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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. I like this guy already. xD Also, that pink-haired girl on the right vaguely resembles Io from Ys 8. I wonder if that's intentional...
  2. Oh, crap! I knew there was one I was missing. XD Thanks for the reminder! I did in fact not see that one! Somehow, my brain tossed Oath in Felghana and Memories of Celceta together. XP I do! ^^ Oi. Ah well, that second one is only really a pet peeve if the character doesn't shut up about it. I normally don't mind it too much if characters know more than they let on (kinda like Charlotta did in DSV), but I don't like it when they bring it up every five seconds. xD Hooray! So... basically exactly what annoys me with this trope. Oh great! xD
  3. I think from what I remember, these are "undead" enemies, whom you can only kill by equipping a specific item. I believe it was called "Sacred Bells", or something like that.
  4. Gotcha, gotcha! I think the only games besides VIII that I haven't at least seen yet are Seven, and V. So I'll wait until after those, at least! Mystery for the sake of it? A character that constantly teases us with knowing more than they let on for the sake of said mystery? Antagonists with motives so ill-defined it makes you think they're just delusional idiots that like to throw big words around, somehow convinced it makes them sound cool instead of pretentious as hell? "I must retreat"/"This ain't even my final form"/"You won but actually I won" out the wazoo? Protagonist(s) isn't/aren't allowed to accomplish anything, thus making every challenge and boss fight feel utterly pointless, and the player ask themselves "Why the fuck do I even bother playing this?" The worst aspects of these repeated ad nauseum, because the writers have no idea what "moderation" means? ... My hype levels are decreasing by the second. XD --- For something more positive, have one of the best tracks in Ys 8: *jamming out*
  5. Nice! XD This guy being there kinda makes me hyped for Ys IX, ngl!
  6. Sooks, better get to it quickly before Shrimpy ends up my Honorary Second's dinner. XD
  7. That is the most blessed and cathartic prevention of my very much hated "I must retreat" trope! In which a giant dinosaur comes out of nowhere to eat the guy trying to invoke it. Hence me labeling said dinosaur "Honorary Draggy the Second". Cold Steel 2 and 3 burned me. Badly. Alright, I'll consider not calling him, then. XD HMMM... *presses speed dial* XD Well, that works out nicely! I have both of those! Edit: All three of these, in fact! I'll definitely put it on my radar, now that I know it's available on two (edit: three) platforms I have access to!
  8. Omori? It does sound interesting from how you described it, so I might take a look at it, provided it's available on a platform I have! It's just that my backlog is... a little extensive, so I might take a bit to get to it! xD Then I am one of the realest FE fans around. XD Devil Survivor 2 and Stella Glow are, to me, better SRPGs than any FE I've played so far.
  9. Should I call Honorary Draggy the Second again?
  10. I used to think that, too. Then I played Tales of Xillia 2. Then I experienced the Conquest Route of Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2 (thanks, Shrimpy and Armagon. xD) And then, more recently (as in, last year), Blue Reflection happened. All three of them still stand as the only games that I have played to have ever made me openly weep. The only Square Enix games I absolutely love are Bravely Default, and Bravely Second. I do like Final Fantasy X and XII, and I didn't dislike XIII (in fact, I found it quite fun), but by and large, when it comes to JRPGs (which is admittedly about the only genre I extensively play), they are not my first choice, either. So you're definitely not entirely alone there.
  11. Ooof. "Hey, unpaid intern! We need some music, so... uh, here, have some instruments!" "'Kay!" I aim to please! xD
  12. 🐔🐔🐔🐔 Falcom composer be like: Falcom should've kept Yuzo Koshiro on board. That man is a damn legend. Also, the mind bleach you wanted. XD
  13. My only gripe with the music so far is actually that I wish Giasburn had a different boss theme. xD Everything else has been pretty on point! Chickens and Bees, eh? Is that what they're callin' it now? xD I see! Yeah definitely! It is the same reason I was a little sad Arnice's transformations were relegated to her special attack in Warriors All-Stars, and even then, it's only the starting one. Any of the others I showed off per screenshots on the previous page sadly do not make an appearance. Same with her weapon transformations. The Hammer appears in her Hero Skill, but the Crossbow and Daggers (as well as the second form of her sword) are all missing. Doesn't stop her from having the single most creative and fun sword-based moveset in any Warriors game I've played, but still. It is a bit of a shame that they didn't emphasize that part of Nights of Azure's gameplay a little more. It says a lot when Compile Heart did that one boss I really liked from CS3 more justice than CS3 itself. Especially in the music department. lul
  14. Dangit! I got all A-ranks so far. Well, one of 'em was S! Which did get me an achievement, which is neat. But I'm a straight-A guy, apparently. XD
  15. I seem to recall leveling at least one skill in one of 'em, but so much stuff happens that I might be wrong, that's why I'm kinda confused. xD That's true! They at least have that purpose! Oh boy! Though that might actually be better, since, like I said, the mechanic itself is a blast! Also, the music is great Except when Paro is like "Dogi Squad doing bad!" or something similar. That always stresses me out. xD It's just that it doesn't feel rewarding enough. And if your reward is progress, then that might be a little better than the (seemingly) almost nothing in Ys 8. Because so far, the raids I liked the most were the ones that happened as part of the story!
  16. Also, I cannot help but wonder what her deal is. Hmm... She is most certainly NOT the character from Devil Survivor 2, that's for sure. xD
  17. Ayy! Thanks! ^^ So far, one of my favorite dungeon themes in this game and in Falcom games , next to the Mt. Gendarme one, and the theme from the volcano area in Oath! That's true! I agree with that! Still, sometimes, it would interrupt Dana's parts the very moment something REALLY interesting happened, so... XD Also true, so far! I have... maybe one gripe with it so far, but that may be because I'm not entirely grasping that just yet. Namely, the raids and hunts. They feel a little bit unnecessary, to be honest, since you're not getting any EXP or skill EXP out of them (seemingly, this is the part I'm unsure about), and especially the raids always seem to happen at the most inopportune moments, too, interrupting the flow of things a little. Like, I'd be in the middle of exploring a dungeon, and then it's "hey, by the way, your village is about to get rekt. Pls halp!" I don't wanna skip them, either, even if they may be optional, because I feel compelled to do them the second they show up. xD I will say, however, that actually PLAYING them is fun, because the combat is fun. It just doesn't feel very rewarding to do them, is all.
  18. I'm inclined to agree, so far! I gotta remember that present Dana can't transform, while past Dana can. xD Yeah, that dungeon reminds me a lot of Origin! It's great with some great bosses! Also, the music in there is 👌 Gotta look up what that track's called, sometime! I see! Yeah, I really, really love those parts, too! To the point where I say they're the best parts of the game so far! There were moments where I'd play on Adol's side of time, where I'd go "yeah, yeah, this is fine and all, but lemme play as Dana in the past again!" xD
  19. Been a while, eh? xD Well... I made a WHOLE bunch of progress in Ys VIII. Like... a lot of it. Some cool stuff happened. Hype stuff. Interesting stuff. Good stuff! Here are some screenshots, because I'm still kinda floored: Falcom ripped itself off. xD This is much cooler than the CS mechs, tho. Biggest wtf moment in the game so far. As is.. not a negative 'wtf', but 'wtf' nonetheless! WHY IS SHE HERE?!? -> literally what I blurted out during this scene. Then a raid happend, aaaand.... Adol, you've been replaced! I also did some fishing, and... Dick move, game. Dick move. tfw Jagen so old, he's a literal dinosaur. xD Also, Past!Dana can transform now, which changes her fighting style, and weapon. Hmm... a transforming protag, eh? Just where have I seen that before, I wonder? Nope, doesn't ring a bell. xD
  20. Butter Adventures (are) Not Nearly Exciting (enough,) Dude.
  21. XD They kinda do, don't they? Those are actually ghosts! In Atelier Sophie itself, it's a bit more clear, haha! I see! Yeah, that makes sense.
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