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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. I know. NORMAL Ninjas are better, I agree. But in that one moment, Saizo was eternally ruined for me. I'm sorry.
  2. This is what happens when memes get out of hand. Thank you, meme culture. /s
  3. Art is an explosion!!! *goes kablooey* How many sticks would you theoretically need to break someone's bones?
  4. Huh, interesting. I like the New Mystery version better, by far. This is pretty hilarious, though. XD
  5. Hogwarts. I'd be surrounded by at least halfway intelligent people that way. WYR have your worst enemy get arthritis or diabetes?
  6. Because some taxes are downright unnecessary and serve no purpose other than to take money from you. And it's not like the government actually does something beneficial with the money. I mean, nothing beneficial for the common folk (middle and lower classes) at any rate. What are your general feelings on fanservice for the sake of humour? (like the infamous guy walks in on a girl bathing / changing clothes scenes in Anime / Japanese video games)
  7. Wait, really? I thought he just stabbed himself with a sword and died. Like this CG in FE12 implies. As for another funny moment: I started laughing pretty hard when Saizo tried to blow himself up to "show his loyalty to Hoshido". He was no better than some of those idiots who blow themselves up to get 72 virgins (which don't all have to be female, by the way) at that point.
  8. 1. What is your favourite animal? 2. How did you come up with your user name? 3. What is / was your favourite subject in school? 4. Favourite season? 5. What do you think of Halloween?
  9. Because it's badass, apparently. Have you ever gotten angry for no explicable reason?
  10. Nope, it was just his pen name. He was an American children's author, cartoonist, poet, animator, screenwriter and artist. At least that's what Wikipedia tells me. What is the stupidest thing you have ever heard about / seen and why is it the Hot Iron-Challenge?
  11. ... to try and pretend you have a voice modulator stuck in your throat. You also need to croak a lot. The proper way to ruin something for yourself is...
  12. ... to use it for quite SHOCKING effects *insert drum here* I'll see myself out. I know where the door is. The proper way to make tea is...
  13. I have never even heard of that game before, but I'll just assume no. With how many members there are, I think the laws of probability should tell us that at least one more member should at least have heard about Soul Blazer. Dafuq is an "NPC" (not the video game kind, apparently)?
  14. Two dudes who are probably members of a (heavy/black/death) metal band. If they indeed are, I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't know them.
  15. Gave me a fact to post about him. Has played all four mainline Hyperdimension Neptunia games.
  16. ... standing on your left hand with your left little toe in your right ear, chugging a glass of milk while singing "Mary had a little lamb" in D-minor. The proper way to clean your room is...
  17. Has recently played at least two Hyperdimension Neptunia games.
  18. Well, stagnation is usually followed by regression, so... yeah, make of that what you will. That, or Goat Yoga is actually some new form of hyper efficient long-distance communication method that doesn't require an electronic substitution device (or ESD for short), but we just haven't figured it out until now. So has anyone figured out who actually let the dogs out?
  19. Wait, I have a bandwagon now? Yay! Anyway, my vote goes to @Karimlan again, since he wasn't interviewed before, I think.
  20. One. If they get a second one, they're not a one hit wonder anymore. 'Least I think that's how it works. How do you cat?
  21. That character is unplayable, has the usual "Retarded Green Unit Syndrome" and you have to baby them on nearly every map as they regularly charge into flocks of enemies. Since they are important to the story, if they die, it's an immediate game over. You also can't rescue them because their Constitution (or equivalent stat) is way too high. They also have the class with the highest movement in the game - which, by the way, is unobtainable by the player and even outruns Paladins and the like -, but incredibly low stats that never increase. They will also get doubled by nearly everything AND to top it all off: they have the heaviest weapon in the game on them and the Provoke skill. I wish the devs would realize the impossibility of falling in love after four conversations - especially if those four conversations basically consist of nothing else but the characters b****ing at each other.
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