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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Ah, alright! I see! Just like how the final boss in Oath mentions an Ark that I assume is the Ark of Napishtim in Ys 6! Makes sense, makes sense! Thanks! ^^ XD MegaNep VII is a lot more raunchy in some aspects than the other games were. I see, I see!
  2. Oh boy! So I'm essentially going back to the past by playing Ys 8 after watching Ys 6! Gotcha! xD Seriously, though, thanks for telling me this! ^^ It's interesting stuff! No wonder they chucked the sword from it into the depths of the ocean. xD Hehe, thanks! ^^ I watched the Origins one, actually! I think it's this exact video, too! They're still adorable. xD Hence why I named it "Jean-Luc". XD Sadly, you can't actually name it that. But it is called that in my head from now on! Her more bold fans right now. But, er, what in the heck is the context for that? xD
  3. Oh, I see! ... Then I will be able to make a whole bunch of "this never happened" jokes. XD
  4. ... Somehow, that makes me more curious to play it. xD *Ys 8 nervously sweating* XD But if that is the case, then it makes the fact that this sword got sunk into the ocean, never to be seen again (presumably) downright symbolic. XD The SNES version has one! I couldn't play the PS2 version, even if I wanted to, and that one doesn't have a translation, but the SNES version does. Which is why that version is what I'll be playing. So... that's gonna be fun. Maybe. xD
  5. That doesn't sound foreboding at all! xD Guess the peeps in that volcano village in Ys 2 were right to chuck their Pikkards into the lava to cook them. At least that's what I headcanon'd when watching that... xD On that note, I wonder if/when Dana becomes playable. Right now, her only presence has been in dreams/flashbacks. ... If she and Adol meet, that's gonna be awkward. Adol: "Hey, I saw you in my dreams!" Dogi: "Dang, pal! Putting on the moves immediately? Nice one!" Adol: "Th-that's not what I meant!" Meanwhile Dana just stands there, looking confused XD Oooh! Nice! I was actually gonna play that one after I finish 8! Then that fits even more with my plans! Was wondering what that sword was all about! It looked too important.
  6. Banned because that is a question that depends on the individual. Sorry to hear that. I can relate very well to this, honestly, as I very often feel the same way. I don't know if it helps you, but what I tend to do in such situations is that I try to just do something I usually enjoy doing. And when in doubt, it is also good to open up to someone you can trust, be it a good friend or a professional (though the latter I cannot afford, sadly). Keeping everything bottled up is never a good thing, and I can speak from experience when I say that just talking about what makes you feel miserable to someone who is willing to listen can often help to lessen the burden.
  7. These little buggers are so friggin' adorable! I want one as a pet. I think I'll name this one... Jean-Luc. XD Also, @Shrimperor, I've discovered that Tornado Sword is, like, THE best skill for gathering stuff. Gone are the days of painstakingly lining up a jump just right to get to harder to reach gathering points that are higher up. Now I have an attack to do it for me. Hehe! Hmm... gather materials at specific points to craft stuff with them, eh? And different materials have different rarity... This is beginning to sound an awful lot like an Atelier game, isn't it? Atelier Adol - Castaways on the Isle of Seiren xD
  8. xD "Yarr! Me mateys!" I'm bad at pirate talk. xD If anything, I always thought of myself as more of a glass cannon than a tank. xD Yup, yup.
  9. Yeah, I did. Sorry, haha I just kinda wanted to stop talking about Pokémon, even if I brought that upon myself. xP "Yarr, ye scallywags!"
  10. I feel less and less bad about taking to the seven seas and donning eye patch, wooden leg, and hook hand when it comes to video games. In light of stuff such as that.
  11. Yeah, true. Though it could've been a lot worse. If not for Iwata. Goes to show that GameFreak has always been incompetent. You still can now, if the lack of tangible actions against all the BS the game industry pulls in recent years is any indication. That, too.
  12. Persona did it better by not being a continuous story like Trails is. And just by being better stories in general. At least as far as CS is concerned.
  13. I don't disregard it. I question it. Because to me, that series has never been well-thought out, and thinking about it for longer than five seconds breaks my suspension of disbelief so hard, it's not even funny. Not to mention the Gen 1 games were buggy as all get-out. Yeah... it sucks. Sudden fourth wall break. XD
  14. You fight the final battle with all your characters inflicted with incurable confusion status, and you have a very slim chance of actually winning... and only winning gets you the true ending where the protags recover from confusion and it's like "What the heck were we doing here?" xD
  15. During the big confrontation, it's like "Why did you do that?" "I dunno." "Well then." XD
  16. Actually, that might make for an interesting villain. Someone who manipulates two nations into going to war with the other, while at the same time ruling both of them, using that war for some purpose or another, for example to instill fear into his subjects to make ruling them easier, or to distract them from something going on behind the scenes. And it would be the protagonist's task to unearth this and put a stop to it. Something like that!
  17. Suspicious! VEEEERY suspcious! You sure you aren't double agent-ing it? xD I mean, I'd sit through it if it means more allies! xD I did play the demo of that one a few years ago, actually, to see if it's worth my time or not. It wasn't. --- Was looking through some memes when YouTube rec'd me this. They (I think it's more than one person?) perfectly captured Byakuren's character. I am... legit speechless. Also... the vocals make this song even MORE of a masterpiece than it already is. :floored Draggy:
  18. I thought it was the "Shrimpire"! Abandoning your own subjects already, Shrimpy? xD
  19. NICE! Yep, that's exactly it! xD That actually makes a LOT of sense. xD
  20. So... a heavy metal version of it? Sign me up! xD
  21. Checks out! xD Ayup. It's to me what modern Trails is to Shrimpy, basically. Well, the spin-offs are (or were) decent, I suppose, but those weren't made by GameFreak. And the first in the series to be recruitable! xD
  22. Banned because congratulations!
  23. I see! Well then! Not so family friendly after all, Nintendo! That "de nada"'s going on my growing list of lifetime embarrassments xD
  24. Umm... no? xD I had three years of Spanish, and I haven't used it in like eight years, cut me some slack! xD
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