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Corrin of Valla

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Posts posted by Corrin of Valla

  1. Alrighty then...

    I am looking to create the ultimate Guard-Stance Support unit for SCIENCE and could use some advice, namely on which character and skill combination would be optimal.

    I am quite keen on taking advantage of Nohrian Trust, though I am aware that this limits the unit to supporting Avatar or Kana in order to make the most of the unit.

    So far I have in mind Kaze with Miraculous Save, Lethality, Astra and Aegis (as he can get these regardless of who he S-Supports via his own classes + friendship with Silas) with the last two skills undecided.

    Now on to the questions at hand...

    1: Is there another character I am completely looking over that has a better leap-off point for making into this kind of unit?

    2: Who would you guys recommend I marry Kaze / alternative character to grand the best pool of skills without completely gimping the child unit of said pairing?

    3: Is it worth using up a skill slot on Replicate for this unit since they are going to be a support-bot anyway. I know that the lead of the Replica would also require Nhorian Trust to make the most of the support - but having 2x Support-bots for a single skill slot seems worth it and would also sidestep the admittedly small weakness of Replica's shared damage (as both units would be Supporting units).

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