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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Laegrinna. XD What the flippin' flip is a "gaggle of meese"?
  2. ... to take them out on a date yourself, of course! The lonely soul will never have another one! This was the dumbest thing I ever wrote. I apologize for that. The proper way to piss off the FE community is...
  3. It extensively shows her backstory, but midway through, in typical FE Sacred Stones fashion, she becomes nothing more than a bumbling sidekick to some random idiot she falls in love with. Because apparently, your only job as a female character in Sacred Stones (and most of FE in general, really) is to fall in love with some random dude, even if you have zero chemistry with him, or he's the biggest douche on the planet and will most likely dump you after "dipping his sausage in your mustard", if you catch my drift. Your idea is really cool, though... minus the part I wrote, of course. I'd definitely play that game. I wish FE stopped 'shipping the most unlikely pairs (like Boyd x Mist, Eirika x Innes, or Nowi x Gregor)
  4. Avatar looks incredibly flamboyant. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you.
  5. ... to do it when they're right next to you. Trust me, they'll never know. The proper way to ragequit is...
  6. Still Seven. You can't fool me! I am FAR beyond that! MWAHAHAHAHA! - Something a villain would say in this situation, probably How many tries do you usually give something before you stop trying?
  7. Here are some of my biggest Berserk Buttons: Crowds of people blocking doorways. I absolutely LOATHE that. I mean, are they too stupid or too egotistical to notice that -duh- other people would like to walk through that door? I have to deal with that garbage almost every single damn time I go to university and I try to enter a building or a room. A crowd of the dumbest idiots this world has ever seen just stands there, not even bothering to go even the slightest bit to the side so that someone (namely me) can enter / exit the doorway. And these people call themselves the "Academical Elite". But it isn't just university students blocking doors that pisses me off. People standing in the middle of the road or being otherwise in the way in general pisses me off to no end, as well. I also hate it when complete strangers stand awkwardly close to me. Oh, and when old(er) people (mostly women in their mid 40s to late 70s) on buses think their bags need to sit in the window seat, even though the bus is full and people are forced to stand.
  8. My #1 favourite female character in FE is Mia, always and forever.
  9. "Donnnn' wowwy, u guiz. Ma fafe izzz quite awight affer thaa guy puncht me..."
  10. E tenk su, yois. Why is it funny to completely botch spelling sometimes?
  11. The world building is my favourite part, as well. I love the subtlety of it all, especially in its true villains (by which I mean the Occuria). I love reading the lore behind the monsters, too. The story behind the Espers is one they could have fleshed out a little more in my opinion. I would really like to know more about them. Though on the other hand, I feel like the things the game doesn't tell you make them all the more interesting. Same with the Occuria, really. Useless as they may be in gameplay (at least when compared to what FFX gave you), these guys are - to me at least - the most interesting summons the series has had so far. As for Zodiark, you don't even fight him in his full-powered state, as evidenced by his second form he only gets during his finisher / ultimate attack / whatever you want to call it.
  12. 6. Favourite wrestler? 7. Have you seen / heard of Lucha Underground? If yes, what do you think of it? 8. Your favourite subject in school? 9. Spicy or sweet food? 10. Thoughts on the recent AAA gaming controversies?
  13. By using a hedgehog (no, not that one) The proper way to make a scene is...
  14. Be completely ignored by everybody. That means nothing would change (irl at least). WYR mention your favourite game / movie / song / whatever every chance you get at the risk of people getting really annoyed at you for doing that, or not do it but lose out on potential friends that like the same thing you do?
  15. Cheerio flavoured donuts. That's going to bring the hipsters and police back together. How many people would you need to replace the potential noodle assets of the world?
  16. Because toys have a natural instinct to freezing up when humans are nearby. This instinct automatically triggers the complete stillness of the entire body, while bodily functions and metabolism are reduced to minimum so as to not alert humans to the fact that the toys are in fact alive. The greatest advantage to this: the toy doesn't even need to be aware that it is indeed a toy. Why are fire trucks red?
  17. Voice act in an animated movie. I was told I was a pretty good (voice) actor by my theatre teacher back in school, but I have severe stage fright, that's why I think I'd rather be a voice actor. WYR derail a thread on this forum so hard that it becomes a hilarious mess or watch others do it?
  18. Neither, actually. Heh, nice pun. Why do we find some things / creatures "cute"?
  19. True, true. That's one of my few criticisms, as well. Though the character interaction that is there, I quite enjoy. Ayyy! It's always nice to see love for the games you like. I played both the original on the PS2 and the Zodiac Age version, and in my personal opinion, the Zodiac Version is the better game, just for having a job system in it.
  20. Nah, no thanks. And besides, my favourite FF game isn't that widely beloved in the FF community, either, so... yeah. I don't know many FF fans who would put FFXII on top of their lists, is all I'm saying.
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