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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. >get up at 6 >no time for breakfast >had to the train station to meet class >head to the virtual office fair >do nothing but work in a suit until 4 >head home in the rain >me right now >has to study for a test for tommorow
  2. btw, just to put it here too, I can't get on the chat during my schooldays - only friday/saturday and vacation, because I'm usually busy (with school, internship, virtual office or friends overall) or trying to relax after being busy with the former by playing a game or watching anime. That and I get off the PC at 11 PM.
  3. So me and a friend agreed that we got bored of our music libraries while at work, so we decided on something new. We call it: "Operation Flying Waifu". We convert our animu's (with dubs, like Geass or Death Note) into .mp3 files and listen to them like drama CD's. It's suprisingly efficient.
  4. Meh... Not that tired this morning yet, but I'll have to pump myself for this afternoon. Bit of an upset stomach tho. EDIT: Ok now I'm getting real tired
  5. Daytime is the least fitting name for Belgium I've seen to date.
  6. It's not that hard imo. The writing is just terrible.
  7. Hmmm... sacrifice an hour of sleep for two episodes of animu and rely on my actions tommorow to give me energy or sleep now and give me a small boost... Every school evening is filled with decisions...
  8. doesn't that technically go against the character since wolves are pack animals
  9. Hey there peeps Het is standaard, maar hier noemen we het gewoon algemeen voor een of andere reden. ;w; Well... I guess he got better, somewhat
  10. Combo's, don't get hit, be faster, don't use items
  11. Ehhh... I'm a big fan of a good bread crust and despite my love for bacon, my love for a good soft bread crust is bigger. Pass for me.
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