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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Add is more a back-up or set up character, LP's route makes him more physical, MM focuses on set up's and DE can be seen as a mix of the two. And yeah, I'm on team Dreadlord too, ironically not that popular on SF compared to Noblesse. I like BH because she keeps the basic strength of Elesis while adding zoning into the blend. Using BH really depends on the skill of the user instead of the easy damage that CA or TT can get. She's not that great, but not bad either. As for favorite... Hmmm... I'd have to say BH. I like MM and BM too though. Now just to wait for that LuCiel hype and add DL to the list. You? we should play sometime tho i'm only level 45'ish atm
  2. With Add I've just never been really attached to DE or LP routes. I'm an MM player :( i am looking forward to LuCiel tho And I guess I kinda liked CA. I prefer BH.
  3. ...Haven't had that happen to me :V Besides servers are split by character levels so
  4. >gets teamed with a Lunatic Psyker and a Time Tracer >Time Tracer has higher dungeon rank and is MVP Elsword level balancing when a first class beats out BOTH of the other two second classes.
  5. he's jin kisaragi cough voice actors
  6. i actually got k-ching from a friend who didn't want the code so :V ironically i had to use it all up to get my items perm
  7. My Elsword swag levels may have just broken the ceiling
  8. I'm a pretty chronic nailbiter. Especially if I'm nervous for any sort of reason. Ask a local apothecary about it, they usually have some sort of stuff you can put on your nails to make them taste extremely bitter. I suggest you don't touch anything you're gonna eat with them to, because it can jump onto it. didn't stop me tho
  9. I evil laugh/chuckle like Lelouch add that with glassespushing
  10. but then I can't be a sinister glasses-kun
  11. those glasses are new btw i've actually barely ever worn glasses
  12. yep he's pretty koo you take too much pity on him
  13. >Trying to grind Time Tracer >friend comes over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOsL0c-I3_A&feature=youtu.be
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpN2ntbL95M
  15. NEVERMIND ANOTHER PC CLASS also hype http://playeressence.com/shin-megami-tensei-x-fire-emblem-confirmed-for-e3-2015/
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