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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. It turns Echoes into a mess. The characters don't act in-character anymore, the writing and plot is all over the place and is entirely inconsistent with future plots explored in Awakening.The background story also causes a lot of confusion when taking Shadow Dragon and New Mystery into account. I did mean the meme itself, yes. Though imagining Taguels - giant killer bunnies - jumping on trampolines is a hilarious idea in itself. Speaking of Taguels, I wish there was a really beefy Taguel warrior who turns into a really tiny albino rabbit, like the one from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  2. "aT lEaSt We ArE pRoViDiNg HeAlThCaRe! You should be thanking us for it instead of complain! Hurr durr!" That's what I imagine those corporations would say, the dirty effers. Then again, healthcare can get pretty stingy at times, at least here in Germany with their dumb health insurance system. It's never entirely clear what they'll pay for and what they won't cover. And the laws aren't much help, either. Every visit to any doctor at all is an ordeal because of this garbage. That's not even going into the fact that our health insurance system has basically caused a class-split between those in mandatory state health insurance and private health insurance, with those in private healthcare always getting beneficial treatment at the doctor's while those with mandatory state health insurance get the shaft. The reason? Those in private health insurance pay more and it's only getting more expensive the older you get. But that doesn't mean mandatory health insurance is cheap, either. The opposite is true. And it's mandatory, so you HAVE to pay for healthcare, no matter what, even if you're the healthiest person on the planet. Gee, went on a bit of a tangent there. My apologies.
  3. As much as I hate Takumi, the guy wasn't even on screen. I hadn't even recruited him yet. And I was playing Birthright, not Revelations. But yeah, Revs plot is broken. That's probably the best way to put it.
  4. I'm normal and boring. Mostly boring. Mineral water.
  5. Likely doesn't have major pain in her lower back and no idea where it came from.
  6. Because genes. And anime/manga hair colours that don't adhere to real life standards. If they did, that'd be pretty boring. Though you wouldn't believe how many of the girls at my university dye their hair something other than a natural hair colour. So far, I've seen everything from white to cyan. Does anyone ever actually use the term "Mary Sue" unironically?
  7. @Shoblongoo Cool story, bro! Not even sarcastic. That is awesome. If that happened to me, Ursaring would probably be my favourite Pokémon. I love Zapdos for a similar reason, actually. The dude singlehandedly saved my first Pokémon Blue run (I was 6, maybe 7 at the time). Anyway, I don't actually have much of a story behind my Avatar. At least not much of an awesome one like the Ursaring above me. My pfp is the Warriors All-Stars artwork of Arnice, the protagonist of Nights of Azure, which is one of my favourite games I've played for its music, its gameplay and especially its story that touched me on more than one level. Arnice herself is, unsurprisingly, one of my personal favourite video game protagonists, so I just thought it was fitting. It's a cropped version of the unlockable wallpaper you can get in the game. Nights of Azure is one of those games that is really really obscure and not many people have heard about or played it, so I thought it deserved at least some recognition. Though, it wasn't obscure enough to not include its two best characters (Arnice and Christophorus, whom I had as a pfp before this one) in Warriors All-Stars, which happens to by my favourite game in the Warriors franchise and the first PS4 game I ever got the Platinum trophy for (thanks to @Shadow Mir for drawing my attention to that game). So yeah, there you go. Spoilers for size reasons.
  8. Hello, 1984! Democracy is a lie. Europe is a hellhole, the European Union a farce. Our politicians and corporate CEO's might as well be twirling their non-existent moustaches for all the subtlety they threw out their windows, and... hey, why do I hear sirens? I mean, if we're about to get controversial, me might as well do it right, right? What is the best way to plant seeds?
  9. How many times have you levelled up during your absence? All joking aside, welcome back, Captain!
  10. Is relieved her Orbs are safe (for now.)
  11. Because you know that Sakurai likes to "piss off" his fans with "MOAR FiayRe EeehmBluM" . On a more serious note: I could see this happening. They did use Corrin to promote Fates and Roy was included in Melee to advertise for FE6 (or was it 7?), as well. How many lies can a politician tell in a day?
  12. Honestly? I don't even play Heroes, because I don't have a phone to play it on... But even someone like me is sick of all the Fates stuff the game throws at you, so I wouldn't mind seeing some SoV characters get some love. I'm a very tall person. You could call me a veritable giant.
  13. I had another one just today, which is absurd on a meta-level. I was playing Fates again (I got SUPER bored and had nothing else to do) and it wasn't long before I just felt a sudden surge of anger inside me. I had no idea where it came from, but I got so mad I was just about ready to throw something against a wall. I had to turn the game off, otherwise it would have been my 3DS. I have NO idea why that happened. I didn't even get screwed by the RNG or something, but I was utterly furious. I'm starting to think I need help...
  14. It does, but they're major masochists, which would explain why they repeatedly bash their heads into windows all the time... Serious answer, because I feel like it: Probably not. I mean, some of them straight up EAT poop. (insert "they literally eat shit LOLZ" joke here) I'd rather spend a whole day with Azura or Takumi, meaning no chance in hell. How many years will it take until the first human will take flight without any aid?
  15. I won't ever consider choosing Micaiah as my free Brave Unit! Not even if Alm is bad!
  16. For me, it is Nah and Manakete!Morgan solo'ing Rogues and Redeemers 3, which I found to be the second hardest (and most enjoyable) Awakening DLC map after Apotheosis. The same two characters that carried the entire game for me by the time I got them proceeded to make mincemeat out of some of the hardest opponents the game has to offer and I sat there and was like "holy crap". Sure, looking back, it might not have been too impressive, since there are many ways to solo that map, but when I played that map for the first time in another playthrough, I struggled HARD (as I did with the entirety of Awakening because I suck(ed)). Went back to my original save file, let Nah and Morgan loose on the map, hid Chrom in a corner somewhere and proceeded to watch as my daughters destroyed everything. The second most absurd thing that happened to me is little Cleric Genny slaughtering an entire boat's worth of Arcanists. She wasn't a Saint yet, she hadn't even gained that many levels, but she utterly destroyed them. I have no idea how, but I don't call her "Genny the Invincible" for nothing.
  17. Banned for banning others for banning him.
  18. The character in my profile picture doesn't have a confusing hair colour that is actually not what it looks like. Or something.
  19. Granted, but now everyone else gets a harem, too, and FE delves fully into the harem genre turning off many, many players to the point where FE becomes financially nonviable, forcing IntSys to cancel it outright. I'm sorry! Please don't kill me... I wish Echoes had more replayability.
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