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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I have a 20/1 Neimi by chapter 9. I mean, if you're not using her, yes, the bolt is better sold. But again, she's not fighting with someone over it. I don't know why you would use her and then sell the bolt. That makes no sense!
  2. I'm looking forward to it. Lyn side story isn't out yet right?
  3. Hmm. At least I can stay updated now. :)
  4. At least somebody remebered this! I was banging my head against the table because no body had even mentioned this.I also never said that Neimi was good, but she does get her own promotion item. That really should count for something. It's not like she's fighting with somebody over it, like any one of our mages, Josh, Gerik, Franz, Forde. The list goes on...
  5. NOOOOO. GODDAMMIT. I want to be in this so bad! Oh well. :/ I'll be eagerly watching~
  6. 11 More days till the end of High School!

    1. Lyon's Dirge

      Lyon's Dirge

      Well, this is old.

  7. Franz - Paladin for extra move, GK for axes. It's pretty much your choice. Gilliam - General cause it's awesome. Vanessa - Falcon Knight for the Triangle Attack. :/ WK = Fugly. Moulder - Bishop. Slayer = hax. Ross - Super Trainee Hero. It suits him. Garcia - Warrior. Again, it suits him. Neimi - Ranger. Better Caps, more mov, and can use swords. Yes please. Colm - Rogue or Assassin. They've got the same caps, so whichever you feel like. Artur - Bishop or Sage. Even though slayer = hax, if you give him Invaldi, he doesn't get the 3x bonus from Slayer. :/ Lute - Sage. Cause MK is lammmme. Female sages FTW! Natasha - Bishop. Cause her boobies are awesome. Just kidding, Again, slayer is pwn. Joshua - Swordmaster. Pretty much obvious. It suits him... Forde - Paladin. It suits him too... Kyle - Paladin. Whichever you made Forde. :/ Tana - Falcon Knight. You could go WK for pierce Triangle attack, but you can only use Tana to activate it that way. Amelia - Super Trainee Paladin. It matches her growths. Gerik - Hero. It suits him. Axes >>> Bows. Don't hurt me. I still love you bows. D: Marisa - Swordmaster. <3 Female swordmaster. :D L'Arachel - Valkyrie. It's pretty much whichever you choose. They have the same caps, so it's pretty much the sprite and anima vs light. Ewan - Super Trainee Sage. Anything but Summoner or Druid. He's cannonicly a sage. :/ Also, DarkmagicglitchSage!Ewan = awesome. Cormag - Wyvern Lord or Knight. It's swords vs pierce. Knoll - Summoner. Cause then he can summon...
  8. They did. They also lost the con bonus. I don't quite understand why this was done. Shouldn't they get something really worth it since you have to beat the game twice? Crap. I just noticed that I necroposted. D:
  9. Bryan

    Critique Please?

    The soldier is not bad. Ephraim has a cloak between his legs still. You might want to get rid of that. Why does Eliwood look all funny? It's all distorted.
  10. If you can get both, get PoR. If you're like me, and hate not having all of the S rank weapons, go for RD. RD's graphics are pretty much amazing.
  11. Pretty much major tile spam. I think that you're coming back to it, and so that's why it's like that... Although it isn't too bad.
  12. Bryan

    Sprite Help

    I'll try it out. You just want his hand to raise? Do you want him to raise his hand like the Necromancer?
  13. She at least can promote to Ranger and gain swords. Plus, she has claim to the only bolt in the game. IMO, it's nice to have your own promotion item. Not arguing that she does anything.
  14. Shit happens when we rely on just Eirika to tank. It can't when we have Franz tank. What part of 64 avoid and 77 hit was not understandable? That's like, 13 hit? If she's on a plain it will be around 30, but still... Why do you need Def when you have that much avoid? In the rare event that she is hit, she can just use a potion. Franz isn't doubling, nor is he that much more durable. He's got about a four HP and three Def lead on her. (This is saying they are both at level four.) It's one more attack that he can survive, which is great; but he'll get hit much more frequently.
  15. I was looking at a couple of tier lists, and I thought about what the absolute minimal turncounts were. This doesn't include Seth skip or warp staves. The first turncount is the normal run, the second is if you killed every enemy before hand and then moved Eirika. The way that I am finding this out is maxing Eirika, and moving her toward the goal. Her movement won't be changed, other units can help out. This won't count recuritments or items. Chapter 0: 2. Eirika moves -> and then V. She can clear solo. Same. :/ Chapter 1: 4. Eirika moves towards the boss, she stops two spaces from him. Seth has to kill the boss in order to clear in four turns. You aren't killing all of the enemies. Same. :/ Chapter 2: 5. Rout maps are kind of tricky. Seth has to help out in order to insure minimum turncount. It takes two turns to recruit Ross and Garcia. Also the Same. :/ What I did was I killed everything with Seth, and then waited for the boss to come down from the mountain. Chapter 3: 5. Seth has to break down walls for her, and kill the boss so she can claim it easily, as she again lands two spaces from him. >:/ You might not be able to get all three treaures, because by the time Colm kills the bandit, he's only got two maybe three turns left. Also, you aren't killing all of the enemies. Still the same. :/ Chapter 4: 8. Rout maps are really tricky for this. There isn't a way to get a definite turn count. Seth recruited Lute on turn four, and killed the whole west side. The mogalls each take a turn to attack, because Eirika doesn't have two range. However, I Seth/ Eirika'd the whole chapter. 4! The first difference! Yay! It only took me four if I killed everything and moved Eirika to the boss. Chapter 5: 5. If you have Eirika just rush through, and Seth kill the enemies that are in her way so she can't use her full move, she gets to Saar in five turns. HOWEVER, this isn't recruiting Joshua, or getting all of the villages. So... Yea, it's still the same... I'll do more later. Is this interesting? I am doing this so that if somebody were to say, "I four turned cleared chapter 3 without rescuing Eirika!" We could all call BS. Or somehow it might help for something else.
  16. Wait... Wait... What? She'll gain around 165 exp from killing the two bandits and the boss in the proluge. She has a .6 chance of getting speed in the first level. That's over half. PLUS, if Eirika kills the first bandit in chapter two, she'll level to two. You've got like a .16 chance not to gain one speed in those two levels. (PEMN...) In my 40+ play throughs on all of the different difficulties, I have never had her fail to double unless I make her use the steel sword. I play Sethless every run through. You're getting screwed.
  17. What mode are you playing? I've never had her fail to double unless I hand her the steel sword. (I do play on hard mode.) Yea, I pretty much just Eirika solo the first few chapters. It gets the job done quickly. Franz is great, but IMO, training Eirika is top priority. We have to make sure she can survive, plus, it's important to have her at 20 by chapter 16's end. We can't have a level five lord running around chapter 9. (Or 10, 11, 12, 13...)
  18. Bryan

    Wen's sprites archive.

    That makes nooo sense Soul. Nevermind. Here's a 17 color (Including Background) version. The second red color should probably be darker... And is it just me, or is her leg really short? I know you copied that from her sprite, but I think it should be extended a pixel or two. I'll try to make a headband looking thing. The gem thing looked odd IMO.
  19. Bryan

    Wen's sprites archive.

    I'm down to about 17 colors. ;/ I can't figure out that last color or two. Why does she have a red gem on her head? It looks weird. o.o
  20. Bryan

    Wen's sprites archive.

    You have about fifty 34 colors in this. :/ I'm trying to make it default colors right now, so that it is under 16.
  21. I don't really get why you allow other characters into your playthrough. I would understand on the chapters that you don't have anybody that uses lances or bows, but otherwise, you're hurting your other characters in the long run. I can play with two characters in POR and get turncounts of ~4 on every chapter. (I know, off topic, but still.) TL;DR (What...?) Stop using non lance and bow people, it makes no sense.
  22. Wow, you did all of those animations by yourself? They're quite impressive. The Micky one starts out looking a lot like MK404's though, although the rest of the animation is different. I love the leaf animation!
  23. Bryan

    My Crappy Sprites

    Thanks so much! This is all really helpful! I'll be editing this stuff in the car today. Thanks to both of you. :)
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