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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. haz teh bad grammorz nd spalleng liek mee
  2. Eh. That is true. And submissive=/=masochistic. Submissive is just...submissive Masochistic is the enjoyment of pain or abuse.
  3. knows it should be TORN. not Teared. Eh its summer Grammer being bad is excusable
  4. I'm not really into bleeding. Just abuse. Or being stabbed by a loved one right before merging with said person. (Fictional scenario. Play Ragna or Nu's story in blazblue CT for more info) I mean, a blood sacrifice is required for that. But for more realistic scenarios with fictional characters (Well, character. Not plural), or any real person I would happen to like, Just abuse. Like being chained down and well.. lets leave it at that.
  5. Shall know that I find this page of a certain manga awesome
  6. Cosplays only...and thats only like. Twice to three times a year.
  7. Uh. Because I'm maso and Nu is awesome? Calls my desires unusual.
  8. probably has heard the voiceover for Memory of tears and alexandrite Current list of bb songs with lyrics: Love so Blue (Noel) Scarlet Onlooker (Rachel) Flower Blossems (Litchi) Reppu (Bang) Butterfly Sky (Makoto) Dont look Back (Noel vs Tsubaki)
  9. his ragna finally won a match against my lambda.
  10. Got a DP Sword of Destruction to the face
  11. ass kicked by me in blazblue more than twice the amount of matches he won.
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