow, and not buying the not as difficult as reviewers made it out to be RD, instead buying Awakening like crazy, gave us Phoenix mode.

    That said, I'm okay with this. If you don't like a mode, don't play it.

    IS is trying to cater to every possible player, and that IS NOT a bad thing.

  11. It's more giving incentive to explore the other games. If there isn't incentive, less want to play, so on and so forth. Either way, I don't want this to be the end of Classic mode.

    Except it's not, Classic mode will always be there, because FE is a series that tries to appeal to all players.

    Heck, the Nohr campaign is being made purely to cater to classic FE players.

    Infinite weapon durabilty I approve of, so my Einherjar Lyn doesn't have to grind so much to allow me to justify letting her use the Sol Katti.

    Also, it opens the door for Gaiden's 1-5 range bows, which I want back NOW!!!

  12. Its more that video game writers in general don't know how to handle Ike's type of character than the writers of FE, which is sad cause I love Ike's character type. Look at series such Metal Gear or Syphon Filter. Neither one actually handles this character type well with their main protagionists, but it's not as annoying there as it can be in FE cause not many characters sing praise all the time due to there not being as many.

    Ike may be my second favorite FE character, but it's painfully obvious they tried to combine Cloud from FF7 and Solid Snake from Metal Gear into one character.

  13. Mark's name is written in katakana -- literal English transliteration/spelling is known to be ambiguous. Many English-sounding words and names are written in katakana.

    BTW, Morgan's non-English European name is Linfan. What does that sound like off of the English tongue?

    How I never noticed that about Morgan's european name I'll never understand.

    To the OP, differentiateing your headcanon just because of different langauge is silly. Admittately, the only games I use for my headcanons are those released here and those with fanslations, but if the ORIGINAL Japanese version of the game conflicts with the localized version on a plot level,(names are another question altogether) you always go with the japanese version, because that's what the writers intended for the games plot to be.

    I'll keep my blood decendants theroy as my headcanon, but I acknowledge the Einherjar's antics as likely nothing more than breaking the 4th wall in a ingenious, if not ridiculos, fashion. Heck, I honestly don't care if you agree with me or not on my theroy. If you do, awesome, if you don't, also awesome.

    If I come off as harsh here, that's not my intention. I'm just trying to make a point about writer intentions

  14. Yes, Elite mode doubles xp gain for those without an elite skill and quadurples exp for those with one. It's activated thru a cheat code found on this site in the secrets section of Thracia.

    This is actually my third attempt at this game, and Leif never seemed to get good enough to be worth using. I activated this mode this playthorugh in hopes of fixing that since he's mandatory for every chapter.

  15. That speed is impressive. An so is the luck, holy crap

    Bust out the scrolls, man.

    Indeed, I'm only at chapter 3 right now, but every scroll and stat booster I've gotten thus far has gone to Leif.

    Granted, that means he only has the Hezul scroll at present.

    His speed and luck really are blessed, espicially when you equip the light brand on him which boosts luck by ten.

    If only the light brand boosted either STR or DEF

  16. Well, I started playing FE5 the other day, and I have to say that Leif is loathed by the RNG

    Here's his stats at level 13 unpremoted

    I'm playing on elite mode btw, not sure if that matters.

    I think he only procced STR once out of 12 level ups, and defense is just as badly off.

    Bear in mind that Leif is practically your ONLY heavy hitter upon reaching chapter 4.

    It's growths like these that make me miss Roy, at least he had decent growths.

  17. What's your opinion of Lyn?

    What do you do if you find a giant poisioness viper in your bathtube?

    Do you hate Roy for reasons other than his promotion time?

    What's a question?

    Am I getting on your nerves?

    Have you played Syphon Filter?

    Have you played Syphon Filter 2?

    Have you played Syphon Filter 3?

    Am I trolling?

    Why did you make this thread?

    Do you want fries with these questions?

    What's your least favorite FE game?

    Are you still taking me seriously?

    How long did this take me to type?

    Should I stop here?

    I'm too bored for my own good

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