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Posts posted by FighterForHisFriends

  1. The bare feet! Those damnable bare feet!


    Okay! Look at them from top to bottom! Cool... Cool... Cool... Definitely one of Yusuke Kozaki's best works... Wait a minute! What the fuck is that!? Bare feet!? Bare fucking feet!?
    That is so ridiculously stupid and impractical. Oh yeah, the path of Hoshido or the path of Nohr? I don't wanna walk any paths if I don't have fucking shoes. Am I expected to believe this dude is going to march for miles and miles with no shoes!? My immersion is absolutely destroyed.
    This is absolutely ridiculous. Why would you ever leave your feet out in the open? Have you ever stubbed your toe or had 'em stepped on? Toes are literally just ten horrible weak points.
    Fire Emblem is ruined forever.

  2. Nice.
    And yeah, Jedi. I rented Ogre Battle when I was a youngin. Fun story; after I got into Fire Emblem, I tried looking to see if there was one for the N64, because I thought there was a chance that that game (Ogre Battle) I played as a child was Fire Emblem. Ya know, 'cuz blue-haired protagonists and strategy RPG... Totes must be Fire Emblem. I've got it on Virtual Console now and I've been lazily hunting for a physical copy, but I haven't found any at a price I'm willing to pay. I need to pick it back up. I never got around to finishing it.

  3. Yeah, I'm kinda into retro gaming. I grew up with the N64, but around 2009 I started getting into retro stuff, so I started buying old consoles and games and stuff. But yeah, I'll probably need to get a Famicom or a Famicom/NES adapter device (Like a Honeybee or something) if I really want to see if it works. I bought it from a reputable, independently-owned game store, so I'm not particularly worried that it doesn't work.

  4. Gaiden, right? I own a copy of that. I even busted up a Gyromite cart to pull the Famicom/NES adapter out and pop it on. I've never been able to get the pin connectors to line up in my NES though. Like, I don't even know for sure if the cartridge actually works or not. But yeah, I really like the world map mechanic. I love grinding everyone to the fullest and stuff, as opposed to just picking a few guys to stick with the entire game.

  5. Yeah, Sacred Stones is my favorite (might just be because I played it first), but... It's kind of tied with Awakening. I like Ike a ton, but I kinda just went with this name, 'cuz it's the wittiest Fire Emblem-related name I could come up with. I really liked Path of Radiance, buuuut... Radiant Dawn is by far my least favorite in the series.

  6. Wow. I'm surprised nobody already used this name.
    So, 'ey. I'm FighterForHisFriends and I kinda feel that Fire Emblem is the best thing ever. I recently pre-ordered the Lucina figma a day or two ago... Then I looked around and realized I only know, like, two people who don't say "Ike from Smash Bros." So, now I'm trying to connect with the Fire Emblem fandom. This is me doing that.
    Um... I've liked Fire Emblem since 2009 when I bought a used copy of Sacred Stones at a convention. Since then, I've gone on to collect and play every Fire Emblem that's been released in the states. I've also bought a bunch of the ones that never made it here. My collection's only missing Thracia, the original, and Heroes of Light and Shadow. I'll admit I haven't really played the Japanese ones... 'cuz I can't read 'em. Uh... I'm big on collecting Fire Emblem merch, too.
    Other than that... Um... I'm working on getting an associates in applied sciences so I can work in the games industry and I'm really into video game cover bands (I'm in a really good town for that; we've got three). So, yeah, I'm really into video games and the culture surroundin' 'em. I like other stuff, too. I swear.
    So... What's crackin'?

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