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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Not that I've experienced anyway. I can't keep my attention on a subject for a long time but I don't lose my train of thought in the middle of it. except it's actually better on the wii
  2. I think that's just losing your train of thought. Don't think it's linked to ADD since I don't have it that often.
  3. Well our system here is kinda different, I guess middle/high school would cut closest. And yeah, I hate fire alarms too. They're too loud for me, I don't like loud noises :V Kido, Shintaro and Ene are on my top. The anime was a way for me to get better known with the story of anything.
  4. Well I gotta be up in 4.30 hours. Prepared an energy drink. I'll prolly talk again tommorow after internship and after I get some food. g'night...
  5. I was an intern secretary at a school once. It was a perfect variety imo. That and being called Mr. Mortelez by kids and even being thanked in a class for delivering their papers for a game made me feel all fuzzy inside. Talking to and drinking coffee with teachers was odd but enjoyable. Even the headmaster was nice and he sure enjoyed the shock on my face when he smashed the fire alarm to start a test I wasn't aware of. Aw yeah, love me some Kagerou. Started out with the songs, especially Lost Time Memory and Headphone Actor, but then got into the anime. Kido quickly became one of my favs. And you're very welcome :D
  6. Well it comes with being in an Office Assistance direction of classes... though those internships sound a lot more exciting :'V Despite it being my own choice, and my skills with computers, I'm not that good with sitting still doing the same thing all the time at work. I think it's my ADD working up. When I do something that's a chore, as long as it's varied I can do it, but I fall asleep otherwise. I was pretty bad at Law last year because the classes were just the teacher talking, so I slept through all of them. Though the teachers don't seem to care anymore lately. Some don't even notice me, even after glancing right at me. It's like being Kido Tsubomi. My own advice would be putting a note on something you use often to remind you, it's how I got back on track. Good luck!
  7. Sure, I'm doing internship at the national office of employment as administrative assistant. It's tiring and dull work but the people are nice and I'm pretty much left off the hook while double checking documents. They let me listen to music or wathever keeps me up. Better than the insurance agent I worked for once, that was a whole year of scanning files, ugh. I know that feeling well... Haven't been hitting mine while in the first trimester so I gotta pick things up. I'm certain you'll have better luck at it than me though, I'm kind of lazy sometimes, haha. The feeling afterwards when you can say you finished up is great though.
  8. Oh hey 12000 isn't Maria just the cutest guy
  9. Pretty well, but I'm feeling a slow week coming. I tend to deprive myself from sunlight on days off. Gotta do some catch up internship tommorow morning too :V What about you?
  10. people i don't see that often :O *waves* don't forget me i'm the new blood
  11. das my line don't ninja me with it D':
  12. Wasn't meant as insult, lol also damnit clannad errytiem u make me feel dis
  13. Ah. On my old forum it was basically three strikes = permaban. as long as mankind exists, the war will never end
  14. How many points validates a ban anyway? I got 5 from my sig once.
  15. i'm european, that's why i forwarded the bill to you
  16. *washes out hair* *breaks sunglasses*
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