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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. My best friend always bugs me to go camping one day with him (he's my polar opposite, we sorta fill eachothers faults. He describes it as him being the younger brother action taker and me being the older brother thinker, despite us being the same age.), but I don't want to go "wildly camping" with him, especially if he's unprepared. But if he bought that I'd definetly do it.
  2. Sakuya didn't win this game is rigged and should not exist
  3. Like having the day of your life except you can't see shit
  4. i really had a grudge against you this game for some reason I rekked your supplies and murdered your new lover
  5. "Makaze-senpai... Atleast... I die... To you... :')" hey second place is nice scoring first twice would be koo tho
  6. Ironically I was just about to change my avatar lol
  7. If we went by "What if" logic, we'd still be in the medieval ages.
  8. >Looks at Call of Duty >Tons of war crimes >Millions of soldiers slaughtered >Buildings destroyed >Civillian lives wrecked "A-OK" >Looks at Hatred >Guy shooting people "OMG CENSOR DAT SHIT" <3 oh hey i actually won one of them
  9. I don't know. I personally find it interesting, not appealing. i want in
  10. Oh well yeah, I understand that a lot of people won't touch it, but my argument is basically that that shouldn't keep it from being released.
  11. Not the developers fault. "Oh this game shouldn't be released because parents aren't responsible, fuck this game."
  12. I'm actually waiting for my ordered glasses to arrive irl Then parents should know more of what a child is actually doing on the PC. It's that simple. If you let your 10 year old on the internet without restriction you're a moron.
  13. Why not? I don't care if it's banned in some countries, but I fail to see why it shouldn't be allowed to release. Freedom of expression is still out there, the only problem they had was the medium, which Steam provided, thanks to Gaben. I agree that kids shouldn't be getting this game. But that problem lies with the parents. I've always believed that parents should follow with the ESRB ratings more carefully. If they can't do that then they've failed in their job as parents. Games like GTA are just as violent, if not MORE violent due to the wider range of actions you can commit around the murder, plus the range of subjects like torture. The only reason Hatred SEEMS more violent is because it's generally more graphic and the atmosphere makes it more obvious. Exactly. Developers are constantly blamed for "catering violent games to kids" but people seem to forget we've had the ESRB since '94.
  14. "BUT MUH KIDS, THEY'LL TURN INTO KILLERS" or y'know worried parents could just -not- buy this for their kids And if we accounted all of these other objectives, would GTA still be any more humanitarian than Hatred?
  15. why do I often feel like I'm the only one totally unfazed by the game Hatred hell i'm actually kind of interested in this game to be able to understand the social mindset a killer like this would have i mean i'm sort of on the edge (haha, geddit, edge) when it comes to removing or allowing the game, on one hand i can -sort of- understand where people are coming from but on the other hand i think this game isn't doing anything new at all and the fact that this wouldn't be allowed and a game like, say, GTA, would be sounds incredibly hypocritical and no the fact that GTA is satire doesn't change shit, because it isn't, it's just less graphic
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0kJbMqTPTM I GOT THE TOY
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