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Everything posted by Azz

  1. Joker is my type of man.He is straight forward, dedicated and rocks his braid.I wish he and Felicia were the gay options.
  2. But his luck will be terrible.I mean, more then likely he will have a -luk mod and his personal skill dose not help.
  3. Do we know if Nacht is just an unused character or if he is the same as Draj? Also, shouldn't Fuuga be with the playable characters since he is playable?
  4. We don't know.All the streams and videos I have seen don't show reclassing or the new seals.Once people here(e.g Shadowofchaos)start uploading or get the game, we will have more info.
  5. From what I can tell from images of the kids, the following kids have different classes:
  6. I believe all units(That can marry people other then the avatar)are a available in 3rd route.
  7. Unknown at this time, but I believe it may be possible due to an image I seen of Velour as a Dark Princess(Dragon Form). They may be random drops from enemies and you may find some in chests and villages.houses but currently all we know is that they are buyable at I believe second to last level of item shop at a limited quantity and infinite at max level. Only base class and base class promotions.
  8. Well I know what class Harold won't become because of its shitty luck.
  9. If we get a special edition, it may be released at launch.(I am assuming this may be why it is taking them long to localize.)
  10. Eternal are buyable but they are expensive, as in 120000 gold each.
  11. 1.You can get both.Also for the A+ rank thing it only affect one character.E.g.:If Rinkah gets A+ with Kagerou, it won't count with Kagerou so Kagerou can A+ rank someone else.There is not support convo though. 2.You can reclass to their base class.(Or one of their base classes promotions if you are promoted) 3.I can not answer this question.
  12. This time around there are many seals. Master Seal: Allows you to promote into one of two classes. Parallel Seal: Allows you to reclass into a class of the same tier.(You can not go down a tier and your level dose not reset) Everyone has two reclass options, their base and another.Some characters have three, however these characters are mostly prepromotes and have limited supports Marriage Seal: Allows you to class change into the base class of a person you S supported with.(If promoted one of your spouses base class promotion options) Level dose not reset Buddy Seal: Allows you to class change into the base class of a person you A+ supported with.(If promoted one of your buddies base class promotion options) Note: The Avatar can no A+ support, but he can use these seals with anyone he A supported with. Level dose not reset Dread Scroll: Allows someone to class change into the Dread Fighter class.(Hoshido Only.Male only?) Level dose not reset Dark Falcon Feather: Allows someone to class change into the Dark Falcon class:(Nohr Only.Female only?) Eternal Seal: Raises max level by 5.Promoted units only Note:There is no cap on level to my knowledge.
  13. Yes they actually get married and they don't wait till after game. However, for what actually happens, well someone else would be better then me. (I know what happens but it is hard and confusing to explain)
  14. While I have not used them, I know that you at least get two accessories in the accessory shop that are buyable for free, you can recruit them and with certain characters, they have certain dialogue.Also they have personalities unlike the Einherjar and unique skills and classes.
  15. It would not be a bad thing really but it would fuck up the endings and I can already see the amount of backlash and whining. Also the Avatar would be beyond OP.
  16. Well, all the characters that are exclusive to certain routes have supports with each other(E.g Zero and Oboro and Tsubaki and Luna)so it seems like it.Though like I already mentioned:
  17. Go to the third route synopsis topic.On one of the latest pages there is a CG Vincent posted.
  18. From what we know, William is purely an enemy and the only way to show him as a playable unit is hacking.It may not be his game that we are seeing.Also, maybe he just got into hacking.All we know is, William is not playable as he has no supports, no growths and no other class data.
  19. It is most likely hacked.He is purely an enemy unit.
  20. Base on calculations, if your Male Avatar chooses to marry a female who is marryable by other males who produce children, there will not be enough females for every male to produce a child.In order to get all 13 children in Hoshido or Nohr(Or 21 in the 3rd route)with a Male Avatar you must either marry: A child unit Zero(However we don't know if you can even get kids from this) Or one of: Yuugiri(Hoshido only) Crimson(Hoshido only) Anna(Unknown if Nohr only or neutral) Flora(Nohr only) (All are available in 3rd path) (None of these females can S support with anyone but Kamui) With a Female Avatar it is fine(Unless you marry Shara).
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