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Posts posted by DarkSage764

  1. I found them more difficult to use and kind of a nuisance with the form gauge running out and taking forever to fill up. The royal laguz are the only real exception for me, as they kill everything and don't have to worry about the form gauge running out. However I do like them but I never use them.

  2. Snes-Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy Wars

    Runners up: Thracia 776, Sword of Mana, Kirby's Dream Course, Megaman X, Earthbound

    Gbc- Pokemon Crystal

    Runners up: Pokemon Silver

    Gba-Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

    Runners up: Fe7, Fe6, Mother 3, Pokemon Ruby

    N64-Donkey Kong 64

    Runners up: Mario 64, Smash 64, Pokemon Snap

    NGC- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

    Runners up: Ssbm, Animal Crossing, Tales of Symphonia

    Wii- Radiant Dawn

    Runners up: Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart wii

    Ds-Pokemon Soulsilver

    Runners Up: Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Black, Pokemon Conquest, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

    3ds- Fire Emblem Awakening

    Runners Up: Kid Icarus Uprising, Majora's Mask 3d, Ssb4, Tomodachi Life, Bravely Default, Harvest Moon:Anb, Super Mario 3d Land

    Wii U-Nintendo Land.

    Runners Up: Ssb4, MarioKart 8, Super Mario 3d world

  3. My town in the suburbs has a nice public transit. Granted, there aren't really a lot of people there on the subway, so it doesn't really have problems like smelling of piss and having creepers everywhere, but it's nice and quiet. It honestly reminds me of scenes in anime when a character has to use the subway, which makes it cool for me.

  4. So Nintendo announced that they're going to put games on mobile devices, and the first question I thought to myself was, "how will this effect Fire Emblem?" Personally, i'm just afraid that some gimmicky game that will force you to cough up money will come out of this, like instant revives or having to wait until your party is fully rested. Something like that. Hopefully that won't happen, but there certainly is chance.

    So what do you guys think? Will Nintendo use cheap money making tactics? Or will they go for a different approach?

  5. I liked Awakening's support style, it kind of fleshed out the whole cast with the unlimited supports, because it didn't force you to play the game multiple times to see every non-romantic support characters had. Plus, the whole pair up system just made getting supports, especially with weak units, easier, since you didn't have to worry about them dying and you wouldn't have to worry about the strong ones getting forced to stay behind for support reasons when it comes to movement speed.

    Edit: Pair up needs to be nerfed though, in terms of buff strength or they could just limit the amount of buffs.

  6. Yes.

    One of the reasons Awakening did so well was because it had casual mode for CASUAL gamers. It wouldn't make sense for Intelligent Systems to take away the very mode that made the game much more accessible for a lot of people.

    I personally enjoyed casual, I prefer Classic, but it was nice to not have to worry about my units for a change.

  7. Personally, I enjoy characters that you get in the first playthrough, so that way you don't feel like you HAVE to play the game again. (even though you probably will anyways.) Plus when talking to people who are either A: Casual, B: People who don't want to play the game more than once, or C: People who didn't know that there was another character and would play the game again but they can't/won't or don't want to play the game again, one can talk about and relate to what characters they liked/disliked since they will have gotten a chance to get every character.

  8. To clarify, the theater is Venetian style as there are gondolas in the background surrounding the stage that the dancer is performing on.

    Due to her distressed look, it's highly possible that she is either captured by the Western faction and forced to dance for the king's amusement or, as you said and I hypothesized in another thread, she is there for an unpleasant ulterior motive, such as dethroning/assassinating the king. Overall, we can tell that she doesn't want to be there.

    For the Dark Knight at 1:10, I was under the impression that he/she was recruitable, unless you have to talk to him/her repeatedly throughout several chapters in order to recruit this Dark Knight. Also, the sprite is a little different compared to Marx's design, as the sprite has the ridiculous high collar of the Dark Knight and Marx doesn't have that collar in his portrait. However, maybe in this Fire Emblem, Marx's sprite as a Dark Knight just has the generic Dark Knight design and his head? Hm, this detail could change but we'll have to wait for the next trailer/informational video.

    On the topic of the Dark Knight, he's definitely not your generic unit. He has hair! He's also not a boss unit, because he doesn't have the special shield indication that bosses normally have. So he's probably recruit-able.

    (and possibly Marx)

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