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Posts posted by FinalArcadia

  1. I agree about the return of ability to rescue, no avatar (or one with far less focus), return to non-marriage support style of past games (if there's no 2nd-gen, anyway), and definitely more objectives. The "survive x amount of turns" type ones in particular would make me happy to see again. Weakening pair-up seems like a must, honestly. And money was just WAY too easy to obtain in Awakening, I never felt like I had to conserve at all.

    More expressive character portraits than Awakening is my hope as far as cosmetic changes go, like if they could have a more fluid shift from one emotion to the other. And more face variety in the character designs, since Awakening had a lot of same-y faces on a lot of characters, or maybe it was just more noticeable there than in past games, idk.

  2. I'd love to see Xenoblade Chronicles available to play it on a big screen rather than the 3DS, but yeah, it seems unlikely for at least a while. The Wii versions of Pikmin 1 and 2 would be good additions as well since those seem to be either hard to find or expensive when you can find them. Super Paper Mario deserves to get more recognition through a release like this especially since it was the last good Paper Mario and for a 3rd party game, I'd like to see the Harvest Moon games that the Wii had (I'd double dip for those easy).

    About the GameCube, I also think those will eventually be available on Wii U. There's a TON of GameCube games that would be enticing to people, so I think they'd save that for a different time or as an ace in the hole. Still wondering where N64 games are for the actual Wii U VC, not the Wii mode one though....

  3. I'd rather see the support systems from pre-Awakening games make a return, and I really wish that the whole Avatar thing would stay in Awakening. It wasn't too bad in FE12, and it was unobtrusive - if a bit awkward in how unnecessary Mark was - in FE7, but Awakening went too far. I like having a legitimate main character/protag who isn't of my own creation, one who can have a more developed personality without having to be semi-generic so as to be suited for self-insert.

    An avatar as a side character of little story importance? Ehhhh, yeah, that's all right. But I'd really rather see a return to the days of no avatars or MUs.

    The marriage system though... it's something I'd like to enjoy more, but certain places made me turn against it and I just want normal supports back rather than slog through the mess it creates on places like tumblr.

  4. If there really are some even bigger choices to make with greater effects, then I am INCREDIBLY excited for this, especially since the announcement came a bit out of left-field and unexpectedly, adding to the hype. Nice looking character designs so far too!

  5. Collector's editions are cool when they come with a physical extra, like the Skull Kid figure. I'd love to own more CEs from series I like, but I hardly ever pre-order anymore and those really sell quick in a lot of cases. The CE of Final Fantasy X was one I really wanted with the soundtrack and art book, and the combination of an OST + art book is really appealing to me in general for stuff like this.

  6. My GBA FE games still save fine, as do all of my GBA cartridges... to my knowledge anyway, some I haven't played in a long time. GBC games are another story though, sadly. But yeah, that sucks to have that happen to a game, especially one like FE. Does it happen to more "save-intensive" games first maybe, with things like the suspend feature?

  7. Hey! I've been a lurker here for years, so I decided to take the plunge and actually join. Looking forward to being a part of the forum!

    Online name: FinalArcadia

    Real name: Haley
    DoB: May 21, 1993
    Favourite FE Game: Sacred Stones
    Favourite Game (other than FE): Skies of Arcadia: Legends
    Favourite FE Character: Innes and Ephraim
    Least Favourite FE game: Shadow Dragon, though I'm trying to give it another chance now so maybe not least favorite for long
    Favourite music: Pop, alternative rock, video game soundtracks
    Favourite artist/band: The Killers and Bastille
    Favourite song: "Dreams of an Absolution" by Lee Brotherton (from Sonic 2006... which had pretty good music)
    Country: United States
    Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, playing video games (which is probably no surprise)
    Good Point: Diligent
    Bad Point: Stubborn as a mule
    Anything else?

    I am addicted to Sporcle quizzes and am determined to one day complete the one where you name every single Pokemon in 20 minutes. Someday Gen IV & V won't trip me up. Someday.

  8. Ephraim > Eliwood > Hector > Eirika > Lyn >>> Roy

    Ephraim has always felt fairly unique to me in that he's a bit more pragmatic and somewhat detached than other lords in the series, which I liked a lot as it felt like a nice contrast from Eliwood in the previous game. And then you add in his great potential battle-wise, everything just added up to make him my favorite GBA lord (and FE lord in general).

    Shame about Roy though, I wanted to like him since I mained him in SSBM and boy did I try to like him, but I felt nothing for him the entire time I played FE6. His father was a lot more likable and memorable to me.

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