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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. I'd watch your LP. I voted Starfox though because it's the only games out of those I've never played. Well I've never beaten any of them but I've tried them.
  2. Recommendation for anyone going to play the game, bring tissues. @Raiper, [spoiler=that fight] There are different ways to end Toriel's fight and depending on how you interacted with other monsters you can change Flowery's dialogue at the end. Also, get to critically low hp and let her attack you. I'd say open up the spoiler after giving the fight one more go. [spoiler=Different Ways] Keep selecting spare until the battle ends Keep selecting spare until she stops attacking for 3ish turns, then attack her. There are quite a few secrets and endings to go for in the demo. [spoiler=Ending Factors] Kill/save Toriel then reload and do the fight again. Either killing her or sparing her. The game remembers what you did on previous saves and Flowery addresses it directly. [spoiler=Two secrets] Go back into Toriel's house after killing her, listen. Go back to where you fell at the start after sparing her. Edit: I just realized how many spoiler tags I have and how good the demo is.
  3. How did this guy even get command. His plan is to charge us even though we need to move forward. He could just hold where the ballista is and shoot us from afar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldens02e1tY&feature=youtu.be
  4. I'd probably guess around 20%-40% if it gets to be one of the big daily deals. 10% sound right for when it isn't on the front page though.
  5. Starting my Amiibo collection today! Three cheers for Link's ugly rectangle. Seriously why isn't it clear? Peach and Samus' aren't yellow.
  6. Severa because she's already a bitch. WCWY hire as a hitman?
  7. Steam always has something on sale, with how popular the game is it will probably go on sale during autumn. Even if they skip the autumn sale, which is unlikely, they'll probably put it on sale with a daily deal or weekend deal.
  8. Has a sig of the most terrifying enemy in a video game.
  9. Neimi, just put her in an archer box. WCWY get to be your bodyguard.
  10. Banned because squealing is for piglets.
  11. Because Inigo needs Indigo hair. Totally true. Why can't I figure out what avatar to use.
  12. Gamefaqs ever since I looked at their fire emblem forums and faqs.
  13. I'm hoping it goes on sale for Halloween, even if it doesn't I'll still get it. The demo was amazing. [spoiler=Bad Demo ends] I almost cried when I actually fought Toriel and beat her. Then I cried when I got her to do her speech before attacking.
  14. This entire chapter was pointless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2cFKTs89iE&feature=youtu.be
  15. M!Kamui to Zero to get rid of his daughter in Nohr. M!Kamui to Anna otherwise. F!Kamui to Flannel or Lazwald. No 2nd gens so I'll just vote the cutest.
  16. Imgur is being mean and won't let me upload the stat pages. Basically I used the robe on Lyn and our gay monk joined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAyjfhci7Bs&feature=youtu.be
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