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Gordon Freemeow

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Posts posted by Gordon Freemeow

  1. Why must all this speak of Fire Emblem be said in my presence? D:

    Fire Emblem discussion on a Fire Emblem forum? This is preposterous!

    I never once saw a forum where people actually talked about the topic it was 'bout this much.

  2. No one expects him to be the best admin, but he should at least not pull stunts he wouldn't want his own members/staff to pull. Having to apologize this much is kind of a problem.

    That said, I was moving into my room at school and I have no idea what happened, so I can't really judge the apology.

    Just throwin' this out there, but I just want to know: What would people do if he didn't stop pulling these "stunts"? What exactly is the plan then?

    Also, why not chastise him for the mistake, instead of the apology is what I'm really asking. I mean if he admits he did wrong, then tearing him a new one doesn't help.

    He would lose respect, and with a loss of respect is a loss of power over your member base. Some would leave, but some would just cause shit. And once you ban a large group of people, the place kind of loses its spunk. And once that happens, the forum generally dies completely. If you can't follow your own rules, then you're a hypocrite, and neither you nor your rules are worth obeying.

    Just because someone apologizes doesn't mean everything is honky-dory. If BK or anyone else who was involved doesn't feel like the apology was worthwhile (e.g. a lot of "well I was justified in doing this") or heartfelt, then there's reason to question it.

    Something tells me not enough people would care to kill the forum, but to each their own.

    You don't have to care.

    What I mean is not enough people will care to get pissed off and leave and accumulate to a high enough number to where it would kill the forum. I RARELY see that happen on any forum no matter how corrupt the staff is. Hell, you ever been to Datebayo? They ban you for all kinds of dumb shit, and yet their site is still thriving. The staff treats everyone like utter garbage. Something tells me people aren't here for the staff to treat them like this is a democracy...

  3. No one expects him to be the best admin, but he should at least not pull stunts he wouldn't want his own members/staff to pull. Having to apologize this much is kind of a problem.

    That said, I was moving into my room at school and I have no idea what happened, so I can't really judge the apology.

    Just throwin' this out there, but I just want to know: What would people do if he didn't stop pulling these "stunts"? What exactly is the plan then?

    Also, why not chastise him for the mistake, instead of the apology is what I'm really asking. I mean if he admits he did wrong, then tearing him a new one doesn't help.

    He would lose respect, and with a loss of respect is a loss of power over your member base. Some would leave, but some would just cause shit. And once you ban a large group of people, the place kind of loses its spunk. And once that happens, the forum generally dies completely. If you can't follow your own rules, then you're a hypocrite, and neither you nor your rules are worth obeying.

    Just because someone apologizes doesn't mean everything is honky-dory. If BK or anyone else who was involved doesn't feel like the apology was worthwhile (e.g. a lot of "well I was justified in doing this") or heartfelt, then there's reason to question it.

    Something tells me not enough people would care to kill the forum, but to each their own.

  4. Actually just offended. Comic Sans alone looks awful.

    There is truth in this statement.

    Too bad the default font isn't much better.

    Better than Comic Sans. :\

    Comic Sans gives me the impression that someone is childish, and young. Your font is part of the image you give off.

    Awesome, while I do consider myself somewhat childish, I'm young too(18). Folks on this site has mistaken me for a 14 year old anyway.

    If that's your thing, then go for it love.

  5. Actually just offended. Comic Sans alone looks awful.

    There is truth in this statement.

    Too bad the default font isn't much better.

    Better than Comic Sans. :\

    Comic Sans gives me the impression that someone is childish, and young. Your font is part of the image you give off.

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