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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Catherine is a great test to practice thinking under pressure though The Torture Chamber Boss kicked my ass, and I'm usually pretty good at puzzle games.
  2. I'll probably end up with Katherine because I'm kind of stoic about things like cheating in a relationship. Most people would think I'd end up with Catherine because of my personality but I prefer to be much more caring when it comes to a significant other. It's for the same reason why I never end up with two or more girlfriends in games that let you have them. and katherine is much hotter anyway
  3. Got Catherine a while ago, might as well start that. We'd be dead
  4. needs more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFHWWSAYVrA
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravens_of_the_Tower_of_London
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPozmSfQ2Ig
  7. Ahh, right, her super move. That's pretty good, I can never do it myself since the buttons aren't aligned with my BlazBlue setup (Square - A, Triangle - B, Circle - C, Cross - D) I guess I should start learning Dance of the Thunder God sometime but the timing is so annoying
  8. ... if you're talking about Ultimax I don't know what you're referring to since I use the japanese version ;A;
  9. I missed 12345 oh well I'm on Ultimax (PS3) if anyone wants to play (TheYukianesa)
  10. "That's looking pretty good. Let me handle finishing it up tommorow, you've already done so much work." i think i just heard irl what inner me has been screaming to hear for a long time now
  11. Ours just up and left to go home lmao
  12. She didn't show up at all for us lol and it was the last hour of the day
  13. My teachers don't hate me, they're just bloody idiots. One actually forgot she had class one time and we just sat around for an hour.
  14. So because of the sher laziness of my teachers, I got a bad report today. It's because some tests remained at 0 score DESPITE ME HAVING CLEARLY SHOWN THEM that my sick leave was validated. Ugh. I started today tired, now I'm pissed and tired.
  15. I... I don't get it. How is this anything except blue and black? The background clearly shows that there's no blue light shining on the dress. Just... How? EDIT: ...Woah wait wtf A little while ago a friend sent me an image of the dress in white and golden brown but I didn't think much of it. Looking back it's now black and blue. How is this even possible?
  16. Visual wise If you want it for combo's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbmKBe_KkRs
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVhfWgGzX98 Still the sexiest Combo Video I've ever seen. (Watch 60FPS (Google Chrome) fullscreen for best effect)
  18. difficult words that contextually make no sense and extreme beating around the bush always makes me win anime debates with friends
  19. happy birthday, nee-san!

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