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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. DragonFlames: "Bye!" Yup, that works, I guess! Where is my parade?
  2. To make it easier for the reader to hate them and / or identify them as villains. Though considering how fast morality often falls to the wayside during real life wars (see Vietnam, for instance), I don't think it's that unrealistic to assume it could happen in fictional worlds, too. Where does the saying "I told you so" come from?
  3. His post is two minutes older than this one as of this post.
  4. ... to be as annoying as possible about it. You go around and ask everyone if they have the new Smash Bros. game and you also hang a sign above your head that has a neon arrow pointing at you and - with blinking, bright-as-hell neon letters that could potentially blind someone - says: "I have the new Smash Bros. game." The proper way to be important to someone is...
  5. Granted, but it is now playable to a degree where it is considered the best Fire Emblem game ever made due to a mix of nostalgia blindness and the now fixed hiccups, and IntSys, becoming GameFreak for a minute, decides to make all future games like FE1 without evolving the gameplay, story or the series as a whole at all. Any and all "evolutions" made are so minor and intangible that calling them simple gimmicks becomes an understatement. Also, any change made will be met with only the harshest of criticism resulting in that feature being removed from the next entry without ever trying to fix it or finding a suitable replacement. Or they "fix" it, but by fixing it, they only make it worse. Also, they never address most of the major flaws and only change things that don't need to be changed, resulting in a hot mess of a game some Generations later that suffers from an identity crisis so major, you'd send the poor game to a psychiatrist if you could. I wish FE Heroes wasn't a mobile spin-off with predatory gambling gacha elements, but instead a full fledged game on a console.
  6. I'd rather live on a giant titan thing. There was this really cool episode in Digimon Data Squad (or Savers in Japanese) where they went to a city that was on the back of a giant turtle creature. Since then, I have been fascinated with the idea of living on (and in consequence with) another living being that's much, much larger than myself. WYR make a trip to the ocean or the mountains?
  7. Well, I think there needs to be a world involved before the term "world war" is appropriate. Besides, I think the war Lucifer waged against God because he thought he was better than his dad (Lucifer confirmed as the first edgy, rebellious teen) could be considered the first ever war. Why am I not hyped for Fire Emblem: Three Houses?
  8. That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my life. Holy crap. Mobile gaming itself is exploited to hell and back with its gacha type models the corporate stinkheads use to try and squeeze every last penny from their kettle in order to please the investors (in more ways than one *winkwinknudgenudge*). And THAT is what I assume people are getting mad about, not some arbitrary "ooooh, mobile gaming is for girls and girls are ewww" kind of deal. I mean, where does that even come from?
  9. Since I don't know what Panda Express is and I was at a Burger King last week... I'll pick the Panda, please. WYR have a thousand dollars that are fake or one dollar that is real?
  10. Ooooh, ROASTED! ... to hack it to pieces and feed it to your resident rodents. (I'm kidding. I actually like salad.) The proper way to understand maths is...
  11. ... to make up rules on the fly and confuse everyone so you can always win. The proper way to remove bread that's stuck in your toaster is...
  12. I mean, technically, waters don't belong to any nation, since nations are just a human construct that nature gives zero f***s about, soooo.... make of that what you will. What is a Waifu?
  13. Fast, but weak. At least you'll be able to hit with it since your opponent will never see it coming and / or would be too slow to dodge it. And you know what they say, if you can damage something, you can kill it, no matter how many times you need to hit it. WYR be a genius in one thing and suck at everything else or be moderately good at everything, but excel in nothing in particular?
  14. ... to play Samurai Warriors instead. The proper way to use paper is...
  15. ... to confuse the hell out of them by reciting recent German politics to them. They''ll freak out and leave because they don't want the sheer incompetence and stupidity to rub off on them. The proper way to stealthily insult someone is...
  16. I have severe asthma, so I'd die in either case. :P WYR be the star of your own TV show or be the voice actor/actress for the protagonist of your favourite anime series?
  17. I think we just saw one of Hawkwing's darker sides... Her name was Lethe. She was a pretty awesome unit in PoR, all things considered, though she sucked in RD. Which is a shame. Granted, but it is now nearly required to get an overkill to get even decent EXP. If you don't overkill an enemy, they only give half the EXP and a quarter of WEXP. And before any of you might think "oh, that's not so bad", overkill only triggers off of crits, making any class and / or weapon without a decent crit bonus practically useless. You are also much more at the mercy of the RNG as usual. Oh, and the A.I. doesn't need crits to overkill you and if one of your units die to an overkill on Casual mode, they're dead forever. If it happens on Classic mode, it creates an autosave, so you can't reset and start over. I wish all of the incest jokes would stop and the implied incest vanishes from any FE game.
  18. Because it's funny. Speaking of: why does the word "funny" mean "humorous" and "strange" at the same time?
  19. And that is one of the many reasons I decided to study linguistics amongst other things. Our language is a lot deeper and more complicated than we think. As for the above question: Probably not. Peeps just won't really criticise Zelda games on the internet. If you do...... *evil music starts playing in the background while someone screams in the distance* Which kind of movie genre would you like your life to be?
  20. "You have two options: Find my wvyern a mate or have Minerva eat you. Which will it be?" *sinister giggle*
  21. Truer words have never been spoken. Me too. And it's certainly not a pretty one...
  22. Ominous! I like it! 8/10 Bravely Default - Baby Bird
  23. ... to drink as much coffee as humanly possible and then jump around for about 2 days straight. Trust me, I've tried. not. I'm joking, of course. The proper way to unite two magnets is...
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