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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. I can play moderate to hard modes on Osu and Taiko :V But it usually steamrolls me i'm just good at learning the rhythm osumania i can't deal wiff
  2. i got beat by makoto my career is over :<
  3. holy shit a tourney player holy shit he's using makoto azrael beat the hell out of her, not like i expected different =.= EDIT: well i underestimated makoto
  4. thank god it's not a jin mirror but now i have to play against RACHEL oh its just azrael ...oh shit
  5. oh god don't make me play a jin mirror plz
  6. if you mean yuki, yeah he does oh me? theyukianesa the crossup was too real ;A;
  7. amg dat tsubaki dough read me like a book and has combo's to fill one as few skilled tsubaki's as there are
  8. http://www.twitch.tv/perfectcombo >heads into a high level stream room I'm screwed and my connection ain't too good
  9. [spoiler=BB story spoiler] >fighting takemikazuchi with Ragna >get it to low HP >"use its special you bitch" >izanami keeps stalling >switches side and suddenly uses orbs and cannons and lets take use the groundwave attack >killed >take starts charging FUCK UUUUU
  10. well I'm on BB if anyone wants to play my PSN is TheYukianesa i'm a blue yes it doesn't mean anything D; IN OTHER NEWS TAGER IS STILL BULLSHIT
  11. well I just finished my meal I haven't played in a while either don't worry
  12. stingar u shuld play BB with me after I finish my meal
  13. At first I did too until I got more into Japanese. But I started playing like 6 years ago I was 13 so y'know
  14. beating people on their own songs in Osu on the first try is funny
  15. My quotes list through gizoogle. I can't breathe.
  16. "attention deficit disorder" "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" it actually is also any victims volunteering to play with me?
  17. oh Well ADHD and ADD have massive differences despite being branches of eachother
  18. I feel like playing something blazblue, P4AU, UNiB, wathevs even with my thumb still a bit hurting
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