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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. You've probably moved on from this thread by now, but if by any chance you look at the comments in this thread again, thank you so much for your performance, Ms. Strober! It was beautiful singing…. I just completed "Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright" and I particularly loved your take on "The End of All (Sky)". Its the version of Azura's song that is used towards the end of the game for the background music of the final chapter (Ch. 28 of Birthright, "Endgame") and thus plays when you're facing off against the final boss of the game….
  2. I don't think I've seen the animation…. what does the A-rank Nohrian tome, Ginnungagap, look like? Oh, by the way, fun fact on its mythological significance, quoting from Wikipedia:
  3. To my understanding, the STR halving doesn't stack. Also, in some cases, if you're using a good hybrid character in the class, you can circumvent this somewhat… you can alternate between S-rank and magic weapons….
  4. In Birthright, with +MAG/-LCK Dark Knight Corrin x Caeldori, what class should I use the resulting Kanna as? Keep her into Nohr Princess/Hoshidan Noble? Class change her into something like Dark Knight? Something else? Her class set would be: Nohr Princess/Hoshidan Noble [Nohr Noble isn't available in Birthright] Dark Mage/Sorcerer/Samurai Sky Knight/Falcon Knight/Kinshi Knight I suppose it does depend on which version of Caeldori it is, as that will affect Kanna's stat growths… Would any particular variants tilt it more towards one class than the other variants (for example, perhaps Oboro!Caeldori!Kana wants to go Hohsidan Noble or perhaps Orochi!Caeldori!Kana wants to go Sorcerer…). Or is the advantage of one class so overwhelming from the practicality standpoint that Kana should stick with it almost regardless… for example, Hoshidan Noble because of her later recruitment and preserving weapon ranks?
  5. Dark Knights aren't that fragile…. Of course, they're dreadfully slow with regards to caps…. although +MAG (which you'd probably take with them anyways as an Avatar) helps slightly, and his Yato (+2 Spd for some portion of Birthright/Revelation, +4 later) as well as possibly Horse God could help out a good deal…. They cap out at 34 DEF and 30 RES…. 55 HP too, which isn't as much as your starting class tree, but is better than Sorcs, Strategists, and Exorcists….
  6. You're right! I forgot, she DOES have ASTRA…. Of course, Physical Caeldoris(Hinoka!/Oboro!) can also in principle stack skills… but I suspect that there would be more physical units running around, so Prodigy might not be used much…. Of course, I don't very frequently do PvP in other games, although in principle its still good to note in case I do decide to do it… nice to have options…
  7. In Revelation, Kunaibreaker Caeldori is possible via Selena!Caeldori, and she could still pick up Tomefaire via A+ with Mitama or Syalla…. OR, alternatively, its also possible to do this in Revelation by doing Caeldori A+ Nina, as the Outlaw class does promote into Bow Knight, so you could still access that without skill-buying on a Sakura!Caeldori…. In that case, Sakura!Caeldori (if she's still marrying a Dark mage avatar) would only be left with Venegance as her proc…. unless she took the DLC Great Lord Class, which would grant her Aether (and Awakening, which can synergize with her natural Vantage from Samurai via inheritance of the class from her father). So something like 0.) [Fixed Personal Skill] Prodigy…. then she has things like Tomefaire, possibly Line of Death, maybe Swallow Strike [or drop it if enemies prevalently run Defensive formation], Galeforce, Aether, etc…. [Warp if she has Witch]
  8. Well,I had a few possibilities in mind….. Hinoka!/Oboro!Caeldori could have been a physical/magical hybrid Falcon Knight or Dark Flier by abusing both physical lances and Bolt Naginatas (eventually powered up by Lancefaire)…. she could then either pick up Elbow Room (Open Assault) from Sophie for a +3 damage bonus when in open terrain to both lances (and tomes if in Dark Flier) or with Mitama/Rajhat for Tomefaire (to get both Tomefaire and Lancefaire available for her Dark Flier). Sakura!Caeldori might lean more heavily on her Shockstick (when paired up with the +MAG Avatar, he'd give her +4 MAG as a Dark Knight and +2 damage [physical and magical] from Supporitive, as well as defensive and hit bonuses). She could have Tome Access with DLC Dark Flier…. I'm averse to buying skills and don't intend to do it… I think it would take the fun from the inheritance system, for me anyways… I imagine that in a post-game maxed out scenario that Sakura!Caeldori could actually turn herself into a strict mage…. it would be a bunch of grinding, but as a Sorcerer she'd cap out at 25 Str and 38 Mag…. and Prodigy cares about comparing against the stat in which her enemy has as the highest… if most people are running around as physical units, their high STR (almost assuredly higher than 25) will compare against her 25 STR, totally ignoring her 38 Mag, and give her an almost constant +4 attack this way…. DLC Witch could later pull this off even better, with 25 STR, 39 Mag, and 34 Spd (with Swallow Strike too).
  9. Hinoka!Caeldori, Oboro!Caeldori, or Sakura Caeldori? (Marrying a +MAG/-LCK Dark Knight Avatar in Hoshido)… Juding from max stat mods, stat growths, class sets, Dragon Vein, Pair-up Stats, and attack stance stats, affecting both Caeldori and Caeldori!Kanna, whom should I go with? Analysis is in a spoiler box to keep the page neat.
  10. Oboro!Caeldori(Matoi) Sky Knight tree (Sky Knight, Falcon Warrior, Kinshi Knight) Samurai tree (Samurai, Swordmaster, Master of Arms) Spear Fighter tree (Spear Fighter, Holy Lancer, Basara) [i don't know all the localized class names yet, so this is a hodgepodge of localized and Japanese names] Mods: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +4 Skl, +0 Spd, -1 Lck, +5 Def, -1 Res Growths (Personal): 42.5% HP, 37.5% Str, 17.5% Mag, 40% Skl, 40% Spd, 42.5% Lck, 37.5% Def, 25% Res Pair-up (Personal) : 1 Def @ C-rank ---> 2 DEF @ B-rank --> 3 DEF @ A-rank ---> 1 Skl, 1 Lck, 3 Def @ S-rank Attack Stance (Personal): Hit +10, Avoid +5 @ C-rank ---> Hit+15, Avoid+5 @ B-rank ---> Hit +15, Avoid +5, Crit Evade+5 @ A-rank ---> Hit +20, Avoid+5, Crit Evade +10 @ S-rank ​[i'm told that pair-up bonuses inherit from the mother's B/S ranks and the father's C/A ranks, whereas attack stance bonuses inherit from the father's B/S ranks and the mother's C/A ranks] I'm planning to pair her up with a Dark Knight +MAG/-LCK Avatar. Which class should I run her as? Falcon Warrior (Shockstick, also gains physical damage from Avatar's supportive)? Basara? Master of Arms? etc. If we count DLC in the running, Dark Falcon or Great Lord? etc. Something else? Also, if I make Oboro her mother, should I put Oboro into Sky Knight after marriage sealing [whether just to get Darting Blow or as a permanent position]? Or just keep her in her Spear Fighter tree? [i am a fan of redhead Caeldori, but Oboro just seems to offer a better mutual synergy in pair-up with Caeldori's father Tsubaki…. already give STR, no need to spend a seal and ground Hinoka to give STR; Oboro would appreciate Subaki's SPD pair-up, etc.)… I might just go with this… and its funny… blue is my favorite color for myself, so why is it that I gravitate to something else when it comes to hair… oh well, I digress.]
  11. Oh, really? So its more like the old Hex effect that I thought? Actually, now that would make it simply a stronger Hex (comparing against Awakening), but weaker than the combination of Hex + Anathema…. although it only needs one slot.
  12. I would see Heartseeker being useful in PROMOTING from Dark Mage into Dark Knight. Use your sword at range for extra-accurate skills (particularly if you're Corrin and you're using Yato), use your magic when your hit rate will still be good or to avoid a counterattack. Also, if an enemy runs up to your Dark Mage on the enemy phase with a melee range attack, wouldn't Heartseeker trigger? "When fighting adjacent to an enemy, enemy’s Avoid -20". Unless the description is wrong and you have to initiate the battle yourself, it should work in both phases…. Dark Knight, with class bases of 8 DEF and 6 RES (and 15% DEF growth and 5% Res growth) [sorcerers have 5 DEF, 8 RES, 5% Def, and 15% Res), should be somewhat more resistant to physical attacks than your average mage. Oh, and they also have 15% HP growth next to the Sorcerer's 0%…. And 19 base HP instead of 17. So Dark Knight having a more meaningful enemy phase seems a distinct possibility….
  13. Dark Mage's Heartseeker (Bind) is worth -20 enemy avoid when fighting them at 1 range. Perhaps a bit underused when using tomes (as you'll fight at 1 range most of the time, except against opponents like archers or Spear/Tohamhawk users who have switched to an exclusively 2 range weapon, rather than a 1-2 range weapon). But Heartseeker could be perhaps of greater use within the Dark Knight promotion… as when such a hybrid uses swords and tomes, that -20 enemy avoid (in practice, similar in effect to +20 hit) whenever using one of your 1-range swords (most of them). The funny thing is that simply getting Heartseeker does more to improve your accuracy at 1-range than the average skill asset would over the course of the entire game…. granted, skill also helps criticals and also helps at 2 range, and it also helps with skill activations, but when it comes to something like getting Yato to connect with the enemy its Heartseeker that fills that niche more powerfully (although the effects can stack). Your average SKL asset gives +3 skill in base (guaranteed) and +25% growth rates (on average), so by 20/20 you tend to have gained 3+9.5=12.5 skill, which increases hit rates by 18.75. Heartseeker drops enemy Avoids by 20. Just one measly level 1 skill gives your Yato a better accuracy boost than you would have gathered over the entire game as a +SKL type. As for Devlish Wind (or is it Malefic Aura now as a localization… I've been seeing that name tossed around here)…. its +2 damage taken to enemies in a radius of 2… largely similar to MAG +2, but it can also benefit your other allies if they target said enemy. Those seem pretty good for non-promoted skills.
  14. What if Tusbaki's SKL and SPD growth and mods were reversed? That is, now he has a -2 SKL and 20% SKL growth (personal), but +2 SPD and 50% (personal) SPD growth (65% total from class + personal SPD)?
  15. Whom should Hinoka!Caeldori!Kana or Oboro!Caeldori!Kana marry on Birthright to be the best that she can be with this parentage? Her father, Corrin, will be a +MAG/-LCK Dark Knight in this scenario. Also, whom should these Kanas buddy/friendship with?
  16. Yeah, Silvers in principle should be good tag-team dual striking weapons, as their penalties don't trigger for the dual-striking support unit, only for lead units. So you get a pretty strong dual-strike out of it (and good accuracy too).
  17. Using tonics was a fairly standard part of your toolkit in Lunatic back in Awakening….
  18. Is Dark Mage really that worthless? It does carry the Dark Knight class in promotion, which means any Sword user could hop into it for a level if desired, grab Heartseeker (Bind) and give enemies at close range -20 avoid when they're fighting them.
  19. To what extent should I dump stat boosters onto Corrin/the Avatar in Birthright over any other characters? Naturally, he doesn't have exclusive claim to them, but he is your lord and you're always going to be using him…. Not counting paralogues, this is a list of stat boosters in Hoshido that has been provided to me by other users… it may or may not be a complete list. It doesn't count the ones in the level 3 shop, so there is potentially an extra one of each, but at a steep gold cost. For example, if I'm running a Dark Knight Avatar (or rather, planning too), should I dump the two Speedwings (Ch. 9 and Ch. 15) and the two Spirit Dusts (Ch. 13 and Ch. 15) onto him? Oh, and I'd also be giving him the two Goddess Icons (Ch.4, Ch. 20) to help his luck stat if going +MAG/-LCK. Is this a good idea, or are there other characters who would produce a far better result if I gave these resources to them instead? Technically, there are the Dragon Grasses or whatever they're called that give +1 to all stats, but I'm trying to only consider things available in Birthright alone (even though I'll have the SE) so that anyone else reading this will be able to make use of this advice even if they only have one route….
  20. Lets see…. An average +MAG Dark Knight whose flaw doesn't penalize speed tends around 25 SPD at 20/15. Revelations/Birthirght Yato soon give +2 SPD, later +4 speed, just for being in the inventory. Spells like Horse God give +3 SPD, and Snake God (the Hoshidan Brave spell) gives +1 SPD. Even the Hoshdian C-rank "Steel" type weapon, with its -3 attack speed penalty, gives +1 SPD to slightly offset it. If you use Yato equipped, that's +1 SPD. So a Hoshidan Dark Knight Avatar at 20/15 in the last chapters tends to have average values of (may be higher or lower): 25 SPD (from bases + leveling, average values only, results may vary) + 4 SPD (Yato bonus) + 1 SPD if Yato or Snake God is equipped (for example, two of the better weapons, Yato and a Brave) ---> 30 SPD ------> Adding a tonic onto this means that your average 20/15 Dark Knight will be able to hit 32 SPD while using Yato or Snake God… this doubles some of the fastest enemies in Hoshido 27, the Heroes and Bersekers (its might not be enough for things like Ninjas, that said). This is before pair-up, and we haven't accounted for Speedwings or Rallies either. There are enough easy speed boosters out there, including things you'd be using anyways, so that the Avatar should be able to double fine…
  21. Yeah, I'm planning to pair my future Dark Knight (once I get the game) with a +SPD class to help alleviate the problem. [As its no secret that I plan to marry him to Caeldori, she has a ton of +SPD options available: Sky Knight & its upgrades, Samurai/Swordmaster/Master of Arms, etc. I may even make her a Dark Falcon with the Ebon Wings gained from the Speical Edition so that she'll also boost his magic…. and Dark Knight/Falcon Warrior or Dark Falcon pairings mutually give each other +1 Move, so both units in the pair would end up with 9 move. And 1-2 range from Tomes or Bolt Naginatas].
  22. With Horse Spirit… I believe you get two in the Hoshidan armory…. should we forge the Horse spirit and then give it one unit (for +2 Might on it, so a 6 Might spell that gives the +3 SPD/SKL/DEF/RES bonuses), or should we keep them separate and unforged, weaker but on two units?
  23. Not in the localization, as far as can be told…. well, except while waking up your spouse.
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