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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I hate how every post in the Fire Emblem portion of the forum is a draft or a LP. (FE12 has the translation thread up right now, but... Oh, FE10 is a tier list right now. It was a draft earlier though.) :/
  2. One Second, I'll get one for you. Just LHM? Edit: http://www.mediafire.com/?5pu7gw82kek9tt2 Sadly, everything is unlocked and at 100%. HHM, EHM, LHM, 100% supports, music room, etc... I hope you don't mind.
  3. Are you guys going to use the shortened font besides for this? If not, I'm going with the Vial, just because it's less work.
  4. He doesn't even know where the freakin' base is. Anyone who knows anything about tracking would go to the last place where you knew something was, and follow the trail. A move in a base wouldn't be subtle. They'd probably have to move tables, scrolls, and not to mention money and treasures.
  5. The problem with Legualt is that he doesn't know where the bases are. Really? Really. Random mooks know about them and he doesn't. Didn't he quit around chapter 20? At which point it's logical to assume that the Black Fang couldn't have moved bases in that short of a time, nor would they have reason to. So it doesn't really make sense.
  6. Bryan


    It's still getting released...
  7. It's just rude, there have been a couple of posts like that. I wasn't disagreeing, I was just clairifying a point for myself mainly, I forgot to add that sentance.
  8. How is this helpful at all? Comments like this are hardly relevant. Hell, all of these LPs and Drafts drove me away from posting. What did I have to add? Cool, I've done all of that before. Low tier units on Hard mode? Done it twenty times. Another topic is nice every now and then. I don't know why you all have be so annoying that it isn't an LP or a Draft at the top of the forum slot. I don't quite see how traveling is going to make them more worthy. Isn't the real trial inside?
  9. Bryan


    I fucking love you so much. I didn't think there was ever going to be a release!
  10. I very much enjoyed this thread, it stated many of the plot holes that I found myself. I figured I must have just missed something, like many other people. That's not really a good feeling. :/ I hate when people say that this plot is sooooo much better than FE8's. Lyon >>>>> Nergal. I love how Lyon is portrayed as a good guy, and even at the end of the story, you still want to save him. I felt nothing of the sort for Nergal. Lyon has to be one of my favorite villans, since you feel sorry for him.
  11. Since the main point of getting it with Sigurd was so that you could have full uses, do you want a full use code for the sword?
  12. Wait, have you already beat the chapter? I can try to give you the infinite movement. 84CB33 BF
  13. I just noticed that Chapters 2 & 3 don't line up. :/ That's stupid. The starting castle in four is like seven pixels to high. For Size: [spoiler=SuperFE4 map] This is what I have so far. The Yied desert is tripping me up. It would be kind of cool to make a map that has the whole contenient on it.
  14. I'm thinking it could just be the code.
  15. Maybe trying other codes? Try a max gold code or a max bexp code and see if it works.
  16. No, I don't need that. Just wanted to check. What codes are you using?
  17. Did it say that it found codes and read the .gct file? It's in the right folder, right?
  18. Portal? It's only teen.
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