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Posts posted by Cat1803

  1. Hello all! Cat1803 here, back from the dead (sort of. long story). I'm in the beginning stages of writing a guide/playlog for Lunatic+ using highman strategies. The real question is... this game is old at this point, and I don't want to make a guide no one would read instead of, you know, playing it and Apotheosis for fun. I have a weird definition of fun. In any case, I am making this post to gauge interest in such a guide - would anyone read it? Let me know your thoughts. I can post the prelude to the guide if anyone is interested as well.

    Take care!

  2. Keep in mind I almost exclusively play on either Normal or Lunatic+. Apparently I like things either very easy or very difficult with no in-between.

    Robin - Veteran is broken and either gender of Robin just snowballs out of control.

    Morgan - see Robin

    Sumia - I love Pegasus Knights in this game and her only flaw is her low Str/Def. Her high Speed makes her evasive and allows her to easily double even the fastest enemies.

    Cordelia - See Sumia, if a little more bulky and less Speedy

    Lucina - Aether and DS+ make her a force to be reckoned with

    Cynthia - See Sumia, but with Aether and reclassed to a cute little Cavalier

    Severa - In my runs she comes packing Veteran, so see Robin and Mrgan

    Miriel - I like to take her through Troubadour/Valkyrie when I need an extra healer, and it's amazing how good of a support unit she is with Demo and DSp+

    LAURENT - I always like reclassing him to Dark Mage and watching him Nosferatu everything to death

    Gregor - He makes a great father for a surprising array of children due to automatic AT passdown, so I almost always use him

    Lissa - Not much for combat, but I do like having her around to heal stuff

    Maribelle - See Lissa but with easier access to Demoiselle and Dual Support+

  3. Any advice for Lunatic+ Chapter 13 that doesn't involve skipping it? I need the EXP and I have a team of fliers (aka Longbow fodder). I currently have Sumia/Cordelia as Dark Fliers and Maribelle/Lissa as Falcon Knights. Sumia doesn't have Galeforce yet, but should have it by the end of the map. Thanks!

  4. So, I'm working on a project I thought would be small but turned out bigger than I thought: guides for the child paralogues in a Lunatic+ no-grind setting. The idea is that through multiple playthroughs, I recruit each kid at least once and give a general guide on how to conquer the chapter, as well as suggestions for pairings, skill passdowns, and class paths for the given child.

    I actually have everyone's done and nearly written up, with two exceptions: Inigo and Gerome. Both are kids I normally don't even use in Vanilla Lunatic, and I was wondering what fathers anyone here normally gave these two in no-grind L+ and around when you recruit them. I figured for Inigo I'd dance spam Olivia x Henry and get him as soon as they hit an S Support (no GF passdown) but I have no idea what to do for Gerome. Thanks for any input, and I'll make a separate thread for this project when I have everyone's done.

  5. (I'll only post about the kids I have a decent amount of experience with)

    I will echo the praise for Gregor!Laurent. Especially wonderful is that he can still hit the ground running with minimal investment into Gregor.

    Kjelle - My experience with Kjelle is with Gaius as a father in Lunatic+. I imagine he's not the only father that can work for her, but having Pegasus Knight (aka lolDarkFlierGaleforce) on the table was really nice. Especially helps that her Paralogue is pretty easy as far as the kid recruitment chapters go.

    Cynthia - I only really bother if Chrom or M!Robin is her father. Henry joins too late and Fred's stats can't keep up. Otherwise early Galeforce is nice, and she's generally a good unit that would probably be used more if her mom had more marriage options.

    Severa comes with Armsthrift and the ability to inherit Galeforce. Her chapter is an opportunity for some staffers with fresh Rescues to get some EXP. And your reward for completing it is buyable Second Seals.

    A Discipline dad can really help get Yarne off the ground. I personally used Stahl!Yarne for Discipline and instant Archer reclass. Considering he should be inheriting a decent amount of stats from Panne, he's pretty solid.

    Chrom!Inigo with a Galeforce Olivia is good, but other Inigos kind of smell.

    I recently had success in Lunatic+ with Gregor!Noire. She basically fulfilled the role I normally have Gregor!Laurent in (inherit Sol, reclass to Merc, reclass to Dark Mage), but with the inability to marry Lucina and a weaker mother due to inability to staff spam. Not sure I'd use her in Lunatic+ again due to the constraints, but I'm considering using her again in my next Vanilla Lunatic run.

  6. You could always move Virion to Yarne and use Stahl for Inigo. Yarne still gets quite a lot out of it and gets Archer either way, even if he has less Str. As for Lon'qu, he can give better mods to Brady since he isn't being used on Severa. Alternatively, if you want to keep Stahl!Yarne, you could do Fred!Inigo or Kellam!Inigo.

    As for Nah... Fred isn't all that great on her. I'm not seeing Henry up there (unless I'm derping really hard), and he's great for her, notably as a Valkyrie.

    Gregor is great on Laurent. Gregor really helps him be more versatile, giving him a little extra Str for his innate Hex/Anathema Berserker, Armsthrift for non-Apo needs (or Apo if you really hate maintenance), and Vantage if V/V is your thing.

  7. MaMU

    Name: Casey

    Build 1, Face 1, Hair 1, Hair Color 2, Voice 3

    Birthday 3/26



    Name: Cat

    Build 3, Face 1, Hair 1, Hair Color 2, Voice 2

    Birthday 3/26


    I've varied my FeMU builds a lot more than my MaMU builds. MaMU tends to marry Cordelia or Sumia, while FeMU tends to marry Chrom. I've also named my MUs lots of different names but hardly my IRL name. +Spd/-Def is my go-to most of the time.

  8. If your friend is taking non-pairing-related recommendations, Sumia should have a BFF until Henry shows up since they're ten chapters apart from each other. I'd also recommend saving one or more of Paralogues 2-4 to build that support. 2 and 3 in particular are very lucrative training chapters, which will help Henry out if you save them for him.

    Sully makes a nice Sumia pair buddy, even if untrained - she'll boost Sumia's naturally high Skl/Spd while also providing her with some much-needed Def.

  9. I'd say also keep in mind the possible promotions for your FeMU.

    Thief and Myrmidon both have an Assassin promotion option, and Pass is a nice skill to have if you'd like to be using Bows to avoid Counter damage. Unfortunately Assassin is the only real worthwhile promotion for those two classes in-game - Swordmaster and Trickster keep you melee-locked and don't have the stats to back it up.

    If you still want to go into a Swordlocked class, I'd have to recommend Mercenary. Armsthrift will let you keep your Levin Swords for longer, Patience is really nice for Enemy Phase Avoid, and both of Merc's promotions are worth considering. Hero's Sol is really potent and getting D Axes will give you a cheaper ranged option, while Bow Knight allows you to equip Bows to avoid Counter and gives you Bowbreaker, which is more potent than you'd think against enemy Snipers (who have pretty dangerous Hit even with Hawkeye). Despite melee lock, Swords are nice for Wyrmslayers, and you'll be preserving those expensive things with Armsthrift (makes Counter Wyverns a non-issue unless they also have Pavise+). Bows will alternatively give you a very potent option against Wyverns and especially Pegasus Knights. I'd give Merc a higher recommendation, but a Lck flaw will make it hard to get the most out of Armsthrift.

    As for Magic options, I have to second Dark Mage as an ideal class change option. Hex and Anathema are really nice - Anathema especially often allows you to crit through stuff before Counter comes into play. Remaining in a Tome-using class is also beneficial for a less expensive ranged option, as well as keeping Wind Tomes - Plegia loves Wyverns and 7 Mov Counter enemies can really ruin your day, but OHKOing them with Wind ruins their day. You can also avoid Counter by equipping Mire on the enemy phase, but this comes with the bummer of not being able to counterattack 2-3 range enemies in addition to the melee Counter damage you'd be trying to avoid.

    Other class options: Cavalier lets you keep Swords and is really nice for Discipline (and Paladin promotion), while Pegasus Knight gives you a Dark Flier promotion (just be wary of Lance-lock in Axe-heavy Plegia). Archer can work if you want to start avoiding Counter immediately - as a bonus it comes with Longbows, Sniper promotion, and the aforementioned Bow Knight promotion it shares with Merc.

    Quite a few of those base classes have their selling points, but in the process of choosing one, you'll have to consider a few things: What base class skills do you want the most? Does that class have strong promotions? Does that class retain any of your previous weapon ranks, or at the very least have strong weapons for that point of the game? Does the class have strong stats that complement your FeMU's current stats and growth rates?

    For your situation, I'd recommend Dark Mage with a somewhat lesser recommendation of Merc. The other options I've listed and the ones you're considering are kind of on equal footing below that (though Pegasus Knight does have a small edge thanks to Dark Flier promotion).

    Hope this helps, sorry it's a little text-heavy.

  10. Eh, Tiki's paralogue opens up around the time when I want kids to already be slaughtering things, or at the very least caught up with the rest of the army and hopefully surpassing their parents. I'm not quite willing to wait that long for Morgan (especially considering the amount of time it'd take for MU and Tiki to build the support...)

    I do appreciate the input, though, and it sucks to hear about your friend killing so many units and saving.

  11. So, I'm trying to do something different.

    I noticed when doing postgame grinding in my latest completed Lunatic+ file that I haven't completed most of the child paralogues ingame, and I'd like to rectify that in a series of 3-4 playthroughs. I'd like to have a comprehensive write-up about what each child paralogue will be like ingame during Lunatic+, in addition to a playlog of the main story. The goal is to recruit every child character at least once. Here's what I have mapped out so far:

    Run 1: Chrom + F!Avatar (Lucina, Morgan), Miriel + Gregor (Laurent), Sully + Gaius (Kjelle). Planning on adding one more combat pair - this is generally my go-to team, and I probably have room for an Owain or Brady with Libra as a parent.

    Run 2: Chrom + Sumia (Lucina, Cynthia), M!Avatar + Cordelia (Severa, Morgan). I probably have room for 1-2 more combat pairs. All four kids are girls and I could use some male kids and I'd like to have one of them be a Warrior for Endgame.

    Run 3: Chrom + Olivia (Lucina, Inigo), M!Avatar + Sumia (Cynthia, Morgan). This is probably the only way I'll be picking up Inigo ingame (and the main way just about anyone would be picking up Inigo during Lunatic+ main story). I probably only have room for one more combat pair here but I'm not sure.

    Run 4: I'll determine the combat pairs here based on what I can and can't fit in the other playthroughs.

    Part of the parenting decisions for each child will be who the best ingame parent is for each child in a vacuum: For example, if Laurent and Noire share Gregor as the best ingame father, I would not use Laurent and Noire in the same playthrough (just an example). For kids I use multiple times, I'd like to vary their parents in each playthrough when possible. I also plan on using kids I recruit instead of benching them. So, for each child...

    Lucina: Will be used every run, with a different mother for the first three. Fourth run will either be a repeat or she'll have Maribelle/Sully as a mother. She'll also be inheriting Galeforce from her mother in the first three runs.

    Owain: Lissa and Libra are really easy to S-rank via staves. Let me know if I'm overlooking someone, but he'll be a hard support regardless (taking Lissa through Dark Flier in Lunatic+? No thanks.) He'll be the easiest to squeeze into a run that already has plenty of kids, given that his parents won't have to participate in actual combat and his paralogue is really easy. He'd likely be Second Sealing to Mage and promoting to Sage.

    Inigo: Will be used in Run 3 with Chrom as a parent. His paralogue is very difficult but rewards completion with early Second Seal access. Bonus points (and items) if Inigo can secure kills. For the purpose of training Olivia, Paralogues 3 and 4 will be put off until after C11 (I'll include P2 if I can help it, but my team may need the experience).

    Brady: I have no idea where to fit this kid in. If I decide to do Chrom and Maribelle in Run 4, that's where he'll be. Otherwise Maribelle and Libra are as easy to S-rank as Lissa and Libra, so he may be another kid squeezed into an already-populated run and used as a hard support. He'll either promote directly to Sage or Second Seal to Mage and promote to Sage from there.

    Kjelle: Definite for Run 1. Has a ridiculously easy recruitment chapter that she can gain quite a few levels in. She'll start ahead of the curve since Sully comes fairly early and will have quite a few levels under her belt.

    Cynthia: Will definitely be used in Runs 2 and 3. Not much to write up about her here since I've used her frequently.

    Severa: Is a definite for Run 2. As a bonus, her Paralogue gives Second Seals early and S-ranking Cordelia with someone gives immediate access to Cynthia's paralogue.

    Gerome: I have no idea what to do with this kid or where to stick him. Henry shows up at around the same time as Cherche, but Gregor isn't too far away from Cherche's arrival and I like Gregor and Cherche's in-game synergy better. Any suggestions?

    Morgan-M: Definite for Run 1. Unsure if going F-Avatar or M-Avatar for Run 4, so he may or may not apply there.

    Morgan-F: Definite for Runs 2 & 3. Her mother will be a Pegasus Knight both times around, which means I'll have her starting with Galeforce and starting in a class with C Lances. May or may not be used for Run 4.

    Yarne: I'm interested in trying to make Panne x Virion work (Bowfaire Warrior? May fit into Run 2?) but I don't have any experience with using Yarne in-game during Lunatic+, so any suggestions would be welcome.

    Laurent: Definite for Run 1. Strong parent and Dark Mage access means he's a good candidate for any run (and I'd use him in every run if I wasn't trying to go for variety).

    Noire: Archer and Dark Mage right off the bat is interesting, but I have a lack of experience using her in-game in Lunatic+. I've been thinking of Gregor as a parent for her - Gregor and Tharja show up at similar points during the game, Gregor provides Armsthrift for Noire's potential Dark Magic or Longbows, and his default class and promotions give nice bonuses for Tharja. Any feedback here?

    Nah: She needs a +Spd dad very badly. (+Spd will also be nice for Nowi, now that I think of it) I immediately thought of Gaius and Gregor as nice options, but I've also been thinking of M!Avatar. My only experience with M!Avatar x Nowi is on Vanilla Lunatic, so I'm not sure how the Veteran Manaketes would work out in Lunatic+. Any other thoughts and ideas?

    So, any feedback on parents for the kids and what run(s) I should get them in would be appreciated. Having far more experience in Lunatic+ than I used to, I'm willing to push the amount of combat pairs used in each run. Part of my motivation for this is the lack of up-to-date guides I've been able to find on each child in-game in general, not to mention in such an unforgiving difficulty setting. I'm definitely not an expert by any means, so any input and assistance that can be offered would be appreciated. Thanks!

  12. (I'll just leave this here for when everyone wakes up)

    As of typing this, KTT's current run is on Chapter 17. There have been casualties (started in Chapter 4 due to a crit) but it looks like we may have another successful run on our hands, so now would be the time to check it out. Morgan and Lucina are being used despite lack of a staffbot making their training seem nearly impossible. I know most of y'all won't be up this early on a Saturday, but check it out if you are awake.

    Edit: Chapter 25 is happening NOW and Endgame is almost upon us!

    ANOTHER EDIT: Run complete. Great work, KTT.

  13. I'm throwing out the sniping-melee strat. It works ten times in a row and then doesn't five times in a row. I found my old notes from when I got it more consistently and I found the problem: my Robin was so Res-screwed that she, after reclassing to Merc and taking the Res hit, was a more desirable target than Fred as far as the Mages were concerned. This is really disappointing considering I thought I actually had something.

    With this in mind, if the barbs attacking Fred aren't the scariest things ever, a similar situation could be manipulated by Fred taking Sumia for the +Res (her +Spd should help him dodge non-Hawkeye things too) and having Robin clear out some enemies at range until some Mages move in. I've had some success with this, but the main problem arises if the Barbs and Mages have high Hawkeye/Luna+ density. I might be able to spitball some ideas in the chat but what I thought was solid looks to be falling apart.

    I'm finding a lot of C5 is "adjust based on the circumstances", but I haven't come up with anything solid to deal with high Luna+ density. The best I've been able to come up with is sending Robin in YOLO-mode with a crit-forge to distract (especially nice if Counter density is low), but she quickly becomes overwhelmed by Luna+ if it connects.

  14. I'd recommend Bow Knight unless Morgan's in dire need of Hero's +Def. +Mov is nice, as avoiding WTD/breaker whiffs. Bowbreaker is also neat if she spends time upfront - enemy Snipers tend to be annoyingly accurate regardless of Hawkeye, and Bowbreaker helps mitigate this beautifully.

    Still working in C5. I think I'm actually coming close to multiple solutions depending on how Robin's stats are, but just when I think I have something reliable the enemies move differently than I expected them to.

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