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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. shall know I am working on getting more xbox live X_x
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSlnZxvi37s&feature=player_embedded
  3. shall know that I need very few more materials to finish some of my projects, of which, almost none are done.
  4. shall know that there are/were/sometimes is someone/people i do love IRL.
  5. shall know that my only love is for the women specified in my sig. (And occasionally someone IRL)
  6. shall know that I just need a freaking piece of gray cloth to be able to complete it. (Stupid gray area between the black and red X_x)
  7. shall know that I have started creation of my Nu Patch =3
  8. probably saw my misspelling above. (Cant spell right now X_x)
  9. would like to be tacklehuged by flandre
  10. shall know I'm excited to go to ax. (A little less than two weeks =))
  11. shall know that I am bored right now. of course.
  12. shall know I have 11 more days of summer school X_x
  13. shall know that ffcceot is starting to bore me.
  14. shall know I am starting to hate playing lambda 11 in blazblue because in order to pull off 6K damage heatless comboes, I need to have different timing and a slightly different combo against each of the 18 different characters. (Fuck that, I'll stick with my 3.5K resets)
  15. shall know communicating with JP players on a game with chat is like being an archeologist.
  16. knows pokemon has been hilariously condemmed by some churches. (Random images of church signs on pokemon forums ftw)
  17. not going back to hacking ds games now.
  18. Knows that I don't need to be eyeless to wear a patch. =3
  19. Shall know that though my room is a presentable cleanliness now, the dust that flew around cleaning it pretty much made my right eye useless now. (Worse than before)
  20. knows that I plan on transfering from community college to UC...
  21. shall know its not complaining. its pointing something out.
  22. Will face the power of my new remastered carl next we play blazblue. (You saw that deadly combo in my training video =3)
  23. is giving me as hard a time as everyone gives ragna.
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