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Posts posted by Kaito

  1. Personnally, I never train Heather as she sucks.

    So when I do this chapter, she's too weak and will be killed by anything.

    And personally, even if Heather was at a good level, one senator is too far and I have to kill it ( :( ).

    So for just 500 or 250 BEXP, I don't want to train Heather (and killing senators is sooooooo great *-* plus they are just bastards).

    She doesn't suck. She's lesbian, remember?

  2. Considering that Zihark's entire reason for being that high was basically from the fact he was supporting Nolan...What does that bode for him? I mean we showed that Eddie is actually the superior supporter...;;>> What does that speak of Eddie?

    Even if he is the superior option, by the same logic Fiona should be low...

  3. I believe it was considered that Leo's part 3 win was far superier to Ilyana's part 1 and 4 win, though i disagree on thier placements myself.

    How is it win when everyone except maybe Micaiah, Sothe, and Tauroneo want beastfoe?

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