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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Help Me? I dropped all of my comboes cuz of the lag. Hazama just rocks when lag gets distracting. Shall know I need to upgrade my internet connection sometime, and ESR does too.
  2. shall know I'm wondering what happened to my xbox live connection quality. Its so lagtastic
  3. shall know I hate warmth. Like. over 85 Fahrenheit warmth
  4. shall know that I'm bored. Hey ESr, get on xbox live. I need someone to train my hazama with.
  5. knows this is still the number 1 pokemon theme
  6. Hmm. I think it was an xdelta patch? If so, use the actual xdelta program and try using cmd to patch with that. The rom, the patch, and the patcher I'm sure he understands. We all understand. There are 10s of thousands of people waiting for the patch. The reason I didn't want to help...at all (Even though I wouldn't be of MUCH use) is because of the stress and pressure of a large community waiting on the patch. I'm sure Vincent, Blazer, and the rest of the team will be bald from hair loss from the stress by the end of this. X_x
  7. I don't know much about creating and modding graphics on ds games. I do know where the graphics in FE12 are stored (Since you told me yourself on FEshrine about a year back) The most I've been able to do is insert map animations though. I think you can open graphics in crystaltile2 to modify graphics. If you don't know how, take a look at some pokemon logo hack guides. Its the same concept. I haven't done any romhacking since 2010. =/
  8. It took me literally 20 minutes per character to find a practical 3K+ corner combo (Except Rachel, Valk, and bang. I can't play either for crap). Not the best result, but its usable: Ragna: 2C(FC)>6A>j.5C>j.5D>dj.5D>j.214C>hj.5C>j.5D>dj.5D>j.214C>(RC)>623C>236C>236C>Dash Under>5C>623D>236C>214D (~4K IIRC) Jin: 2C(FC)>5C>6C>5C>6C>6D>2C>5C>6C>623B>632146D>j.214D>6C> 623B>6C>623C (4.5k) Noel: 6C(Both Hits)>6C>236A>6C>hj.5B.j.5C>j.5B>dj.5B>j.236C (3K) Tao: 6C>236C(2 Hits)>2D>j.2D>j.236B(All hits) (~3K) Carl: 2C(FC)>Wait>3D>[j.2C>j.5B]x4>j.5C>5B>5C>632146C (4k) Litchi: 5C(FC)>2C>236B>236A>236C>236A>236B>632144A>staffA>staffC>5B>j.5B>j.5C>j.5B>dj.5B>j.5C>dj.5B>j.236B>j.236C. (4.5K) Tager: 2C(FC)>5C>623C>41236D>5C>623C>6C>623C>623C>22D (3.5K) Hakumen: 6C(FC)>632146C>(RC)>5B>j.2A>j.2A>Airdash>j.2A>j.2A>j.5C (5K) Lambda: 632146D(FC)>5CxN>6C>236D>214D~C>236C>Dash Under>4B(second hit)>2DD>2147D>5DD>6DD>2DD>j.5DD>j.2DD>dj.5DD>j.2DD>j.214D (6K) Hazama: 236236B>Dash>214D~C(2nd Level Charge)>Dash Under>6C>Dash>5C>6C>Dash>5C>2C>6D~A>4D~A>623D>Dash>5C>6C>2C>236236B>Dash>214D~A (5K) Tsubaki>6C(FC)j.5B>j.5C>dj.5C>j.236D>j.214D>5C>j.5B>j.5C>dj.5C>j.236D>j.214D>236236C (4K) Mu: 6C(FC)>63214C>5C>2C>j.5C>j.2C>dash>2B>6C>j.5C>j.2C>2B>6C>j.5C>j.2C>2B>6C>632146C (6K) Makoto: Anything =D Platinum: (FryPan) 2C(CH)236B>5C>5D>(Dash)>5C>2C>214C>hj.5B>j.5C>dj.5B>j.5C>j.5D>j.5C>j.236AAA (4.5K)
  9. shall know that tales games are fun. Try one sometime. Like. All the way to the end. The beginning is boring and repetetive, then you level up....
  10. shall know I am severely dissapointed that so many tales games are left unlocalized.
  11. shall know that I just find Nu so adorable~ And cool And epic overall and- ok I'll stop now.
  12. Knows we have 10 pages to go till page 10K
  13. Shall know I am working/waiting my ass off waiting for my hair to grow back after that terribad haircut ~2 months ago.
  14. not under 110 lbs in weight as far as I know.
  15. I have, =/ And docters are useless. "Its a genetic issue, Unless you go through multimillion dollar surgery, which possibly won't work, you will go blind in that eye." My mom has this problem too, just to a much smaller scale. And now I'm treated like a cripple X_x
  16. knows I have sight issues in my right eye.
  17. but cosplay is fun, and my nu patch may be part of a cosplay in progress, but its also for regular usage.
  18. I'm glad I have a nu patch, but hate having bad sight at the same time. =/
  19. shall know that as much as I love an excuse for wearing a Nu13 eyepatch, I hate having damaged eyesight.
  20. alright. Here is what you do. FIRST, get the clean rom. Patch it with Blazer's patch. Now open the fixed rom in dslazy and extract the arm files. Now unpack the translated one and drag/drop the arm files from the fixed game to replace the one in the translated one. This should give you both the translation AND fix.
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