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  • Interests
    Fire Emblem, obviously! Pokemon, Final Fantasy and Smash Bros are my type of games!!
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Your profile pic, is that noctis lucis caelum ?

    1. NickStrife23


      Yes! That is him! though I am gonna change it

    2. Chloe Neo
  2. Maybe once you input the amiibo into the game, it saves them on the save file not on the amiibo, then u can use it for Smash and have a character on FE:if
  3. I think they should pull a Smash Bros, and let you be able to train Ike or Robin or who ever, and you get another character. Honestly just thinking off the top of my head.
  4. Currently Playing FE:A while on the bus and or at school, but when I am home, I try to play Fire Emblem for GBA, Lyn's story of how she got that sword made me tear up a little bc she was very humble and helpful and once she was chosen by the sword and her companions are like "Woah thats awesome" she's like nahhh but soon learns that hey, I'm pretty awesome! :3 thats my little rant for the day
  5. I honestly, hope that we can choose which class our MU is. If the character portait chainged with each class, that would be really awesome too.
  6. Thank you guys for the warm welcome!!! I really appreciate it!. (Side note- Been trying FE:A on Hard/Classic, Oh man I have been resetting non stop.)
  7. Hello everyone, I am NickStrife23, but please just call me Nick. My first Fire Emblem game was The Sacred Stones for GBA which I liked but at the age of 10, it wasn't my cup of tea. The thing is, now it obviously is. Other games I enjoy are Smash Bros. Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey, and Final Fantasy Have a good day to you all! Hope to try to be active but I really hope to not bother anyone...
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