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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Knows though I love wearing my Nu eyepatch, I hate my restricted eyesight. Stupid half blindness T_T.
  2. Knows or will know I have little to no competition with Nu fanboyism. Everyone prefers lambda for some reason. *Not complaining*
  3. shall know that my league bug team is a 3;3 ratio and the bugs are Jask, Shed, and sciz
  4. Shall know I run a bug team in pokemon.
  5. Shall know that after serious blazblue, my hands now hurt. Playing with half sight is hard. BAWWWWWWW
  6. May know of Carl Clover's sister issues.
  7. knows people don't believe me when I say my only tranny activities is with cosplay.
  8. Only for cosplaying. Thats it. I SWEAR! human.
  9. Knows I have the unfortunate luck of being closer to that than most users.
  10. not getting dizzeyed by ruined depth perception even after a LONG time to get used to it.
  11. That I do. Not a pro arcade game player.
  12. Not having trouble with half his eyesight.
  13. Isn't about to be attacked from behind by Rachel.
  14. knows nu can be anywhere from 2 days old to 2 million years due to time loops.
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