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Posts posted by szechuan

  1. On 2/9/2023 at 7:59 PM, DefyingFates said:

    P.S. Take this with a grain of salt, but I think the support points gained from the Arena have also been increased, given how quickly my Louis and Clanne went from 0 to B Support after just two fights. Has anyone else encountered something similar in the last ~22 hours?

    For what I know, Arena has always been this OP. I had Jan train with Jade twice randomly (poor soul) and went from None to B. In my opinion, it shouldn't be so easy to farm them. What is the point of supports then? I think they should be easier to gain in battler and harder to grind elsewhere.

  2. Rosado supports in general are all very cute, and I like his dynamics with Fogado, Louis and Mauvier. I'd struggle to choose one for him.

    Ivy x Diamant is too clichéd but they also look great together. A savvy union.

    Merrin x Citrinne have an intense and unique butch/femme energy.


    I just wish this game had S supports for units, damn...

  3. This is all impressive stuff. Really interesting descriptions, you make Fire Emblem sound like precission engineering. Not too fond of Louis getting that gold, but as you said, it was irrelevant as Chloe could have got it anyway. Please keep doing these, they're great!

  4. 1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

    Assuming he has the proficiencies needed, you have two options:

    1. If he's already in a promoted Class, you can just use a Second Seal to switch to Hero.
    2. If he's unpromoted, then you either need to promote him to one of his default classes OR Second Seal him into Sword Fighter and build him up that way.

    I hope this helps!

    Didn't think about this! Will definitely promote him and then switch. Whew...


    1 hour ago, Hiroki said:

    But, what do you hate about his appearance? I'm a big fan of Hero class in Fire Emblem, in general, but in this one, I find it really ugly. So...I'm sad, ahah, no Hero in my team (except for Goldmary, the only one with a unique look). I make some test regularly of looking of my units, and sometimes take screenshot. I don't remember if I ever did Boucheron hero, but I did others. I might take a screenshot for you maybe

    I haven't seen Hero!Boucheron yet, so can't actually say if I'll like it better, but Berserker's "wild" appareance doesn't really fit his mild character, and Warrior just exposes his torso in a way that doesn't flatter him (he comes as rather bulky in his base armor, and promoted he seems more vulnerable and thin...). I wish he could keep the white armor plates somehow. In general, generic armors using colour palette is a clever idea but sometimes disappoints in Firene & Brodian characters!

  5. Question about reclassing: I invested a great deal in Boucheron, but finds out I absolutely loathe the appearance of his standard promotions. I though maybe Brave Hero will look good on him (anyone has any pictures?). I'm at chapter 14 and he's lvl 16. Do i really have to reclass him into swordfighter and level him up to lvl 10 again? Will he get EXP any faster this time around? Will he have a cumulative EXP gain of 16+10 at time of promotion?

    I really have a hard time figuring Awakening-style promotions, really...

  6. Sorry for having such a bland personality but I want to share how AWESOME chapter 10+11 are. Thematically, these are perfect and unlike anything I've seen in Fire Emblem, almost to a meta level, i.e.:


    The fact that these feel and play out exactly like a final map but you're just done clearing the first third of the game, the fact that there are 3+2 bosses in 10 and technically 5 in 11, and they are all trying to kill you (especially the fact that all 4 hounds are ctrying to catch u on 11)

    Gameplay-wise, they were incredibly challenging for me. I admit I "handicap" myself by choosing units equally across all maps, so I had to bench Chloe for this one and had to spoonfeed characters such as Lapis, but the divided front was too much for me and after many reloads, I had the Goldmary front team join the Rosado front in baiting Hortensia with Yunaka, who had 100% avoid against armors. And that was just the beginning (although Morion and Hyacynth were easier).

    For Chapter 11 I was in absolute despair. I though I could at least change units, because draging Amber and Lapis around... freeze (i think it's called) was a PAIN, I had no healer, etc. Once I made it to the reinforments I could breathe, but I had to resort to giving stat increasing items to my units for the first time to get there.

    All in all, fantastic map design.

  7. 1 hour ago, ChikiTiki said:


    The only unit I’ve been super disappointed in is Alfred. He was never able to get off the ground for me and I tried. I eventually just gave Louis Sigurd and watched him be Alfred but better. 

    Agree. Cavalry in Engage is generally made irrelevant by Sigurd's mobility boost. The only thing special about him is being weak to beast-killing weapons, and there is an abundacy of early game lancers, so he's an instabench for me.

  8. 7 hours ago, Hiroki said:

    My "problem" is with the Armor. They're great with unbreakable, but then, having the advantage of weapon doesn't mean anything with them. You have to either brute force them, use an effective weapon or magic. Doesn't matter for it being with a sword, lance or axe. (But it's not really a problem in fact, you just have to be careful for the enemy phase).

    I mean, it kind of is relevant what weapon you attack Armor with, since after your turn he will get an apportunity to attack you back, and so do the rets of enemy units. So you probably want to attack Sword Armor with sword if there are axes around, and with lance if there are swords or lances around, but never with axe since he may attack you back unless you kill him.

  9. Am I the only one annoyed at how training (idk the name, that mystical portal thing for EXP) seems to automatically increase 1 support rank between the participants? Like I had not even used Boucheron and Lapis in the same map, and after 1 single training they got C rank. Doesn't it defeat the purpose of supporting? Does it get harder to get to B rank?

    Also, can't figure out for God's sake how to get to 1,000p for Sigurd's synchro skill inheritance. I'm at map 8, used Boucheron in all maps, and barely have 800p. Is there any option that doesn't involve spamming Micaiah and getting him overleveled in the process? I am aware there is a soft deadline to get him that skill.

  10. 24 minutes ago, zuibangde said:

    So I'm kinda enjoying the lighthertedness of a lot of the supports. A lot of Goldmary's supports are kinda hilarious although I'd hate to deal with someone like that in real life. Diamant and Timerra's B support is also pretty funny.

    One thing that I do feel 'eh' about is that English translation seems to tone down the sweetness of S supports for characters that are 18+. I just read Boucheron's S support/wake up events in Chinese and he seems a lot sweeter in Chinese than in English. For example, in Chinese, Boucheron says something along the lines of 'Your smile...I will protect it' in one of the wakeup events but the English translation is: 'Don't worry about a thing. I will always be here to protect you'.

    The S support character card also has a slightly suggestive line that roughly translates to 'When the two are alone, they become very passionate' which is completely removed in English.

    English localisation is the worst, more news at 7.

    Spanish also, after a good 3H L11N effort. I am not super proficient at Japanese (N2-3 level), but after starting the game and reading Spanish Vander's "caray!" (kind of a "Gosh!") for a line that had 10 seconds of full Japanese voice over, I had to turn into Japanese. Lots of things I don't fully get, but Boucheron for example comes as extremely sweet and pleasant, he's pure husband material. Pity they turned him into an American average hero in the English L11N.

    Also, Clanne + Framme made me laugh. And so did the absurdness of Etie + Alfred and Alfred + Boucheron.


  11. 3 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    8 reminds me of Unhappy Reunion though, and I remember having trouble with that.

    I feel compelled to update after complaining about Hard/Classic difficulty (around ch.7). Chapter 8 was exactly what I hoped for: diverse objectives, unpredictability, tough enemies... Admittedly handicapped myself bringing lvl 1 Jean, but I didn't expect to reset as many times as I did (the first run I ran out of rewinds just one hit before I could K.O. the boss, and she killed my unprotected Jean, so I had to restard the whole map...)

    Hope we keep getting more of this chaos!!


  12. 10 minutes ago, Usana said:

    I haven't started yet either but will probably go with Hard/Classic unless people keep mentioning Hard getting too easy.

    But first I must finish out some more of my backlog. I need to clear Trails from Zero yet. I am thinking of trying to slot Engage in inbetween the finishing of Zero and the release of Azure but if it takes me too far into February to finish Zero(I am hoping to finish by my Birthday 2/2, but those games take forever so even if I am on the second to last chapter. . . ), I may want to hold off since I have a bad habit of not getting back into Fire Emblem games if I get interrupted mid-play through(never did finish all of the routes in Fates/3Houses because of that). And I worry this one will be worse for that than previous entries since the art style really does NOT engage me at all. I am hoping it will grow on me once I start playing, wouldn't be the first time I disliked a game's character designs at first but came to at least accept them later. Anyways I do have the Divine Edition sitting around for whenever I get to it.

    I HATED the artstyle at first too, and I still hate Alear's design, but the sheer colorfulness of EVERYTHING in the game is susprisingly cohesive and distinctive. It just works when you consider the whole package and yeah, it sets a different tone, but it somehow works.

    That being said, waiting some time to play a FE is always worth it. I entered Three Hosues post-Cindered Shadows and benefitted from QOL improvements over patches, DLC characters, etc. So it's really a good idea to wait on it if you have other priorities.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

    Warrior Boucheron + Sigurd. He has pretty good growth except for offense and movement, two things Sigurd takes care of. He also has a 20% Build Growth, so that's fun. Really so many people were hating on him so I was determined to make him good.

    Say it!! I'm just on Hard/Classic, but Boucheron + Sigurd REALLY is the best combo. His ability to Canto after one-shotting an enemy (or leaving them for any other unit in need of EXP) and moving towards another enemy with full HP so he can make use of chain-attack is godsend, and so is being able to use lances to counter swords.

  14. 1 hour ago, FashionEmblem said:

    Hardest for me was Chapter 5, only map I've had to restart so far.

    Agree! Hardest so far! (Only beat 7). So many enemies, and most likely you'll want to spread your team in 2, which always makes things more difficult since you don't have your whole repertoire anyway. In my playthrough, it was Clanne+Micaiah who saved the day with that teleport, since he could switch team at will.

  15. On 1/22/2023 at 9:23 AM, Taho said:

    I'm on chapter 7 now, and the game is starting to feel increasingly easy in Hard/Classic. I hope difficulty will spike when I face enemy bosses with emblem rings.

    Same here. I had a pretty fun time in prior chapters, having to even use my 10 rewinds in Chapter 6 and reset the tutorial with Lumera... but Chapter 7 was just a cakewalk; not a single rewind/reset, no units lost, almost all oneshots... And I haven't grinded or done any paralogues, and instabenched Vander.... Should I worry that I reached the point where my units are invincible, at level 7? Will having more units to spread EXP on balance things out?


  16. 14 minutes ago, Metal Flash said:

    Supposedly, the localization removed the implications of romance from the S-supports of characters age 17 or younger. And yes, plenty of people online have shown anger and/or disappointment at this. Some are just confused why Alear(17 in game) can marry guys in their 30s or 40s, but not fellow 17 year olds

    I mean, if any of the datamined Japanese language texts are true, then it's not "supposedly", it's quite a fact. I personally don't care, because I'm not playing the game in Eng anyway (either Spanish or JP to learn), but it seems like a rather stupid and gratuitiously controversial move. Both  the fact that they censored Alear romancing 17 year olds and also the fact that they had to put their ages anyway. Just the fact ythat you have children in your army lol

  17. 7 minutes ago, EarthboundAddict said:
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    Now that we have a good indication that romance is back I am dying to know who the mlm/wlw options will be this time around. 


    My forecast on gay romance:


    Three scenarios about mlm wlw: if 28 is the number of romanceable characters by m!Alear or f!Alear, then we're garanteed to have either (a) a fair amount of "bisexual" characters, (b) several platonic S endings or (c) everyone is bisexual but the pool of romanceable characters is limited


  18. 1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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    It appears Lindon is in chapter 18 as an enemy that can be recruited by Ivy or Hortensia. Maybe Alear too.

    I hope Saphir doesn't take much longer. I'm okay with them being somewhat late, but I'd like to have them for longer than two maps haha.


    Sorry, baby-face generic-robes grandpa can't join my hot people liberation army, Miss Ivy use Nosferatu. Now can Griss or Zephia take that empty place? 🙂

  19. Isn't 15-16 chapter far too long for recruiting a relatively small cast? We had all main cast in Awakening by chapter 13 (assuming the leaked character is kind of Say'ri in that they join at the end of mid-game and are separated from the main cast), and with this game's lack of abundant paralogues I fear Rosado and Goldmary (my two fav designs lol) will get so very little time to shine... We're stuck with Alfred forever lol.

  20. 13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    While I disagree with your assessment of Vandad... Let's not forget these two exist. Of course, they're super unlikely to be playable, but... hey!

    Also, three pages of the official artbook were leaked just yesterday. If you don't mind delving into leaked territory a bit, check this out. See if you like it better.

    Leaked images of Engage's artbook ahead. All things considered it's minor spoilers, but click at your own risk.

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    I mean, sure, she looks a bit like an older Jade, but "dark-skinned old woman knight" is like, everything I never knew I needed from this series.


    And then we just regular old guy Lindon.

    These two are likely to be playable, by the way, judging by the stamp and their placement right next to fellow playables Yunaka and Anna, respectively.


    Morion and Hyacinth look fine! Morion is very well executed, although both are quite "plain". And about the leaked characters:


    Saphir looks wonderful; older women are so refreshing in video games. But the priest? He has exactly the same problem as Vander: grey hair and beard suggests 40-50+ years (and him being a consacrated priest would suggest even older age), but their skin, weirdly full eyelashes and complexion make them look no older than 24, and the beard looks very poorly implemented, as tends to happen in 3D anime.


  21. Characters I think I'll like:

    - Fogado: Handsome, funny and nice mount archer class. His design is one of the best. Would romance if possible.

    - Goldmary: Pretty armor, cool name, underrated class. I like all Elusians really.

    - Rosado: Incredibly cute, I don't even care if he's Forrest 2.0, feminine straight men deserve to exist too. I think him being a wyvern rider is super cool too.

    - Kagetsu: I like my token fake Nippon character.

    - Timerra: Same as his brother. She has the best design and looks the most likeable of all royals.

    Celine, Etie, Citrinne, Panette, Seadall and the twins also have appealing designs. All four hounds also look awesome and I wish they become playable.

    Characters I'm still unsure about :

    - Ivy: She has potential, but I fear she's just going to be waifu material but without the campiness of Camila.

    - Alcryst: I like his design, but if he ends up as annoying and coward as Bernadetta it's going to get tired real soon.

    Diamant, Yunaka, Boucheron, Lapis, Hortensia, Louis, Bunet and Merrin are all OK or neutral. I need to know Kagetsu's personality to know if he's just going to be too edgy or not.

    Characters I already dislike:

    - Vander: most disappointing character; I really disliked him since the first leak and I'M a bara fan. He just looks like a child with a beard on. I'd rather have just young characters because Engage style really can't handle mature characters.

    - Jade: I hate the "le professional hard-working warrior woman" trope. It doesn't help that she has an absurdly ugly ponytail and, like most post-3H, she suffers from same-eye-and-hair-colour syndrome...

    - Pandreo: super ugly colour palette, strangely uncomfortable face, ugly armor design. In general, healer units are boring.

    - The alpaca guy: he is going to be such a bench warmer.

    - Alfred: as most people have said, there is something wrong about this fake Dimitri attempt.

    Loli Anna (unless she's hilarious) and Jean are also incredibly unappealing characters to me.




  22. More than the stupid gender-lock, it's the weird abscence of a pegasus advance class... Surely pegasus have nothing to do with falcons? I can tolerate it if is optional, such as Wyverns turning Griffons in Awakening or Pegasus turning Kinshis in Fates, but having no other choice...? I don't really look forward seeing Chloe ride a giant ass bird.

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