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Everything posted by Azz

  1. So do we know what it is yet. I can see we go up to lv.40 but is that just pre-promotes or everyone?
  2. As long as they don't change Benoit's name to 'Benwa' I will be fine.
  3. If she does come back, I hope it is like FE 8 cause Awakening Spot Pass paralouges really did a lot wrong by fucking up the story.Really only Priam's made sense and even so, it didn't realy.
  4. I agree.I am assuming it may be like FE 8 where post game you can buy infinite stat boosters.(If you have the cash and most likely we will get Golden Gaffe V 2.0)
  5. I now feel bad for spoiling myself.
  6. Hopefully.He may be a Jeigan but he is so sweet and I really like him.Also if I can't have Flora, I want him.
  7. Apparantly Camila can die and based on one of the trailers, I am assuming Elise can also die.
  8. Takumi has mind control powers and is in my room. Plz send help.
  9. Mikoto shall S rank Garon and Garon alone. Regardless if he is playable or not Mikoron is the only OTP.
  10. MIKOTO IS ALIVE AND PLAYABLE!!!!AHHHH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYHDukKqU-8 (Sorry but I love War Mikos and she is one and she is so botiful and ugggg)
  11. SO MUCH DEATH!!!I have not even caught up with everyone.Damn, this game is gonna kill me.
  12. Are Witches and Balisticians DLC or actual classes already in game?Same with Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon.
  13. So we have seen aqua with this lance a lot but she does not seem to have it ever, is it actually a weapon she gets or just there for show?
  14. No, I think there will be a special addition but normally, it will just be sold separately.
  15. I am a bit disappointed that there is only two characters but I guess, baby steps.(Thank fuck Zero is not a gay stereotype) I feel sorry for all the lesbians out there who's only option is not!Tharja
  16. I would have liked if I could have married Nishiki, but Zero is my fifth favourite character from the games(And the third path will be my main file), so he will suffice.
  17. I know this is weird, but I like how they gave all the kids very neutral hair so now my OCD won't kill me when I produce a child with a hair colour that looks nothing like it should.(I am talking about you Nah)
  18. So I have been pretty behind and I have been watching the stream for a bit today(Pretty far behind tho, only making the choice now), and I was wondering did we get any new classes that were not in the class video?(Like Aqua's promotion, if she even promotes) Just wondering.Thanks in advance.
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