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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Pretty easy map compared to all the reinforcements nonsense we've had to deal with of late. Honestly, I kind of liked it more for that. I could use a team that requires more finesse instead of the usual Brave Bow + Dancers or GIANT WALL OF STATS dragon/flier teams. Minerva on my Drive team got the Jamke kill.
  2. I'll wait until I know what Celica's refine is, but I have enough resources for about 3 total. So far I've done them for: Raven, Tiki, Camilla, Nephenee, Marth, Michalis, Minerva, Lyn, Caeda and Corrin. Any recommendations for fun units to refine? Also, what is the better weapon, refined Falchion for Masked Lucina or Sealed Falchion?
  3. In regards to the elements of future months, we have 2 water/earth/fire elements but we only have room for one more fire hero in the grid. Maybe one of those will be changed to wind? Edit: Nevermind, I was looking at the chart wrong. The February hero must be wind.
  4. Micaiah (unless they save her a staff unit for November) would be my preferred blue hero. Other options are Lance Cavalry Eliwood, Mage Robin and Dragon Corrin, perhaps male this time in the same way L!Grima was a gender swap. Awakening and Blazing Sword already have two characters, so perhaps Telliis or Fateslandia are up next. All the legendary heroes so far use weapons available to them. The lone exception is Lucina, but she has bows in her reclass options.
  5. I think the reaction has been less "I totally knew that was going to happen" and more a response to people who stated matter-o-factly that "It's going to be a female red hero because of this pattern, and IS never deviates from patterns" when it comes to speculation.
  6. I wonder if OG Marth will ever get that sword as a refine. OVERDRIVE Falchion is definitely worth it but using the new Falchion on a tactics team would be rad. Just imagine running Marth with a full tactics team and Lancina with Spd/Atk Drive. Marth gets +18/18/12/12
  7. You're forgetting Celica who has a Golden Dagger and magic. Red dagger and red tome right there.
  8. Hell, it's about time, Marth! Heh, the gender pattern is broken. Maybe people will stop putting so much stock into such things. He looks pretty cool and I'm actually missing 7 of those heroes, but CYL2 destroyed my orb supply and gave me little in return, so I'll have to pass. Now, can Julia get that B skill in a refine so she can actually do her job?
  9. FTFY Sorry I doubt Gunnthra will get much more love at this point. She's as underwritten as Fjorm and dies before really doing anything in the plot. All the females on team Askr/Nifl are pretty shallow.
  10. While I don't think Camilla is all that well written a character, I'll agree with this post. Voting for a character you don't really support in order to sabotage a character you don't want to win is just petty. Others' not getting their favorites doesn't serve anyone, particularly if your own favorite isn't going to win as a result. Unless it's the VG, then 'vote' out of spite to your heart's content.
  11. For the probable winners, I'm going with Marth and either Chrom/Alm/Reinhardt for the men's division and Eirika and Loki for the women's. Marth was cheated out of his CYL2 win so he'll get a lot of support. Men's #2 is harder to predict but I think Alm is highly likely to match up with Celica winning. Chrom is also highly ranking and has his playable Smash debut. Reinhardt only has a chance if his meme power stays strong. For women, Eirika is likely for the same reason as Marth (she lost because she got an alt while voting was still being done) and her fans (Ephraim fans included) will want a rematch. Loki will likely win for filling a fanservice role and for having the strongest presence in the story (which before was Veronica). Laegjarn is probably the best written female OC at this point, but her appearances are too sporadic to gain enough fandom. Who I'd want to win, with somewhat realistic chances, would be Marth/Eliwood/Micaiah/Laegjarn Too bad, you're getting a learnin' The way I see it is, Laegjarn is a consistently written character who 'supports' an evil tyrant but doesn't have any illusions about said tyrant being a good guy. The key difference between Surtr and Garon is, Surtr is an immortal fire god and Garon (as far as Xander is aware) is just an old man with an axe. Defeating Surtr is almost inconceivable, and Laegjarn would be used to that reality. It's also suggested by Helbindi that Muspell has always been a brutal society, which further establishes that the way Surtr behaves isn't something new that should be rebelled against. Xander supports Garon even though he knows it's wrong, but simultaneously doesn't think Garon is evil. He constantly flip-flops on this. Even though Garon openly admits he wants Corrin to suffer and die, Xander cooperates with him, which is something I can't imagine Laegjarn doing if her sister were in danger. Laegjarn has all the positive traits of Xander (mostly seen in supports) but not all the bad ones. Concerning Selena who has also been mentioned, I find her a more credible Camus as well. Selena was raised out of poverty and had her entire life defined by Vigarde. That's a credible excuse for her to follow him with absolute loyalty, and unlike Garon who is constantly talking about torturing and killing his children, Vigarde is simply colder than the way Selena once knew him. If I recall correctly, almost no one in Grado knew that Lyon was pulling the strings or that he was possessed by the demon king.
  12. It's marginally better than Swift Sparrow and she'll need healing anyway to use Double Lion again. That said, it's putting all your eggs into one basket (being at full health), and I wouldn't recommend it if you have Swift Sparrow available. Atk/Spd Push can also go to healers who otherwise have limited options for their A slot.
  13. That's a pretty loose theme, isn't it? "People using things associated with other things". Ephraim and Hector are dressed like family members but use weapons from different countries. Veronica has the same movement class as her brother and Celica is just herself with her husband's sword...eh.
  14. Huh, I knew it let Alm have a guaranteed follow up attack but I didn't know it was a Brave effect. (Probably because I've never fought an Alm fast enough to quad any characters). Celica sure looks like she'll be scary to face.
  15. In the trailer it shows that Celica is able to quad despite not using a Brave Sword. Does her B skill give her a Brave effect then?
  16. Heh, Celica looks like the result of one of those wish ruining threads. "I wish for a Celica drawn by Hidari. >Granted, but it's her original Gaiden design" I didn't catch all the skills but from what I gathered, they seem a bit... conservative? I expected some meta counters like last CYL, not powercrept DC and Deathblow. Ah well, this will require further examination. Hector is the unit I want the most. Celica is...well, not what I had hoped for. Don't really care that much about the other two. I hope there is some exciting skill fodder in there.
  17. Advance Wars gameplay with Fire Emblem characters and aesthetics. Considering that most units in AW attack at melee range, even if they use guns, it would be seamless to swap them for melee classes in Fire Emblem. It would be really interesting to see what sort of specialties each character acting as a CO would have. Takumi with extra range on his archer and ballista units, Minerva with extra attack power on all fliers, Hector who has really strong armored units, etc. Unironically, I think a Smash Bros style game with all FE characters would be pretty cool. Featuring the Super Marth Bros, Marth Marth and Red Marth
  18. I pulled another Nephenee, which brings my Wrath fodder to two. I want to save one for potentially building an Ayra later but I was wondering who could use the last one. I already have Nephenee (not for fodder) and Lyn with wrath so I'm thinking an axe user would be nice this time. Any recommendations? Would Wrath on LA!Hector be a bad idea? Would Anna be good?
  19. I'd say that the challenges up to this point are appropriate for F2P players like myself, them being more manageable the longer one has played, but then there is always that crowd with teams of 5* +10 units that complain about things being too easy. I hope to be able to clear this new challenge, but I must say, I only cleared the last Robin LHB on Infernal by the skin of my teeth.
  20. I'm not sure about which parts of my post you're replying to, but I'll try to answer your rebuttal to the best of my ability. In regards to Alm's military success, he (and by "he" I mean "Team Lukas feat. Alm") had a few modest victories before Alm is chosen as the leader of the Deliverance. Mycen might be a legend, but these properties don't automatically transfer to Alm. Alm does give some exposition about him being trained for years by Mycen but there is really only so much you can learn about war and being a good leader from books. Were that not so, even Corrin, who spends his childhood locked in a castle with nothing to do but practice swordplay and read books, would be equally qualified to be a leader. I think I would have been more convinced that Alm makes a good leader if he came up with the winning move that let them retake Zofia castle. That would be a worthy accomplishment that could oonvince the self-doubting Clive that Alm was the fresh blood they needed. The way the game presented itself gave me the impression that Alm is made the leader because the Deliverance threw their hands in the air and said "Welp, I guess anyone can do this job better than I can". I'm not sure what you mean by Alm having flaws. The only mistakes he made are 1. Falling for Nuibaba's trap, which doesn't matter because he just kills her anyway, and 2. Killing Rudolf, who baited the action. Alm could be shaken by killing off two of his blood relatives but it's not a mistake on his part and certainly not something he should grieve over. In regards to Celica, Mila credits Alm just as much as Celica for convincing her to unseal Falchion. The fact is, Celica's actions had borderline disastrous consequences and ends with her admitting to Alm that she was wrong about her perspective on life (and Alm giving her some lip-service about needing her to temper him). I don't have a high opinion of Celica's character but that's probably a discussion for another topic. Indeed, I meant more to categorize Eliwood and Marth into the "Good Prince" archetype. There is nuance to both characters.
  21. While I think he's charming on a personal level, his character proved to be detrimental to the themes of the game and the credibility of the writing. Alm being a good boy who wins battle after battle is not too different from the likes of Eliwood and Marth but the issue I see is that this game called for him not being perfect. Alm and Celica are supposed to be two halves of a whole, but the game shows Alm being right about everything and Celica being wrong about everything. Every decision Alm makes ends up being the proper one, contrary to what his advisors might tell him. Additionally, all the stuff about the value of commoners is thrown out the window because Alm is secret royalty and a child of destiny. I don't believe Alm is challenged in any way, in terms of his military success or his values, like Celica is. Reckless heroism is always the correct answer and Alm will lead the Deliverance to victory despite Zofia's MASSIVE disadvantage (recovering from a civil war, drought/famine, Terrors and the country's reputation as being full of lazy hedonists). Even the 'trauma' of killing off his father and cousin falls flat because he didn't even know who they were (and Berkut was a nasty piece of work) until right before they died. He's not Corrin but he might be Corrin-lite for how effortlessly he takes up the reins of leadership and is praised as being just naturally superior and his contrived despair over family members he never knew. Quoting this because it's true. Micaiah is a messianic figure for the people of Daein and a proven leader by the time she is given her official title. Alm's accomplishments by the point he is made the leader of the Deliverance are rescuing two women. And then he becomes the hero of Zofia overnight because he somehow (helped) retake Zofia castle despite the Deliverance losing badly up to that point.
  22. I don't see this attitude often. Or rather, i don't see it from a lot of players. There is one member here who routinely ignores advice and is loud and angry about their inability to clear challenges easily, however. --- This topic seems really specific to a situation that happens mostly to the OP.
  23. I nominate Mikata for Micaiah and Elinsummer for Elincia .
  24. This is the biggest barrier, I think. When you have bulky armors and dragons, who almost always have DC, clustering Arena, it makes it difficult to engage them, rendering the support function of daggers nonviable. Honestly, with Hardy Bearing disabling your Desperation and Vantage on enemies not being nearly as common as it used to be, I think it would be an improvement on those daggers, and welcome additions into the pool. If daggers are the utility weapon class, more options for patching team weaknesses is for the best.
  25. 200 orbs in the dancer banner and fighter banner and I got: x1 Micaiah x2 Grima x2 Hardin And not a single Effie. Whew, feels good to have some good luck after so many -Atk pulls this year.
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