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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Random Vote stage I think. People just randomly vote and usually make a joke or say high. Except that one joke took 6 minutes to make.
  2. I took 6 minutes to try and think of a joke. I'm not very good at jokes.
  3. I thought I was going to be the 2nd rvs but I was too slow.
  4. ##Vote: Supershyguy94 You can't trust anyone with numbers in their name.
  5. I'm currently reading Lies my Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen. I borrowed it from my history teacher, and apparently this is his 4th copy since someone keeps stealing his.
  6. Anna rpg with every character as Anna. Or maybe a pachinko machine.
  7. I hate this level, it's tedious and you just do the same thing again and again. [spoiler=Chapter 4] Hurrah for endless waiting! By moving Wil to the left wall he can pull the enemy archer and finish him next turn. Kent has to move one space right so next turn Dorcas can help KO the enemy next turn. Sain can kill enemies on his own so he gets to sit left of Sain. Florina doesn't need to move so Lyn goes next and waits right outside Dorcas' range. Enemy phase. Kent is attacked by a bandit and gets nothing from his +1 spd. [spoiler=Kent vs Bandit] Random merc attacks the wall. Bandit #2 attacks Sain. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Sain levels up! Planning ahead is fun. [spoiler=Wil vs Archer] My turn finally. Now Lyn can recruit Dorcas. So Dorcas can attack the enemy Kent can't kill. [spoiler=Dorcas vs Bandit] Sain attacks now clearing out the last weakened bandit. Making room for more next turn. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Even Wil can finish off his weakened enemy. [spoiler=Wil vs Archer] Now Kent gets to join the do nothing gang. And gets attacked first [spoiler=Kent vs Bandit] Now its the merc's turn to advance. [spoiler=Sain vs Merc] No not the wall! Lyn's turn to fight. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Now Florina gets to hold the right side and Lyn gets to do nothing. Now Wil gets to chip away at the merc before he gets inside. [spoiler=Wil vs Bandit] Sain's turn. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Finally a bandit Kent will have to finish off. [spoiler=Dorcas vs Bandit] Now for Kent to actually help. [spoiler=Kent vs Bandit] You know exactly what's going to happen. [spoiler=Kent vs Bandit] Sain's turn to do the same thing again. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] More chip damage on the merc. [spoiler=Wil vs Merc] Wil levels up! Dorcas do the thing again! [spoiler=Dorcas vs Bandit] Well at least that's different. Sain doesn't get to do anything different though, he can't miss. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] I am incapable of not doing the same by this point. [spoiler=Kent vs Bandit] Kent levels up! Lyn will have to finish off that bandit now. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Lyn levels up! Enemy phase, and thank god for Florina's personal iron lance. [spoiler=Florina vs Merc] One of the last bandits I have to deal with. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Florina actually gets to fight now. [spoiler=Florina vs Merc] Goodbye Lyn is going back into do nothing territory. No enemies can cause anymore problems so I just send Sain out to get more exp. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Oh my god it just keeps going. I hit the image limit. I'm not going to post the rest of this map. I'm done with this I hate this map and I'm going to play some relaxing Dark Souls.
  8. I just realized Lyn will have 4 strength forever. Why did I start on her mode again? [spoiler=New Unit Stats] [spoiler=Chapter 3] Our merry band of scrubs comes together. I do not remember route being so common last time I played Lyn's mode. Lyn being our slowest unit has to be the one to recruit Wil. Now its time for more weapon swapping. Florina gets to take the iron lance this time. The reason I'm not just attack with the slim lance is I need to keep it for as long as possible since Florina loses 4 speed if she tries to use anything else. It also helps that I need to weaken this enemy here. [spoiler=Florina vs Archer] Florina hits for half of his hp (9/18) Now for Sain's next meal. [spoiler=Sain vs Archer] Sain finishes off the helpless bandit before he even got a chance to move. Wil is pretty helpful until I get Rath, then he's pretty much outclassed. None of the enemies can get close enough to attack any of my units, meaning I get to take the forest and enjoy my avoid. Kent would like he weapon back now though Florina. Rescue should never have been removed, its a fun mechanic. Now Wil gets to do his job, chip damage. [spoiler=Wil vs Bandit] Wil shoots the bandit (11/20) hp remains. Sain's two extra points in strength make a huge difference. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Sain KO's the bandit. Enemy phase is easy when you're invincible. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] The bandit misses his attack. Sain counters (10/21) hp remaining Archers are funny. [spoiler=Sain>Kent] Now I can clear out 2 more enemies and prepare to finish off the rest of them. First I'm going after the top house though. Now I can drop Lyn to block the bandit from the queen of squishyness. Bandit will now be killed next turn. Of course this one gets to die today. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Bandit is KO'd thanks to Sain. Now for Wil's niche to come in again. (SF won't let me post Wil walking to the Merc.) [spoiler=Wil vs Merc] Wil hits for 9 damage (7/16) hp. This is why Kent gets to keep his lance. [spoiler=Kent vs Merc] Kent Ko's the merc. A new challenger has appeared! And its just another clone. [spoiler=Kent vs Lucina] Lucina hits Kent (17/20) hp. Kent counters and damages Lucina (5/16) Kent levels up! Lyn shields Florina from danger with her face. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Bandit misses Lyn. Lyn counters twice (7/21) hp left. Unlike Sain, Kent can actually be hurt by archers. [spoiler=Kent gets shot] Tis nothing to a knight (15/20) hp. Now we can visit the village for money. And then move Florina to attack next turn. Now for Lyn to kill that bandit. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Goodbye faceless bandit. Now Kent's turn to finish off an enemy. [spoiler=Kent vs Dark Pit] Kent destroys Dark Pit. Chip damage opportunity #3 [spoiler=Wil vs Merc] Chip damage (7/16) hp. Sain gets even more exp now. [spoiler=Sain vs Merc] Sain finishes off the poor man who was already bleeding out. And levels up for it! "Oh god they're all dead! What should I do?!" [spoiler=Futile effort] Like the bite of a flea (13/20) hp. Now for more sharing is caring. "Can I borrow that?" "Keep it, I'm going shopping." [spoiler=Florina vs Helpless Victim] Florina stabs the helpless man brutally (9/18) hp remains. "Hey can I get that?" [spoiler=Sain vs Helpless Victim] "No please I have a family!" Kent goes shopping. And buys two Iron swords and a personal iron lance. Chip damage #4, boss edition. [spoiler=Wil vs Migal] Or I could just spam arrows from a distance for with zero chance of retaliation. Wil fires and hits Migal (18/25) hp. Oh look the boss doesn't move, how terrible. Chip damage #5, boss edition 2.0 [spoiler=Wil vs Helpless Cripple] Wil hits (11/25) hp. Sain puts the old man out of his misery. [spoiler=Sain vs Helpless Cripple] Cripple is defeated. Are all just a wimpy as you. You put people who can't walk in charge how do you expect to win? The chapter ends and the boss wasn't enough to make Sain get another level :( I always wondered if there were anybody else like Dorcas in the bandit hoards.
  9. /in I won't be on until after 4 pm EST most days though.
  10. FE2: Too different for my taste, it felt much more RPG than most others. FE3: I thought it was ok but never finished it. FE4: I can't get past chapter 1 since the maps are so big. FE5: Currently playing, the translation patch is so bad, but I love all the mechanics so far. Even the ones that screw you over. FE6: Recently finished, it was pretty good and much better than 7. Though the rng is a bit crazy. FE7: Normal everything, it became one of my least favorite on replaying it and seeing the shitty promotion gains. FE8: Pretty decent, though it could be a little harder. FE9: Too slow, it has pretty good gameplay but it takes so long. FE11: Reclassing is hilarious and warp is amazingly broken. FE12: Pretty good, though Marth is a huge wimp. FE13: The best postgame content which is pretty nice.
  11. In chapter 2 I tried to go fast because It makes uploading pictures faster it looks better than sitting around forever. I also try more ways to format battles because the other way looks better but will take too long when more than 6 enemies are on a map. I'd also like to thank the restore post button and nominate it for a Nobel prize. [spoiler=Relevant Unit Stats] [spoiler=Chapter 2] Going after a sword so powerful that it has zero relevance to anything Of course Sain gets the honor of hiding in the forest and getting attacked. I move Kent and Lyn up together. So I can trade Lyn's sword to Kent for the next turn. Then comes our first taste of combat! [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Bandit attacks Sain and misses. Sain counters for 11 damage (9/20) hp. Now its Kent's turn. [spoiler=Kent vs Bandit] Kent attacks the bandit for 9 damage (0/20) hp left and bandit is KO'd! Now for more strategy stuff. Lyn trading her sword away allowed Kent to finish off the bandit, but now she needs it more. Thanks Kent, now that Lyn is prepped for the enemy phase Sain can get onto his most important duty. Attacking a wall. Lyn can put this bandit into KO range for my next player phase and feed more exp to Sain. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Bandit strikes first and misses. Lyn counters (13/20) hp. and counters again (8/20) hp. Since Sain attack the wall last turn with his iron lance we can finish it off this turn. Now everyone gets to enter the temple. Now Kent swap around Sain's equipment so he's wielding a sword This is now my new favorite mechanic in the game. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Bandit attacks Sain and misses. Sain counters and KO's the bandit (0/20) hp. I'm sorry I'm trying to keep it the same. Now Lyn's turn [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Bandit attacks and misses Lyn. Lyn counters (15/21) hp. Lyn counters again (9/21) hp. Sain needs to get the boss exp so Kent gets to attack first. My name is Inigo Montoya You killed my father, prepare to die. [spoiler=Inigo vs Glass] Battle Stats Inigo strikes first. Glass is hit and is down (11/20) hp and counters. Inigo is hit for 4 damage (16/20) hp remains. Now we finish off the six fingered man. [spoiler=Inigo Montoya^2 vs Glass] Battle stats. Inigo^2 swings first. The evil man continues to breath and counter attacks. Inigo^2 loses 3 hp and is has hp equal to his clone's (16/19) hp. Lyn uses up her turn by finishing off the wounded bandit. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Lyn swings first and hits for 6 damage (3/21) hp. Bandit counters and misses (of course). Lyn doubles and finishes off the bandit (0/21) hp. Lyn levels up! Throne heal op. Further proof the Kent is the weaker of the duo. The boss attacks him. [spoiler=Kent vs Glass] Glass attacks first. and misses our brave hero. Kent strikes back for 9 damage (3/20) hp remains. Sain gets to finish off the boss and lets me finally end the chapter. [spoiler=Epic final battle] Thwomp. It might just be my resolution but the capital U's always look like V's This will probably never get used. Now Lyn gets to seize for the victory. And that's the end of Chapter 2: Quest for the Random Sword. You know looking back, I'm not funny at all and should probably focus more on the actual strategies.
  12. Would this be a good time to mention I've never played HHM? [spoiler=Relevant Unit Stats] [spoiler=chapter 1] Chapter 1, nothing too hard yet. Most movement and actions I'm going to be doing for the next few chapters will all be to feed exp to Sain. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] Battle prediction. Lyn strikes first Bandit counters Lyn turns into a ghost to dodge before attacking once more End result Bandit from 20/20 hp to 6/20 hp I move Kent up to below Sain, and trade him the Iron Sword to attack the bandit with. Charge my slightly better Kent! [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Battle prediction Sain goes for the first and last hit End result Bandit is KO'd I'll move everyone so that only Lyn is in the bandit's attack range. Starting with Sain. Then Kent. And Lyn just sits here Enemy phase time. Thankfully the AI doesn't think waiting in the forest is beneficial and charges with almost no hit chance. [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] The bandit takes a quick swipe at Lyn The bandit realized how stupid this was when Lyn countered him. Twice End result Bandit (20/20) hp to (6/20) My turn and I send Sain down to finish off the bandit. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Battle predictions Sain gets to move first and quickly backhands the bandit to death End result Bandit is KO Lyn moves up to hopefully distract the bandit. While Kent goes away because he doesn't have a sword. Unfortunately I have no idea how targeting works and the bandit goes after Sain anyways. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] The bandit leaps forward at Sain and skillfully misses Sain counters with his reality defying horse. End result Bandit (21/21) hp to (10/21) hp Neither of the other enemies move this turn. Sain prepares to attack the bandit. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Battle predictions Sain attacks first and finishes off the bandit End result Bandit is KO Sain levels up Kent and Lyn advance towards the next enemy. The bandit takes the bait this time and attacks Lyn [spoiler=Lyn vs Bandit] The bandit tries to attack first and misses Lyn counters and once more with her weird chicken dance End result Bandit (21/21) hp to (7/21) hp Lyn and Kent ditch this random bandit, and leave Sain to deal with him. [spoiler=Sain vs Bandit] Battle prediction Sain gets to strike first and gets a CRIT End result Bandit is KO The boss doesn't move so the phase pases right back to me and I move towards the boss. FE7 doesn't give all of their bosses a ranged option so he can't take any free shots Lyn decides to sit by the boss and let him attack first, and Sain gets a little closer The boss attacks Lyn *cavaliers [spoiler=Lyn vs Zugu] Zugu attacks first and keeps Lyn's dodge streak alive Lyn doubles and counters the enemy End result Zugu (23/23) hp to (11/23) hp Now for the first thing resembling actual strategy. I move Lyn beside Kent and trade the sword to him. Now its Kent's turn to let the boss attack him [spoiler=Kent vs Zugu] Zugu attacks first and misses again Worse Sain counter attacks End result Zugu (11/23) hp to (3/23) hp More almost strategy happens and Kent trades Lyn back her sword. Now its time for Sain to finish the boss. [spoiler=Sain vs Zugu] Battle preparations Sain gets to finish off the boss You'd have still lost End result Zugu is KO Sain levels up again With that the chapter is finished and Sain is up to level 3. Edit: Another poll has been added, the top 3 with the most votes will be killed off no matter what. If Nobody is voted for the most then nobody will be killed at all.
  13. Hello people! I decided that since I have no more FE's to play through why not try 0% growths? [spoiler=What I'm doing] -3 spoilers will be used -I'm starting with Lyn Hard Mode -I will restart if any units I've recruited or am going to recruit die -I will not be recruiting everyone -If a map is failed I will only post my first attempt and final attempt -I'm sorry I suck so much [spoiler=Strategist settings] Nobody saw anything. [spoiler=Prologue] And so it begins. I'll just stick around in the forest until he gets over here. Reasons why Lyn isn't the strategist #1 We attack and knock this guy down into KO range and will kill him off next turn Now that he's out of the way we'll just walk on up to the boss. I'll just wait here then. Well considering that you can't walk I don't think you'll be that tough. Must have used double team before our fight. Thankfully I don't miss a 93%. Safety first kids. The AI is rigging the game against me. Maximum power achieved Probably because you're a bandit hoard of 2 people. Lyn gets a pretty good first level and we seize the throne for victory. And that's it for the prologue, nothing really changes so I just used my normal strategy to beat it. I actually was hoping I wouldn't have to heal but RNG was mean.
  14. Branched promotions, I love having to choose which promotion to use since they're both usually very different. Most skills aren't proc based. The lords don't suck or drag the team down.
  15. I was actually hoping SMTxFE would be like these games. Overclocked having an 8th day is also really nice for some endings. [spoiler=Endgame]Naoya's path is one of my favorite endings ever. You get to make a huge choice near the beginning of the 8th day that changes the ending. It also makes the angels look kinda the same demons which I liked. Magic is pretty powerful though, bosses usually got killed in one shot with a magic based MU. Though the first bel fight is much harder with magic.
  16. Since I'm going to try and get into mafia so I should probably talk in this thread. So hello everyone and I'll keep those things in mind Quote. I'd also like to ask that people refer to me using only feminine pronouns.
  17. I plan on following this game to try and learn how to play mafia a bit better. Also /sub though I'd rather not be subbed in unless you run out of others.
  18. It was more just really lame after the game said the dragons are stronger in the sanctuary only to be pretty much the same as the ones outside. I might be remembering more killer weapon enemies than there actually were since they were the only ones to really cause me any problems since they always crit me.
  19. I finished FE6 so I've got more stuff to complain about. I hate enemy crits because 3x damage is only fair when I do it. I really wish there were less crit happy enemies in the end of FE6. FE6 enemy Manakete's are doubled by pretty much everything and I wish they had a 2 range stone with weaker bonuses to use. Actually after you enter the dragon sanctuary the game just lost all challenge, it was just send my hyper tank Allen in with a sacred weapon and one round all the dragons. I just started FE5 and so far the only thing I can complain about is the horrible translation patch.
  20. Was Awaking Wonder!!! really an option? There isn't one, though not wanting to romance males doesn't really have much to do with it either.
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