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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Knows people like giving me as much verbal abuse as Koko, Rachel, Platinum, and the asian restraunt owner give Ragna the Bloodedge. (Glares at ESR)
  2. shall know that regarding ESR's closest post to my last, I am NOT going to stab my eye out D=< I just can't see very well in that one eye.
  3. SHall know I am tearing apart my house to find materials I need to create my nu patch. Seeing that my right eye is now pretty much useless since its sight a bit blurry.
  4. probably likes my previous avvy better as well.
  5. knows ragna the bloodedge gets a lot of verbal abuse.
  6. Shall know I just spent 40$ on the 3ds blazblue just to get the story and have mobile practice =)
  7. shall know that I am very bored. (Though I just got most of the materials I need for a Nu Eyepatch. =3. Just need a grey ring shaped object about the size of my eye now)
  8. Shall know I'm not gonna play blazblue today.
  9. Shall know I'm thinking "F*** EVERYTHING ABOUT CARL CLOVER* (7:12)
  10. Shall know I'm thinking "FUCK EVERYTHING ABOUT CARL CLOVER" now that I mastered his j.2C>j.5B loop.
  11. Can't connect? Reset router. Make sure everything is plugged in. =) Knows I think esr has an unplugged ethernet cable. =)
  12. I'm going on now. Now's your chance to win while my hands are sore from earlier sessions and chores. X_x knows I'm gonna go play blazblue
  13. I don't need to. I play as equally to my opponent's skill level as I can. I mean, I've proven I can TK, grab reject, and do real combos, but seriously, what is more fun: Playing someone equal to your skill level? or playing a one sided match? May have gotten better at blazblue. friggin ninja
  14. THAT one time. Not THOSE... And how much did you beat me by? how many bursts did I use? Get on in 20 minutes =) Doesn't wanna be a zombie.
  15. I'm not a slime at all. doesn't play blazblue
  16. one last post before lunch: Not a robot AFAIK (And ESR, get on xbox live in an hour =) )
  17. shall know my hands are really tired now... -_- Carl training made me slow when playing actual matches.
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