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Posts posted by SilverRegret

  1. hello..
    its been a while since i visit this thread.. and after yesterday struggling trying to downgrade my firmware from 9.5-023 back to use the browser exploit,
    finally i gave my MU a galeforce skill. yay !!!
    erm.. first of all, i wanna say thank you to VincentASM who made a good tutorial for us.
    it really help me a lot. thank you very much..

    secondly.. um could i ask a few question?

    1. can i say, change some of the character name permanently through game?

    for example, i wanna change back Panne's name back to Velvet (as the japanese one)

    its just my personal taste, but i think velvet sounds more cute than Panne.
    can it be done by the hack? if it can be done.. um could anyone provide a tutorial or a hint maybe, on how to do it?

    2. if i wanna make, for example sniper/ gryphon knight who can wield sword can it be done? if it possible, may i ask what should i change?

    3. haircolor change.. i seen few post of hair editing.. but once again, may i ask for a tutorial or an example perhaps?

    well that's all i wanna ask..for now.
    i hope someone could help me, and thanks a lot before..

  2. um.. sorry for bothering u guys..
    but, can anyone explain or maybe gives us step - by step on how to modify the rom/ save data?
    what tool to use etc perhaps? if its not too bothersome..
    im still a newbie here but i'm willing to learn to hack my FE:A.
    i just wanna give my male MU galeforce,
    and if not too hard, balance the character (like cherche who never got galeforce) or make the children as its default hair but with a good skill..
    thank you before and..um sorry if i post it on wrong thread.

  3. Hi all, im new here.. huff.. creating an account just to ask you guys,
    how's awakening hacking development? any other development/ news?

    i heard Vincent posting about character editor modules, anyone could help me on how to use it to replace a skill, for example, galeforce?


    i own a 3ds fw 4.5 with gateway flashcard on 2.7 with savedatafiler and bbbmenu installed,

    so if anyone interested i can provide my descripted savedata

    (gateway [us] FE savedata, descripted via savedatafiler)

    best regards and cheers.

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