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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. The one I'm currently working on a cosplay of. (How the hell am I gonna get a wig that resembles Nu's hair.... eh, I have time. My parents won't let me go to otacon anyways.)
  2. When was the last time I updated my sig with something other than a new banner recently? eh. I'll do that now.
  3. knows of the FE12 translation currently in progress.
  4. uh. *Gave up due to the fact that ether would never relinquish that claim*
  5. So long as he doesn't move to songs I listen to, i'm fine.
  6. If you do some sound distorting, it sounds sorta like the ending theme to portal 2. Sort of. ok, not some, a LOT. but. FL studio pretty much does all the work and re-tuning for me. (And volume control and everything else)
  7. *Still thinks Nu is the cutest person/clone/robot/thing ever*
  8. knows I sometimes take my masochism a bit TOO far.
  9. Not down my throat. Through the back of my mouth. I want her to stab me then drag me into a flaming pit with her.
  10. knows or will know I posted a thread in FFTF that can lead people to....question my sanity.
  11. Shall know that I am good at blazblue cuz no bursts.
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