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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. I think the point where I started hating Aigis was when she joined the team. blatantly taking up screentime and in battle... oh god in battle... "I WON'T MISSSSSSSSSS" *spread fires* *Miss*
  2. basically how i use my ult as well I can understand that
  3. ...huh I'm so used to bot Ez that the thought of mid Ez never jumped to mind Ez was my first champ, but I used free Ashe at first Now it's basically just Frozen Ez, Ashe and Redeemed Riven I think I have some others bought but idk teemo
  4. how do you even play ez mid you'd prolly still win well it kind of depends on your champ afaik I did a bunch of research on playing Ez before actually using him
  5. WELL YOU WOULD IN A 1v1 SINCE I LACK BOT SUPPORT yeah you'd probably beat me lol Ashe and Ez just aren't middle or jungle types. Riven... Can ATTEMPT it but... Meh. me too \o/ Mechanics? What char do you play?
  6. I don't play that often even then I'm not that good at it lol Besides being a bot player means I need good support and not be reckless I can never play mid (let alone jungle), it always ends up in me dying way too many times Top I play with Ashe
  7. Ayy, I do. I play bot Ezreal EDIT: and top Ashe sometimes Riven
  8. Tough one... The first ones that jump to my mind are [spoiler=BlazBlue] Terumi/Hazama is the absolute pinnacle of a villain done right for me. He's batshit insane while at the same time being able to be sarcastic and taunting. He was even undercover so we didn't know he was the real villain until the end of Calamity Trigger, which he also nailed well. Shout outs to v-13 [spoiler=Guild Wars Prophecies] The Lich King, who decieves you from Kryta onward the entire campaign and sends Rurik's undead body at you at the finale. [spoiler=Devil May Cry] Both Vergil (3) and Credo (4), though I guess they're more like rivals than villains... [spoiler=Persona 3] Ikutsuki. I had a nagging feeling that he was going to betray me but it hurt even more when he actually did it. [spoiler=Persona 4] Adachi. Absolute perfection. [spoiler=Shout outs to:] Genesis (FF7CC) Ultimecia (FF8) Chaos (FFD) Dr. Eggman (Sonic) Gwyn (Dark Souls)
  9. *hits you in the face with a flagpole* Prince Yūki: SHHH Prince Yūki: U DON'T KNOW IF THE SCENE DIDN'T HAVE ARCHER OR BLU-RAY RECORDERS Prince Yūki: MAYBE IT HAD VHS CASSETTES IN IT TOO Prince Yūki: MAYBE EVEN Prince Yūki: A PS3 BandicootG: OH SHIT BandicootG: NASUUUUUUUUU Prince Yūki: BEST PORN SCENE FOREVER BandicootG: "My meat expands to it's limits" Prince Yūki: "I can't do that yet Rin, PSN is updating" Archer says as he pulls out the VHS cord and ties it around his pecs Prince Yūki: meanwhile Shirou does foreplay by teaching Rin how to use a blu-ray recorder in vertical position Prince Yūki: #BestPornScene BandicootG: I'd fund it. BandicootG: Narrate the script with this playing in the background BandicootG: http://38.media.tumblr.com/ed130f062e91c3c89e137422bc4ba41f/tumblr_ne0hopcZaG1s307p6o3_500.gif Prince Yūki: yes Prince Yūki: beautiful
  10. Lord, please forgive me for the words I speak I know the angels tell me turn the other cheek But I'm about to rip Azaka's tongue out through her teeth
  11. ... ... ... ... ... ... *starts praying*
  12. )=< getcho minds purified and do sum prayin
  13. ...i'm technically an adult too though ... ;A;
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