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Everything posted by Azz

  1. Nishiki is bae.I am not complaining but I wish he was the gay option over Zero.(I still love Zero, but I love Nishiki more.)
  2. Has any one found any supports between Zero and his daughter, Eponnie?
  3. I am pretty sure that is just from Silas being her husband since I don't think they would allow characters to gain extra skills when they never had access o the class in the first place.
  4. So I found this. Draj and Nacht may be playable.(Hopefully)
  5. Sadly none of them are. Everyone you listed but Draj is an enemy you face and kill.And Draj has no supports or growths in the game files so she is not playable.(This is the same case with Nacht.)
  6. I don't recall i bit I think the Spouse/Buddy seals only allow you to reclass to your Spouse's/Buddy's base class and not their reclass option. Regardless: Hoshido: M!Corrin@Light Blood +Str/-Luk w/Mozume!Kinu@Nine-Tailed Fox Reclass Option-Samurai -Sword Faire -Hoshido -Dragon Fang -Astra -Four Fangs(If I am able to reclass into Nine-Tailed Fox)/Aggressor(If I can't reclass into Nine-Tailed Fox) F!Corrin@Light Blood +Str/-Luk w/Rinkah!Grey@Jounin Reclass Option-Lancer -Hoshido -Dragon Fang -Breaking Sky -Flamboyant -Lethality(From Grey) Nohr: M!Corrin@Dark Blood +Mag/-Luk w/Mozume!Velour@Managarm Reclass Option-Cavalier -Luna -Nohr -Diamond Strike -Dragon Fang -Four Fangs(If I'm able to reclass to Managarm)/Draconic Curse(If not) F!Corrin@Dark Blood +Mag/-Luk w/Luna!Ignis@General Reclass Option-Wyvern Rider -Dragon Fang -Nohr -Overbearing -Deadly Breath -Galeforce/Draconic Curse
  7. Well, dammit.So much for the third route being my 'canon' joining the kingdoms route. I really hope it changes though. Actually, do we know any of Yuugiri's supports other then Kamui and Kanna(If she is her daughter)?
  8. Just wondering, are you going to get all the children.If so, if you marry Aqua you will not be able to get all 13 kids. Also on another note, is it possible to get all 21 children on the third route without having to get M!Corrin to marry someone like Flora, Yuugiri etc...I was planning on marrying Azura in the 3rd route.
  9. Regardless you can still have magic as your asset since upon promotion Kamui gets staffs or tomes depending on your route.Also +Mag will be good if you are using one of the Mag based classes(Priest, Dark Mage etc...).I just recommend not making Str your flaw.
  10. True, we don't know the age difference so yeah.
  11. Yeah with the that guy was streaming Hoshido and he was battling Marth, the characters were wreaked in PM.I mean Hana was bleeding from her leg.
  12. I don't know about Nohr but so far in Hoshido, the only known avoidable death is:
  13. Based on information that we have and do not have, the following females are supposedly only marry-able by Mamui: Yuugiri: Golden-Kite Warrior Crimson: Wyvern Rider Flora: Maid Anna: Thief or Great Merchant(I think Thief) These are the males only marry-able my Femui: Gunter: Great Knight Asyura: Explorer or Thief Izana: Exorcist Fuuga: Weapon Master Yukimura: Puppeteer EDIT:I guess I was a bit late.We already ceased the discussion.
  14. I think we can now safely say that if/Fates, amazing.
  15. Man, it really sucks that you can't get all 13 kids on each route without marrying someone your probably don't want to. Anyways, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO GUNTER!!!!!
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