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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. I can give you a list of Mu12, Lambda, Carl, and Jin Comboes. And @Below Poster: I like to create my own comboes. Less plagerism, more uniqueness.
  2. shall know I'ma sleep now. Gnite I'm out. *Waves*
  3. Shall know my legs hurt me so bad. ;^; *Likes stinging pain, not aching pain*
  4. Shall know I am the epitome of laziness. Well. One of them.
  5. shall know that the blazblue poster I got at AX has makoto sticking her ass out at the viewer, and platinum watching the viewer with big heart eyes.
  6. The only difference is that since its around where ESR and me live, it coulda been someone he knows. Not feeling the need for sleep, but staying up. To the best of my knowledge.
  7. I didnt. The cosplayers did. No one loves platinum enough. I did snap a Flandre cosplay (Well, a friend did and hes emailing it to me eventually). But you didn't ask for it =P. Shall know I'm tired now.
  8. Knows I'm both sad that no one cosplayed Nu, and happy that that means she is all mine still.
  9. Shall know today at AX, I saw 2 Noel cosplays, 3 Ragnas, 2 Jins, NO Rachels, No Taos, No Carls, No Litchis, No Arakunes, NO Tagers, No Bangs, No Nus (Thank god, Nu is still all mine <3), No Lambdas, No Hakumens, 1 Hazama, No Tsubakis, No Mus, No Makotos, No Valks, and No Platinums Oh and I saw a Sakuya and a Flandre.
  10. shall know I'm out now. *Leaves for AX*
  11. knows I have a half completed Nu Cosplay. aghh so lazy, I am. *Has eyepatch and cloak.*
  12. shall know that there may not be many blazblue cosplayers because its an ANIME con, not a GAME con. >.>
  13. shall know I'm about to leave for ax. *Grabs camera in case I see a platinum cosplayer so I can take a picture to make ESR jealous*
  14. shall know I'ma sleep now to fuel up for getting my ass kicked in ssbb tomorrow.
  15. shall know I may or may not go to ax for the bb tourney on monday. I may wanna sleep. or work on my Nu13 cosplay for IF I decide to actually fly out across the USA for otacon later this month. Or just play ssbb or blazblue.
  16. shall know that I'm having second thoughts about waiting till 6pm tomorrow to play in the ssbb tourney. Hey ESR, theres a BBCS tourney there on monday if you wanna come. =3
  17. Shall know that I have a Nu shape body X_x. Thinness from self-torture.
  18. shall know I will be screwed at the ssbb tourney tomorrow at AX. haven't touched that game in forever.
  19. shall know if I see a plat cosplay, I will take tons of pics to make him feel bad. >=D well, more for him to see.
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