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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. ... Holy hell, what day is it? :... Ah, the second of July. Phew, and here I thought I'd slept through the week. --- That would probably be Danganronpa V3, since it is essentially two games in one. You have the regular visual novel part... and then a kind of board game mode, where all the characters have unique scenes with every other character (and by characters, I mean literally every character in the whole godsdamned main series, not just the ones from V3) PLUS there is a dungeon crawler-esque "mini"game. I put mini in quotations, because the dungeon you're exploring has no less than 50 floors long, and has quite a bit of meat to it. The upcoming Switch release of the Danganronpa trilogy will have that board game/dungeon crawler mode as a fully fledged fourth game, which will most likely include characters from the spin-off and the Danganronpa 3 anime (not to be confused with V3), and yes, I am very excited about it. Not so much the characters that debuted in Danganronpa 3, because they were complete shit, but the characters from the spin-off were really, really good! Can't get more overrated than the franchise that plays like baby's first RPG, looks more soulless than a low effort indie title (or about as soulless as anything EA, Ubisoft, Activision et al. put out, take your pick), puts out nothing but utter mediocrity at best, was outdated from the moment it first saw the light of day (even by 1997 GameBoy standards, the first games looked like shit, tbh) and yet somehow still manages to be the most profitable gaming franchise, only because of its name. --- Also, congrats on finishing your run of FE12, Ruben! I'll spare you the posting of anime-styled art for the units you lost.
  2. Anyhow, going back to sleep, because I'm tired. Have a nice day, everyone! ^^
  3. Ayy, congrats! ^^ --- Also celebrating: page 2,900! Hooray!~
  4. I wonder what the actual context for this is, because this is too on the nose. xD
  5. I don't know what it is, but music played in the style of a musicbox is very moving to me. 10/10 And while we are on the subject of music that moves me.
  6. Banned bbbbbbbbbbbbbbecause my b key freaked out for a sec there
  7. The protag of protags is back. And no edginess this time. I hope. In any case, what did I miss?
  8. On the topic of voice acting, Chester's voice actor absolutely stole the show and ran away with it. Kinda like Chris Hackney did in 3H. xD
  9. On that note, I recently watched an Oath in Felghana playthrough. And Chester reminded me of him a lot. xD Falcom did it first? xD
  10. Yup. While he's still crazy, he very clearly says "I will use you and your friends until the flesh falls from your bones". And a bit earlier, he also implied that he would kill anyone who stands in the way of his revenge, even his friends.
  11. Now that you mention it... yeah. XD Okay, scratch that part! I wanna be a good protag after all! Like Nep! I'm still not gonna take kindly to anyone who hurts people I care about. Least of all myself.
  12. Exactly! XD So yeah... you guys are all under my protection now. Whoever hurts you will wish death claims them before I do. That's the kind of protag I am. xD Hey, Dimitri was ready to kill even his friends and allies for his revenge! That ain't me!
  13. Whoever kills my father, or otherwise hurts people I care about, will wish for the sweet release of death. Because I will make sure their life becomes a living hell. Mwahahaha! Hey, who said I was an unambiguously good protagonist? XD
  14. Good! Will try it out when I can! Thanks! ^^ Banned because that is true.
  15. The great Shrimp breakdown! Everyone, to the stables! ... Er, bunkers! You have my sympathies. Wait, wha-? I'm the protagonist? ... This demands some... ch-ch-ch-ch-changes!
  16. This is seriously amazing. Give me that as a final boss theme somewhere. I'm serious. XD
  17. Also, I hope Germany doesn't cuck people again, but Presenting the fathers of techno. As far as I know, anyway.
  18. It is true. There's a lot of crap out there. But I singled out modern pop music, because the amount of genuinely good pop songs that came out in the last two decades can be counted on no hands. As in, there are none. I still only said 95%, because I don't know all of them, obvious. xD It is a pretty funny thing. Especially picturing it being played in a completely serious situation, or a very intense fight. Imagine that as the final map theme in FE12.
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