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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. You're not that bad, Breezy. You've got a good idea of your attacks and movement and you know how to take control.
  2. Alright, I sent you a friend request which you'll need to be able to enter private rooms with me. Once you accept that you'll get a message, likely in japanese, that you can probably accept or decline. It's an invite into the room.
  3. oh don't worry i have that too sometimes :I
  4. Nyaaa~ Makes me wish my internship was paid...
  5. Honestly I've started losing track of really old RP's where we barely noted information or certain spinoffs. But that's about a rough estimate. Me and my friend both have pretty big RP folders and subfolders. nya
  6. ...It's kinda funny how my BlazBlue and P4AU copies are from japan. (The latter luckily has an English story mode and both have voices) I never bothered getting localized versions git wiff da times
  7. I sent you a friend request. After accepting that you should get a mail in japanese which is an invitation to the room that you can accept or decline or wathevs
  8. I can host a private room and invite you through a mail on PSN. EDIT: It's likely to be japanese btw, since I use a japanese copy
  9. TheYukianesa And don't worry about it. Most of my friends are rookies anywho ^^;
  10. well if you're on the main menu anyway, I'm good for playing some matches if you wanna
  11. No prob. ...F-From all our RP's combined..? Um... *goes through all folders* ...Something somewhere 200-300?
  12. Maria Rose from Bara no Maria actually a dude
  13. >has Maria as avatar i don't mind this
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD0dJSaax90 what is this
  15. Hmm... Well I really like white into black tip like Ludger Kresnik's hair, especially with hair-over-one-eye, which is what I have for my OC. Besides that, I dunno, I like blonde or brunette. Eye colour, ice blue, definetly. My favorite colour overall is Royal Blue, but I also like Olive Green, Crimson Red and Grape Purple. With the amount of chars me and my friend have in our RP's, we don't have much choice, since drawing takes time :<
  16. You'll get there xP A faceclaim is taking an existing image of a character or fancharacter and using that to portray your OC. In-RP only of course.
  17. dayum das pretty nice wheres the newblood tho I've gone to picking faceclaims for me and a friends recently 7 year old RP universe but my actual OC is still left in the dirt ;A; I have to use a faceclaim that sort of not really looks like her instead
  18. The latter, I'm afraid. I've met a bunch of good artists over my interweb years. I'm just a writer myself, I'm no good at drawing... Which is painful if you have an OC since an image is much more clear. ;A;
  19. I seem to keep meeting artists everywhere I go lawl
  20. It's kinda like drumming, really. no
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