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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. You can put it in a PM or start a serious discussion topic if you'd like. And there are more ways to say you don't like something than calling it disgusting and insulting any feminine guys.
  2. A trans people don't turn themselves into the other gender, they already are. How is this disgusting anyways? Guys can where whatever they want and look as feminine as they want.
  3. How old is he anyways? I thought he was like 15ish. Also its completely fine to have a guy look that feminine so I don't get what the problem is.
  4. Rhinos, give them. skill or something that lets them shove past enemies.
  5. Wendell. Go swordmaster for hyper speed old man.
  6. Magic does whatever the fuck writers want it to. Also scientists are already looking into ways for that to happen. And gay parents having biological children do exist. If a trans girl has frozen sperm she can use that.
  7. In fates they're shoving babies into the hyperbolic time chamber so they can grow up and fight in the war. I think having two gay people have a kid makes the same amount of sense.
  8. I'd rather vote Perceval, but Allen is just being too good to me. He's got 20+ in strength speed and defense.
  9. Quint you underestimate how bad some people are at games, most of these people think it is a sound move to make. I do not like the turn counts in GBA FE for getting supports. It takes longer to get some supports than to finish the game.
  10. Remove the Avatar or make them an unimportant soldier. Remove children. Teach our army how to dress. Bring back shoving.
  11. It'll stick around, even if S supports are cut I think we'll see gay endings for some characters.
  12. Well that's kinda lame, still it'll be fun to have an army of them. Go online with a full team of them.
  13. This will be the only child unit I use. I can't wait to make babies with everyone I come across. Though is the bond unit like a super Kanna with stats/skills?
  14. Rng, pure random fun. Even though its super easy to control everything in GBA FE... Its also the only SRPG I've found that I can enjoy the mechanics of it fully. SMT: Devil Survivor was pretty good but it felt too much like an RPG and not SRPG.
  15. I'm adding long range status staves and Binding Blade chapter 16x to my list. 14 was obnoxious but this one just makes me not want to replay the game again. Also locking players out of the true ending because they missed even one weapon is really dumb. I'm not salty.
  16. 80% of what I've heard about fates. Siege tomes. Animations in some games. How slow PoR is. The huge split in the fanbase when Awakening came out. These, shoving is the best thing from PoR and it got removed. Why would they be thankful? Lots of people bought the game including older players.
  17. Well this will suck. So are they doing the original Megaman or Megaman X? Or do they not know the difference between the two. Also, I thought that FNAF movie was just rumour?
  18. I stopped maining Marth when SSB4 came out, he just felt too slow and weak. Now with all the buffs he keeps getting he's starting to feel a bit more like he used too and I've started playing him a lot more. I like his sweet spot a little less than Roy's but it feels better when you hit somebody with it. I really think Lucina should have been a faster Marth with less endlag on her moves to make up for her loss in killing potential. Why did they make her sword shorter anyways? Hopefully they keep getting buffed, the last patch was a step in the right direction making them faster.
  19. Marth/Lucina and Samus Why must you suck Samus, is there anyone else who wants to try and main her?
  20. Shadow the Edgehog has amazing voice acting with dark and edgy story. I cut myself once taking out the disk.
  21. Banned because that is not the real deal.
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