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Everything posted by dragonlordsd

  1. I believe all the weapons can be used by anybody, but those with matching crests get a special passive from holding the weapon and a unique combat art. Which weapon is it?
  2. Nice. Ingrid is surprisingly tanky, so it's interesting to see that confirmed. Lysithea's low ranking is a little obvious once you realize she has the lowest strength and defense by 3 points each. I thought I got lucky with Hubert being almost as powerful as her, but he's only got slightly lower magic and speed growths.
  3. For future reference, this should go in the general thread. It definitely was not censored. In truth, no one knows about the sauna. So far, there is no evidence it actually exists, and it may have been removed from the game fairly late in development. There are no screenshots or videos that show its interior. The most likely explanation is that it will be dlc, but we'll keep looking.
  4. As far as I can see, numerically, Blue Lions is the route to get the MOST characters, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. I think the only ones you don't get are Edelgard, Hubert, and Claude.
  5. I think you are mostly right. The exception is for magic, since spell lists aren't random, and are different for each character, so it's not hard to set up a tiering for that. Even if a character gets rng screwed, spells like warp, meteor, dark spikes, rescue, etc. will all still be pretty handy.
  6. Definitely. In that way, I feel like the best balance for bows would have been to class lock it, like they did with magic, but even then bow knights are still a bit ridiculous. At least you can't forge tomes like you could in awakening...
  7. @Silly It's less that bows are broken, and more that they haven't been balanced to fit in with the amount of options you as a player have. Throughout fire emblem history, weapons were always class locked. If you wanted to use bows, you had to be a class that could use bows (which changed pretty frequently. Heck, paladins could do it at one point). This meant that, say, in shadows of valentia, you had units that just straight up could NOT use bows, even if they wanted to. Further, weapon levels were purely tied to weapon usage with no tutoring option to boost them. So if you wanted, say, Ross in sacred stones to promote to warrior and start going crazy with bows, you had to grind out the bow exp. Here, those penalties don't apply. Any class CAN use bows, and anyone who wants to use bows simply has to be tutored enough to unlock it. While the strengths/weaknesses system does put at least SOME limits on this, the game hasn't really been rebalanced to accommodate this, and so you have the present situation. That said, magic is still probably more broken in this game, but magic has always been a little broken in fire emblem.
  8. I believe it is impossible to recruit Catherine if you are on black eagles. I haven't finished yet, but I couldn't recruit her, and I tried pretty hard. It may (or may not) also be impossible to recruit Cyril, I also couldn't recruit him, but I didn't try super hard in his case.
  9. Got this last night. I knew it gave you more fish, but it also gives you professor exp for each fish you catch. This works out to about 60-120 professor exp for each bait you use. I got 2000 professor exp in about 20 minutes. I'd recommend stock piling bait for this event.
  10. Not sure which house you're going for, but this is a pretty solid list all around. For the death knight specifically, a combination of Edelgard and Lysithea is generally recommended. Edelgard is generally able to survive at least one round with the death knight. Lysithea is definitely the number one choice for killing him. She gains access to dark spikes for super effective damage, but even without that, she can use Luna to cut through his defenses. The only unit I'd say to put in is Dorothea, due to her gaining some pretty incredible black magic later (meteor and Agnea's arrow). Ingrid may also be worth looking into, I've found her to be very tanky, though her strength is pretty bad.
  11. Dmitri is an... odd choice. Dmitri is an... odd choice. Any particular reason why you like him?
  12. Alois and Shamir doesn't seem to give a relic. I completed it without a single pirate entering the village, just got a bigger reward. For Sothis the knowledge gem is in a chest. The big one is Lorenz, people have been saying there's a staff that give black magic range +2, but I don't know what the details are on that one.
  13. I ended up going with Marianne. I was mainly using her as a support mage, so it made sense to have her double her support role. Plus, she's strong in swords. I REALLY wanted to do Petra, but she couldn't really use magic, so it felt like a bit of a waste.
  14. Strategically, I believe it's worth it to avoid certain classes due to their growth rates. Instead, wait until you're, like, level 20, get the item that doubles class growth, go back to the class you want the skill from, and grind it out. Since there aren't progression trees any more, you can just skip cavalier or pegasus knight and go straight to paladin or falcon knight.
  15. I think you can under... roster? It's somewhere in that menu, which has like six tabs. You have to hit x... or y... I don't have it in front of me right now.
  16. Stat fixing items are periodically available through quests and green house. It'll mean using most of them up, but you can spam the relevant dracoshields and such to catch her back up.
  17. This seems so weird to me. Byleth's stats are so obviously skewed towards one class line, but ALL of their special abilities are magic based. Their unique master class can use magic, and ALL of their unique combat arts are magic based, not strength based. However, their spell list is... quite subpar. They do get Aura for Faith, but they don't get warp, fortify, physic, ward, or rescue. Their reason is even worse, they just cap out at Ragnarok. @DragonFlames Well, compared to legendary weapons in the series history, they're more useful than normal. For starters they are way more powerful than they've been in the past (not counting geneology and thracia), they unlock unique combat arts, they give unique abilities just for holding them, and you actually CAN repair them (though as you said, it's generally not worth it) where previously it was outright impossible.
  18. Weird that they left the tag in. The door even has custom model and texture (the red panes and stuff).
  19. Wait, does no one actually know what the sauna does? Does it do nothing? I just assumed I hadn't unlocked it yet, but that it would unlock eventually.
  20. Definitely. She's got 45 base magic growth, the fourth highest in the game. Good speed, good defense, and the highest strength growth. She's pretty monstrous. Edit: also, checked the class stats, she gets additional magic growth in both of her unique class promotes. +5% from armored lord, +10% from emperor. She also gets seraphim in faith for super effective against monsters (another thing Lysithea gets as well, so chalk another point up for her). Seriously, why can't she use magic? She's the only lord to get magic growth from a promoted class.
  21. Excellent. It's a cool skill, but it's just overkill on her. She's already so powerful, and even if she were to run out of spells normally, she also has access to gremory, which doubles her spell usage. Marianne, on the other hand, could really get some use out of it. Still, she does have the Charon crest as well, so she can still get a crest boost on it, just like her magic. Idk, maybe a forged sword with ridiculous crit could be used... somewhere. Probably not. It's also a shame that Edel, the only other character who gets Hades Omega, can't really use it at all.
  22. I got him with her with Luna, I had just recruited her. I'm also interested in Soulblade, because she's the only one who can do it (as far as I know. Correct me if I'm wrong) Apparently it scales off her resistance? That said, with the sheer amount of spells she has, I don't know if it'd ever be super useful. Unless it adds the sword stats too? Something with that?
  23. Sorry, just to clarify, she's still S tier, no question. Her spell list flattens everyone else, even before you add in stats and crests. I just found it interesting. I wonder if it's worth trying to work on her defense with stat boosts and stuff.
  24. Yeah, I'm wondering a bit about the teachers. For reference, this was Shamir when I got her at level 11: HP: 34 Strength: 20 Mag: 8 Dex: 22 Speed: 17 Luck: 17 Def: 13 Res: 8 Cha: 13 That was about the same as Edelgard, who was level 18, just with less defense and more Dex. Unless her growth rates are absolute garbage or she gets totally RNG screwed, she'll lap every other student I have. Are teachers/knights just objectively better than all other units, or is there some penalty for them? Since everyone learns different spells, the spell casting tiering is pretty easy. Dorothea, for example, learns both Meteor and Agnaea's arrow. She's the only one to learn both. Only Hanneman can learn Meteor, and only Ignatz and Rhea can learn agnaea's arrow. Lystheia in particular is interesting. Although she learns Hades and Abraxas (one of only two to learn it), she doesn't get meteor, bolting, mire, thoron, death, or bohr... basically all the things that would keep her out of harms way. All her spells are limited to 2 range max.
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